[DBMA Online Help | README]
This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
This package and updates are available at /

DBMA.cgi V2.3 June 15, 2005 ©Copyright mike at mobrien.com 2004-2005

Help / Support

DBMA.cgi Code Map Index:

#!c:/perl/bin/perl.exe --
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
BEGIN { push @INC, "./" }
#use Carp (); local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck; # dev only

  NOTE: Except for hard-coded RESTRICTGroupID option below, DBMA is configured entirely from the GUI.
        This option was created with Level One Support; Help Desk; or External Client in mind
        REDUCING DBMA FUNCTION to a single group. This mode denies access to other groups, the configuration
        tool and to all global functions. When DBMA has connected and functions to your satisfaction, only then
        uncomment $RESTRICTGroupID and change $RESTRICTGroupIDName to what you like. (See README.)
        If you like, change  "My Group" to a real "Title/Client Name/Domain"; :o)
        Doing so will change the titles and some headings of the RESTRICTGroupID class.
#$RESTRICTGroupID = '3';

$RESTRICTGroupIDName = "My Group";

#DEVELOPMENT: mod_perl/1.999.23(RC6) you will need to specify more exactly the path below for newer ModPerl

our $path = "./";

# DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW HERE. You could break DBMA and even damage your database.
our (
     $ACL_ctrl,                        $addnewaliases,
     $addnotify,                       $addtext,
     $add_MTA,                         $add_user_form_helper,
     $administer_flag,                 $admin_address,
     $alias,                           $ALIAS_AND_SQL_MATCH,
     $alias_idnr,                      $allow_read_mail,
     $auto_create_user,                $andgroup,
     $andmoretext,                     $answered_flag,
     $anyone,                          $buffer,
     $bypass,                          $CFP,
     $changepassword,                  $char, $changecase,
     $check_secs,                      $client_idnr,
     $cmailsize,                       $colortellsastory,
     $count,                           $create_first_alias,
     $create_flag,                     $curmail_size,
     $cur_mailsize,                    $date,
     $dbh,                             $DBMAcode,
     $DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP,              $DBMA_SQL_MTA,
     $DBMAencrypt,                     $DbMailOldVersion,
     $dbmail_acl_table,                $dbmail_aliases_table,
     $dbmail_auto_notifications_table, $dbmail_auto_replies_table,
     $dbmail_mailboxes_table,          $dbmail_messageblks_table,
     $dbmail_messages_table,           $dbmail_pbsp_table,
     $dbmail_physmessage_table,        $dbmail_subscription_table,
     $dbmail_users_table,              $DBMA_DATA,
     $DBMA_GROUP_DATA,                 $DBMA_STATS,
     $DBMA_TIMESTAMP,                  $DBSearchTime,
     $defaultdomain,                   $defaultGroup_ID,
     $defaultmailboxsize,              $deleted_flag,
     $deletegroup,                     $deleteuser,
     $delete_flag,                     $ACLdelete_list,
     $delete_MTA,                      $deliver_to,
     $deliver_from,                    $digest,
     $domain,                          $encryption_type,
     $encrypttype,                     $endtime,
     $error,                           $fetch_mtas,
     $errormessage,                    $fetch_domains,
     $firstalias,                      $FORM,
     $get_message,                     $GroupControl,
     $headers_only,                    $headers_only_sql,
     $headers_results,                 $i,
     $insertnewuser,                   $insert_flag,
     $internal_date,                   $is_header,
     $is_it_new_username,              $is_it_new_userID,
     $is_it_new_output,                $last_login,
     $LIMIT,                           $limit, $listall,
     $line,                            $list,
     $local_name,                      $loginterval,
     $lookup_flag,                     $mailboxsize,
     $mailbox_id,                      $mailbox_idnr,
     $mailbox_name,                    $mailfrom,
     $mailto,                          $maxmailsize,
     $maxmail_size,                    $md5,
     $message,                         $message2,
     $messageblk,                      $messageID,
     $messagesize,                     $message_idnr,
     $method,                          $Missing_In_SQL_MTA, $myClientID,
     $myDBMA_CONFIG,                   $myDBMA_OPTIONS,
     $myGroupID,                       $mtas,
     $MTA_GUI,                         $mymessage,
     $mythisscript,                    $myUserIDdata,
     $name,                            $newalias,
     $newRQT,                          $newuserID,
     $notify_address,                  $Not_Found_In_Aliases,
     $notwsctlchar,                    $numrows,
     $onlytime,                        $onoffcrypt,
     $onoffhash,                       $onoffmd5sum,
     $onoffplain,                      $operator,
     $order,                           $orderby,
     $output,                          $pair,
     $pairs,                           $passwd,
     $password,                        $physmessage_id,
     $placethisforRESTRICTGroupID,     $post_flag,
     $public_mailboxes,                $PROTECTED_SYS_ACCOUNTS,
     $PUBLICuserID,                    $quotedpair,
     $read_flag,                       $reply_body,
     $refresh_rate,                    $require,
     $required,                        $results,
     $rfcsize,                         $RQT, $rv,
     $searchterms,                     $seen_flag,
     $selected,                        $server,
     $shared_mailbox,                  $smtp,
     $SMTP_ServerName,                 $sql,
     $sqldb,                           $sqlhost,
     $sqlport,                         $sqltype,
     $sqluser,                         $sql_odd_port,
     $starttime,                       $stats_on,
     $status,                          $sth,
     $str,                             $str1,
     $str2,                            $str3,
     $str4,                            $str5,
     $str6,                            $str7,
     $str8,                            $str9,
     $str10,                           $str11,
     $subject,                         $text,
     $thedomain,                       $title,
     $use_DBMA_MTA_Domains,            $unique_id,
     $uniquedomain,                    $username,
     $user_id,                         $user_idnr,
     $user_ACL_avail_mailboxes,        $usernameDISPLAY,
     $value,                           $variable,
     $view_userID,                     $write_flag,
     $write_secs,                      $user_mailboxes,
     %alias,                           %domain,
     %FORM,                            %GroupID,
     %line,                            %required,
     %seen,                            %thedomain,
     @components,                      @data,
     @domain,                          @ERROR,
     @is_it_new_output,                @message_fields,
     @MESSAGE,                         @newdata,
     @output,                          @pairs,
     @required,                        @sqldata,
  = "";

    require DBI;
    use strict;
    our $userID;
    undef $userID;
    $userID = $FORM{'userID'} || $userID || "";
undef $RQT;
undef $sth;
undef $str;
our $version = "DBMA v2.3.0";
$ALIAS_AND_SQL_MATCH  = $path . 'DBMA_Matched_SQL_And_Aliases.DB';
$DBMA_DATA            = $path . 'DBMA_DATA.DB';
$myDBMA_OPTIONS       = $path . 'DBMA_OPTIONS.DB';
$DBMA_STATS           = $path . 'DBMA_STATS.DB';
$myDBMA_CONFIG        = $path . 'DBMA_CONFIG.DB';
$DBMA_SQL_MTA         = $path . 'DBMA_SQL_MTA.DB';
$Missing_In_SQL_MTA   = $path . 'DBMA_Missing_In_SQL_MTA.DB';
$Not_Found_In_Aliases = $path . 'DBMA_Not_Found_In_Aliases.DB';
open CONFIG, $myDBMA_CONFIG or die "DBMA Can't open : $!";

while (<CONFIG>)
     $DbMailOldVersion, $sqltype, $sqluser, $DBMAcode, $sqldb, $sqlhost,
      = split /\|/;
close CONFIG;
$sqltype =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$sqltype =~ s/psql/pgsql/g;
$sqltype =~ s/postgres/pgsql/g;
$sqltype =~ s/postgresql/pgsql/g;
open OPTIONS, $myDBMA_OPTIONS or die "DBMA Can't open : $!";
while (<OPTIONS>)
     $SMTP_ServerName, $admin_address,      $defaultmailboxsize,
     $defaultGroup_ID, $CFP,                $DBMAencrypt,
     $defaultdomain,   $create_first_alias, $stats_on,
     $fetch_domains,   $refresh_rate,       $ACL_ctrl,
     $allow_read_mail, $auto_create_user,   $use_DBMA_MTA_Domains
      = split /\|/;
close OPTIONS;
if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
    $use_DBMA_MTA_Domains = "0";
}    # let's enforce this in case Sr. Admin forgets
if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0) { $defaultGroup_ID = "$RESTRICTGroupID"; $GroupID = "$RESTRICTGroupID"; }
if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1")
    $dbmail_acl_table                = "acl";
    $dbmail_aliases_table            = "aliases";
    $dbmail_auto_notifications_table = "auto_notifications";
    $dbmail_auto_replies_table       = "auto_replies";
    $dbmail_mailboxes_table          = "mailboxes";
    $dbmail_messageblks_table        = "messageblks";
    $dbmail_messages_table           = "messages";
    $dbmail_pbsp_table               = "dbmail_pbsp";
    $dbmail_physmessage_table        = "physmessage";
    $dbmail_subscription_table       = "subscription";
    $dbmail_users_table              = "users";
    $cmailsize                       = " ";
    $order                           = " ";
if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "0")
    $dbmail_acl_table                = "dbmail_acl";
    $dbmail_aliases_table            = "dbmail_aliases";
    $dbmail_auto_notifications_table = "dbmail_auto_notifications";
    $dbmail_auto_replies_table       = "dbmail_auto_replies";
    $dbmail_mailboxes_table          = "dbmail_mailboxes";
    $dbmail_messageblks_table        = "dbmail_messageblks";
    $dbmail_messages_table           = "dbmail_messages";
    $dbmail_pbsp_table               = "dbmail_pbsp";
    $dbmail_physmessage_table        = "dbmail_physmessage";
    $dbmail_subscription_table       = "dbmail_subscription";
    $dbmail_users_table              = "dbmail_users";
    $cmailsize                       = "curmail_size, ";
    $order                           = "ORDER BY is_header desc";
print "Content-Type: text/html\015\012\015\012";
$name   = "";
$value  = "";
$pair   = "";
$buffer = "";

if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { $method = 0 }
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET")  { $method = 1 }
$method = $method || 0;
if ($method == 0) { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) }
&MTA_show if (($method == 1) && ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} eq "MTA"));
if (
    ($method == 1)
    && (($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) =~
    @output         = &split($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
    $userID         = $output[0];
    $thedomain      = ($output[1]);
    $FORM{'userID'} = $userID;
if (($method == 1) && ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}))
    $userID = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
    $FORM{'userID'} = $userID;
elsif ($method == 1)
    $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ? $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} : '';
@pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs)
    ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
    $value =~ s/\%40/\@/g;
    $value =~ tr/+/ /;
    $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2,2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
    $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g;
    $FORM{$name} = $value;

$administer_flag = $FORM{'administer_flag'};
$add_MTA         = $FORM{'add_MTA'} || 'localhost';
#( good default initialization of variable as localhost should exist)
$alias           = $FORM{'alias'};
$alias_idnr      = $FORM{'alias_idnr'};
$anyone          = $FORM{'anyone'};
$bypass          = ($FORM{'bypass'} || 0);
$bypass =~ s/checked/1/g;
$bypass =~ s/on/1/g;
$changepassword = $FORM{'changepassword'};
$create_flag    = $FORM{'create_flag'};
$deletegroup    = $FORM{'deletegroup'};
$deleted_flag   = $FORM{'deleted_flag'};
$delete_flag    = $FORM{'delete_flag'};
$delete_MTA     = $FORM{'delete_MTA'};
$encrypttype    = $FORM{'encrypttype'};
$encrypttype =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g if $FORM{'encrypttype'};
our $GroupID = ($RESTRICTGroupID) || ($FORM{'GroupID'});
$headers_only = $FORM{'headers_only'};
$insert_flag  = $FORM{'insert_flag'};
$limit        = ($FORM{'limit'} || "200");
$limit =~ s/K/000/g;
$limit =~ s/k/000/g;
$limit =~ s/[a-jA-J]//g;
$limit =~ s/[l-zL-Z]//g;
$limit = "200"
  if (   (defined $FORM{'limit'} < 1)
      || (defined $FORM{'limit'} =~ m/[a-z][A-Z]/i));
$LIMIT        = ("LIMIT $limit") if (defined $limit > 0);
$lookup_flag  = $FORM{'lookup_flag'};
$loginterval  = $FORM{loginterval} || "4";
$mailbox_id   = $FORM{'mailbox_id'};
$mailbox_idnr = $FORM{'mailbox_idnr'};
$mailbox_name = $FORM{'mailbox_name'};
$mailboxsize  = $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailboxsize =~ s/g/000000000/g if $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailboxsize =~ s/G/000000000/g if $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailboxsize =~ s/k/000/g       if $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailboxsize =~ s/K/000/g       if $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailboxsize =~ s/m/000000/g    if $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailboxsize =~ s/M/000000/g    if $FORM{'mailboxsize'};
$mailfrom = $FORM{'mailfrom'} || "";
$mailto   = $FORM{'mailto'}   || "";
$messageID      = $FORM{'messageID'};
$message        = $FORM{'message'};
$newalias       = $FORM{'newalias'};
$newuserID      = $FORM{'newuserID'};
$notify_address = $FORM{'notify_address'} || "";
$password       = $FORM{'password'} || "";
$physmessage_id = $FORM{'physmessage_id'};
$post_flag      = $FORM{'post_flag'};
$PUBLICuserID   = $FORM{'PUBLICuserID'};
$read_flag      = $FORM{'read_flag'};
$reply_body     = $FORM{'reply_body'};
$required       = $FORM{'required'};
$searchterms    = $FORM{'searchterms'} || "";
$seen_flag      = $FORM{'seen_flag'};
$shared_mailbox = $FORM{'shared_mailbox'};
$seen_flag      = $FORM{'seen_flag'};
$RQT            = $FORM{'RQT'} || "NULL";
$subject        = $FORM{'subject'} || "";
$userID         = $FORM{'userID'};
$username       = $FORM{'username'} || $FORM{'userID'};
$write_flag     = $FORM{'write_flag'};
&clear if (($method == 1) && (($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) eq "makeshortform"));
&connect unless (($RQT eq "29") || ($RQT eq "30"));
&LIST_Group  if ($RQT eq "all_in_this_group");
&LIST_Global if ($RQT eq "any");
if    ($RQT eq "aliases_in_this_group") { &List_Group_Aliases; }
elsif ($RQT eq "0")                     { &make_form; }
elsif ($RQT eq "1")                     { &add_user_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "2")                     { &Create_User_Account_Window; }
elsif ($RQT eq "3")                     { &add_user_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "4")                     { &delete_user; }
elsif ($RQT eq "5")                     { &delete_user_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "6")                     { &create_alias_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "7")                     { &create_alias_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "8")                     { &delete_alias_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "9")                     { &delete_specific_forwards_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "10")                    { &delete_alias_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "11")                    { &Create_User_Account_MODIFY_Window; }
elsif ($RQT eq "12")                    { &MODIFY_User_SQL; }
elsif ($RQT eq "13")                    { &Forwards_SQL; }
elsif ($RQT eq "13a")                   { &edit_forward_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "13b")                   { &Forwards_SQL; }
elsif ($RQT eq "14")                    { &add_forward_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "15")                    { &add_notify_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "16")                    { &add_notify_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "17")                    { &delete_notify_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "18")                    { &delete_notify_form_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "19")                    { &List_Global_Aliases; }
elsif ($RQT eq "20")                    { &List_all_Forwards; }
elsif ($RQT eq "21")                    { &mymailform; }
elsif ($RQT eq "22")                    { &LIST_auto_notifications; }
elsif ($RQT eq "23")                    { &showrecentlogins; }
elsif ($RQT eq "24")                    { &DBMA_ConnectStatus; }
elsif ($RQT eq "25")                    { &mydelete_specific_alias; }
elsif ($RQT eq "26")                    { &password_tools; }
elsif ($RQT eq "27")                    { &password_encrypt; }
elsif ($RQT eq "28")                    { &send_mail; }
elsif ($RQT eq "29")                    { &create_myDBMA_CONFIG; }
elsif ($RQT eq "30")                    { &create_myDBMA_OPTIONS; }
elsif ($RQT eq "31")                    { &delete_mail; }
elsif ($RQT eq "32")                    { &undelete_mail; }
elsif ($RQT eq "33")                    { &search_mail; }
elsif ($RQT eq "33a")                   { &search_mail_extended; }
elsif ($RQT eq "34")                    { &delete_all_mail; }
elsif ($RQT eq "35")                    { &undelete_all_mail; }
elsif ($RQT eq "36")                    { &fix_deleted; }
elsif ($RQT eq "37")                    { &make_shortform; }
elsif ($RQT eq "39")                    { &delete_user_restricted; }
elsif ($RQT eq "40")                    { &delete_group; }
elsif ($RQT eq "41")                    { &delete_from_aliases_sql; }
elsif ($RQT eq "42")                    { &delete_from_aliases_global_admin; }
elsif ($RQT eq "43")                    { &ACL_LIST; }
elsif ($RQT eq "44")                    { &ACL_FORM; }
elsif ($RQT eq "45")                    { &ACL_create; }
elsif ($RQT eq "46")                    { &create_PUBLIC_Account_and_ACL; }
elsif ($RQT eq "47")                    { &delete_ACL_user; }
elsif ($RQT eq "48")                    { &delete_ACL_folder; }
elsif ($RQT eq "49")                    { &update_ACL_user; }
elsif ($RQT eq "50")                    { &add_ACL_user; }
elsif ($RQT eq "51")                    { &add_AutoReply; }
elsif ($RQT eq "52")                    { &delete_AutoReply; }
elsif ($RQT eq "53")                    { &update_AutoReply; }
elsif ($RQT eq "54")                    { &delete_MTA_Domains; }
elsif ($RQT eq "55")                    { &create_DBMA_MTA_Table; }
elsif ($RQT eq "56")                    { &delete_auto_notify; }
elsif ($RQT eq "57")                    { &update_auto_notify; }
elsif ($RQT eq "58")                    { &edit_MTA_Domains; }
elsif ($RQT eq "59")                    { &add_MTA_Domains; }
elsif ($RQT eq "60")                    { &GUI_MTA_Domains; }
elsif ($RQT eq "61")                    { &GUI_MTA_Access; }
elsif ($RQT eq "62")                    { &MTA_Access_SQL; }
elsif ($RQT eq "63")                    { &delete_MTA_Access; }
elsif (defined $FORM{'mailbox_idnr'})   { &get_mail_list }
elsif (defined $FORM{'physmessage_id'}) { &get_message }
elsif (defined $FORM{'mailto'})         { &send_mail; }
elsif (defined $newuserID)              { &add_user_sql; }
elsif (defined $userID)                 { &Create_User_Account_Window; }
else { &make_form; }
############################################################## - construction subs
sub LIST_Group
    $orderby = ($FORM{'orderby'} || "userid");

sub LIST_Global
    $userID = "";
    $orderby = ($FORM{'orderby'} || "userid");

sub MTA_show
    $userID = " ";

sub clear
    $userID = " ";

sub end_HTML
    print <<"DBMA";
############################################################## - sub defaults
sub defaults
    $server        = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
    $ACL_ctrl      = $FORM{'ACL_ctrl'} || $ACL_ctrl || "1";
    $admin_address = $FORM{'admin_address'}
      || $admin_address
      || "postmaster\@" . $server;
    $allow_read_mail = $FORM{'allow_read_mail'} || $allow_read_mail || "1";
    $anyone = $anyone || "anyone";
    $auto_create_user = $FORM{'auto_create_user'} || $auto_create_user || "0";
    $changecase =
    $CFP = $FORM{'CFP'} || $CFP || "0";
    $create_first_alias = $FORM{'create_first_alias'}
      || $create_first_alias
      || "0";
    $colortellsastory = $colortellsastory || "#E7FAE8";
    $DBMAcode    = $FORM{'DBMAcode'}    || $DBMAcode    || "dbmail";
    $DBMAencrypt = $FORM{'DBMAencrypt'} || $DBMAencrypt || "md5sum";
    $DbMailOldVersion = $FORM{'DbMailOldVersion'} || $DbMailOldVersion || 0;
    $date             = "" . scalar localtime(time) . "";
    $defaultdomain    = $FORM{'defaultdomain'} || $defaultdomain || $server;
    $defaultGroup_ID  = $FORM{'defaultGroup_ID'} || $defaultGroup_ID || "3";
         $GroupID     = $RESTRICTGroupID
      || $FORM{'GroupID'}
      || $GroupID
      || $defaultGroup_ID;
    $defaultmailboxsize = $FORM{'defaultmailboxsize'}
      || $defaultmailboxsize
      || "25000000";
    $encrypttype = $encrypttype || "";
    $fetch_domains = $FORM{'fetch_domains'} || $fetch_domains || "1";
    $last_login    = $last_login            || "";
    $mailboxsize   = $mailboxsize           || "";
    $mailfrom      = $mailfrom              || $admin_address;
    $mailto        = $mailto                || "";
    $message       = $message               || "";
    $mymessage     = $mymessage             || "";
    $mouseover     =
      "onmouseover=\"this.className=\'front\'\;\" onmouseout=\"this\.className=\'back\'\;\"";
    $mythisscript = ($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} || 'DBMA.cgi');
    $newalias = $newalias || "";
    $newuserID = $newuserID || $username || "";
    $onlytime         = "" . scalar localtime(time) . "";
    $onoffcrypt       = $onoffcrypt || "";
    $onoffhash        = $onoffhash || "";
    $onoffmd5sum      = $onoffmd5sum || "";
    $onoffplain       = $onoffplain || "";
    $password         = $password || "";
    $public_mailboxes = $public_mailboxes || "";
    $refresh_rate     = $FORM{'refresh_rate'} || $refresh_rate || "0";
    $shared_mailbox   = $shared_mailbox || "";
    $SMTP_ServerName  = $FORM{'SMTP_ServerName'}
      || $SMTP_ServerName
      || "";
    $sqldb        = $FORM{'sqldb'}        || $sqldb        || "dbmail";
    $sqlhost      = $FORM{'sqlhost'}      || $sqlhost      || "";
    $sqltype      = $FORM{'sqltype'}      || $sqltype      || "mysql";
    $sqluser      = $FORM{'sqluser'}      || $sqluser      || "dbmail";
    $sql_odd_port = $FORM{'sql_odd_port'} || $sql_odd_port || "";
    $stats_on     = $FORM{'stats_on'}     || $stats_on     || "1";
    $subject = $subject || "Information about your mail account";
    $transport    = $FORM{'transport'} || "dbmail-lmtp:";
    $userID = $userID || $username || "";
    $username = $FORM{'username'} || $username || "";
    $user_mailboxes = $user_mailboxes || "";
    $use_DBMA_MTA_Domains = $FORM{'use_DBMA_MTA_Domains'}
      || $use_DBMA_MTA_Domains
      || "0";
############################################################## - sub connect
sub connect
    $sqlport = $sql_odd_port || '3306' if $sqltype =~ /mysql/;
    $sqlport = $sql_odd_port || '5432' if $sqltype =~ /pgsql/;
    if ($sqltype eq "mysql")
        unless (
            $dbh =
                {AutoCommit => 0}
            $errormessage =
              "ErrorID: $version.err0.01 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error status: Db connect FAIL";
    elsif ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/)
        unless (
                $dbh =
                             $sqluser, $DBMAcode, {AutoCommit => 0}
            $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.02 <br />
		$DBI::errstr<br />Error status: Db connect FAIL";
        $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.03 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Is DBI installed with correct DBD? Unable to Connect To $sqltype Database";
############################################################## - sub make_form
sub make_form
    if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
        print <<"DBMA";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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	var curmailicon=new Image()
	var groupIDicon=new Image()
	var usericon=new Image()
	var lastloginicon=new Image()
	var mailquotaicon=new Image()
    	var undeleteicon=new Image()
    	var modifyicon=new Image()
    	var usericon=new Image()
    	var dnicon=new Image()
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############################################################## - sub make_shortform
sub make_shortform
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    print <<"DBMA";
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	var curmailicon=new Image()
	var groupIDicon=new Image()
	var usericon=new Image()
	var lastloginicon=new Image()
	var mailquotaicon=new Image()
    	var undeleteicon=new Image()
    	var modifyicon=new Image()
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    if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0) { &restrict_group_help; }
############################################################## - sub Create_User_Account_Window RQT2
sub Create_User_Account_Window ($)
    my $deliver_to = "";
    &error('Enter user name, user ID or email address.</small>')
      unless ($userID);

    # Possible input: non-alphanumeric, email address as username, mail address as alias, alpha string name,
    # alpha-numeric+RFC2822-allowed-chars name, user_idnr, garbage. Clean input. Some DbMail operators store
    # user names as full email addresses. We need to decide if input is a real user name or if the search is
    # for an alias's account. If address, search it. If not exist, strip name, toss domain, search name, get
    # user_idnr Check if it is an email name with numbers or characters (123^_^456) in it, not to be confused
    # with a user_idnr. If user_idnr is input it bypasses all checks and goes to work. This is accomplished
    # in a sub routine which is also called by other function routines.
## -Get the name of this user. If it doesn't exist, outtahere. If exits, continue.
    my $unGET =
          "SELECT userid FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID'");
    if (my $rv = $unGET->fetchrow_hashref())
        my $output = $rv->{'userid'};
        $username = $output;
        $username =~ s/__\@\!internal_delivery_user\!\@__/LocalDeliveryAgent/;
        $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
## -What group does it belong to?
    my $myClientIDGET =
        "SELECT client_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID'"
    unless ($myClientIDGET->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.04 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed To get Group Information";
    while (my $rv = $myClientIDGET->fetchrow_hashref())
        my $myClientID = $rv->{'client_idnr'};
        $myGroupID = $myClientID;
        $GroupID   = $myGroupID;

        # and start building the interface GUI
        if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
            print <<"DBMA";
	<title>$RESTRICTGroupIDName - User Account Window for $username DbMail Administrator (DBMA)</title>
	</head><body><div><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><center><table>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><span class="out">Database $sqlhost:$sqltype:$sqldb using $version on $server</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><span style="color: #005A9C; background: #F8F8FF;font:140% sans-serif" >User Account Window: $username </span><span style="font:90% sans-serif" >~ <a href="DBMA_User_Management.htm" rel="external">User Management </a> | <a href="DBMA_help.htm" rel="external"> Help </a></span></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:left">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" /><small>User</small>
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase title="Please enter the user ID number or user name." name="userID" value="$userID" size="12" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input title="Search for user." type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="User Search" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" value="all_in_this_group" name="RQT" /><small>Group $RESTRICTGroupID</small><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input title="All Users in Group" type="submit" value="List Users" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="aliases_in_this_group" />
	<small>Group $RESTRICTGroupID</small><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" /><input title="List aliases in Group $GroupID" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="List Aliases" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:52px"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="submit" title="Go To Main Screen" style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#4602A0" value="Main" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:3px" /></td></tr></table></center></form></div>
	<div><center><table><tr><td><span class="gr">User</span><br /><big>$username</big></td><td><span class="gr">UserID</span><br />$userID</td><td><span class="gr">Group</span><br />$GroupID</td>
            print <<"DBMA";
	<title>User Account Window for $username - DbMail Administrator (DBMA)</title>
	</head><body><div><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><center><table>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><span class="out">Database $sqlhost:$sqltype:$sqldb using $version on $server</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><span style="color: #005A9C; background: #F8F8FF;font:140% sans-serif" >User Account Window: $username </span><span style="font:90% sans-serif" >~ <a href="DBMA_User_Management.htm" rel="external">User Management</a> | <a href="DBMA_help.htm" rel="external"> Help </a></span></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align:left">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" /><small>User</small>
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase title="Please enter the user ID number or user name." name="userID" value="$userID" size="12" />
	<input title="Search for user." type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="User Search" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" value="all_in_this_group" name="RQT" />
	<small>Group</small><input type="text" $mouseover title="Please enter the GroupID (Group) number." value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" size="3" />
	<input title="All Users in Group" type="submit" value="List Users" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="aliases_in_this_group" />
	<small>Group</small><input type="text" $mouseover title="Please enter the GroupID (Group) number." value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" size="3" />
	<input title="List aliases in Group $GroupID" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="List Aliases" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:52px"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="submit" title="Go To Main Screen" style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#4602A0" value="Main" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></center></form></div>
	<div><center><table><tr><td><span class="gr">User</span><br /><big>$username</big></td><td><span class="gr">UserID</span><br />$userID</td><td><span class="gr">Group</span><br />$GroupID</td>
## -See if it has a password and what if any encryption is used.
    my $criptGET =
        "SELECT encryption_type FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID' LIMIT 1"
    unless ($criptGET->execute())
        $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.05 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to get encryption_type FROM $dbmail_users_table .";
    while (my $rv = $criptGET->fetchrow_hashref())
        my $encryption_type = $rv->{'encryption_type'};
        $encrypttype = $encryption_type;
        my $pwGET =
            "SELECT passwd FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID' LIMIT 1"
        unless ($pwGET->execute())
            $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.06 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT passwd FROM $dbmail_users_table.";
        while (my $rv = $pwGET->fetchrow_hashref())
            my $passwd = $rv->{'passwd'};
            $password = $passwd;
            print <<"DBMA";
	<td><span class="gr">Password</span><br />
            $passwd = "encrypted"
              if (   ($encryption_type =~ /md5sum/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /md5/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /crypt/));
            $passwd = "*PLAIN*" if $encryption_type =~ / /;
            print "	<span style=\"font-size:9px\">$passwd</span></td>\n";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td><span class="gr">Crypt</span><br />
        print "	<span class=\"out\">$encrypttype</span></td>\n";
## -Get its last login.
    my $llGET =
        "SELECT last_login FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID' LIMIT 1"
    unless ($llGET->execute())
        $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.07 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT last_login FROM $dbmail_users_table.";
    while (my $rv = $llGET->fetchrow_hashref())
        my $output2 = $rv->{'last_login'};
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td><span class="gr">Last Login</span><br />
        print "	<span class=\"out\">$output2</span></td>\n";
    unless ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1")
## -How much mailbox used (older DbMail Db's don't have this so make it invisible if ne exist)
        my $mbGET =
            "SELECT curmail_size FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID' LIMIT 1"
        unless ($mbGET->execute())
            $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.08 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT curmail_size FROM $dbmail_users_table.";
        while (my $rv = $mbGET->fetchrow_hashref())
            my $output3 = $rv->{'curmail_size'};
            print <<"DBMA";
	<td><span class="gr">Current_Mail</span><br /><span class="out">$output3</span></td>
## - Mail quota?
    my $mballowedGET =
        "SELECT maxmail_size FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID' LIMIT 1"
    unless ($mballowedGET->execute())
        $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.09 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT maxmail_size FROM $dbmail_users_table.";
    while (my $rv = $mballowedGET->fetchrow_hashref())
        $maxmail_size = $rv->{'maxmail_size'};
        $maxmailsize  = $maxmail_size;
        $maxmailsize =~ s/  / /g;
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td><span class="gr">Limit</span><br /><span class="out">$maxmail_size</span></td>
## - Get all its aliases; learn where they go; create search all mailboxes for mail
## - and report what IMAP mailboxes it has.
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="background:#ffffc4"><tr><td>
	<span class="gr">Aliases for $username</span></td>
    if ($allow_read_mail eq "1")
        print <<"DBMA";
	<span class="gr"><b>$username\'s Mailboxes</b></span>
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="33a" /><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" />
	<input type="hidden" name="username" value="$username" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="searchterms" />
	<input type="text" onmouseover="this.className='back2';" onmouseout="this.className='back';" name="searchterms" value="$searchterms" size="14" title="enter a string to search for" style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: sans-serif" />
	<input title="Search mail in all $username\'s Mailboxes" type="image" style="width:43px;height:17px;vertical-align:middle;" src="images/search_gr.gif" />
	<span style="font-size:10px;color:green">Headers only?</span><input title="Select to search headers only" type="radio" name="headers_only" value="1" /></form>
    print <<"DBMA";
	</td></tr><tr><td><textarea class=\"alias\" name=\"alias\" rows=\"6\" cols=\"65\">
    my $output4;
    $usernameDISPLAY = $username;
    if ($usernameDISPLAY eq "anyone")
        $newRQT  = 49;
        $message = "UPDATE ACLs for ANYONE";
        $newRQT  = 50;
        $message = "Add Shared Folder for $usernameDISPLAY from drop list";
    my $aGET = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT alias, userid, deliver_to from $dbmail_aliases_table
        LEFT JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr=$dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to
        WHERE alias LIKE '$username@%' or deliver_to = '$userID' ORDER BY alias"
    unless ($aGET->execute())
        $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.10 <br />
                    $DBI::errstr <br />Failed Compile query to get aliases";
    while (($alias, $username, $deliver_to) = $aGET->fetchrow_array)
        &filt($alias) if $alias;
        $alias =~ s/ //         if $alias;
        $alias =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;
        my $to  = $deliver_to || "";
        my $who = $username   || "";
        $to =~ s/ //         if $to;
        $to =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $to;
        $output4 .= "$alias => $who ($to)\n" if $alias;
    print $output4 if ($output4);
    print "</textarea>";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="11" /><input type="hidden" name="newuserID" value="$userID" />
	<input type="hidden" name="username" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="GroupID" value="$GroupID" /><input type="hidden" name="mailboxsize" value="$maxmailsize" />
	<input type="hidden" name="password" value="$password" /><input type="hidden" name="encrypttype" value="$encrypttype" />
	<input type="submit" title="MODIFY $usernameDISPLAY\'s ($userID) Account" value="Modify $usernameDISPLAY\'s Account" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c16';" class="c16" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:10px" /><a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#user_account_window"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="Modify User Account Help" /></a></form>
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="4" /><input class="c15" type="submit" onclick="return confirm('DELETE $usernameDISPLAY: Are you sure?')" title="DELETE $usernameDISPLAY\'s ($userID) Account? Be sure!" onmouseover="this.className='caution';" onmouseout="this.className='c15';" value="Delete $usernameDISPLAY\'s Account" /></form><!--Copyright mobrien.com--></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4;text-align:left;float:left; vertical-align:top;line-height:100%">
    &get_mailbox_list unless ($allow_read_mail eq "0");

    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "0") && ($ACL_ctrl eq "1"))
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='__public__' LIMIT 1"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.11 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed PUBLIC Query";
        if (($PUBLICuserID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            &fetch_shared_folders($PUBLICuserID, $userID);
    print <<"DBMA";
    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "0") && ($ACL_ctrl eq "1"))
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table style="font-size:70%">
	<tr style="background: #ffffc4"><td colspan="2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="$newRQT" />$message<a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='ACL Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#acl"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="ACL Help" /></a></td>
	<td title="lookup: mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands ">lookup</td>
	<td title="read: SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL SEARCH, COPY from mailbox ">read</td>
	<td title="seen: keep seen/unseen information across session ">seen</td>
	<td title="write: STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED ">write</td>
	<td title="insert: perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox ">insert</td>
	<td title="post: send mail to submission address for mailbox ">post</td>
	<td title="create: CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation defined hierarchy ">create</td>
	<td title="delete: STORE DELETED flag perform EXPUNGE ">delete</td>
	<td title="administer: perform SETACL ">administer</td></tr>
	<tr class="dl"><td style="background:#ffffc4" title="Give $usernameDISPLAY access to a shared folder."><input type="submit" value="Add ACL" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" title="Give $usernameDISPLAY access to a shared folder."/>
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4" title="Select a Shared Public Folder you want $usernameDISPLAY to have access on.">
	<select style="font-size:10px;color:navy" size="1" name="mailbox_idnr">$public_mailboxes$user_ACL_avail_mailboxes</select></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="lookup_flag" size="2" value="1" title="lookup: mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="read_flag" size="2" value="1" title="read: SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL SEARCH, COPY from mailbox " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="seen_flag" size="2" value="1" title="seen: keep seen/unseen information across session " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="write_flag" size="2" value="1" title="write: STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="insert_flag" size="2" value="1" title="insert: perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="post_flag" size="2" value="1" title="post: send mail to submission address for mailbox " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="create_flag" size="2" value="0" title="create: CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation defined hierarchy " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="delete_flag" size="2" value="0" title="delete: STORE DELETED flag perform EXPUNGE " /></td>
	<td style="background:#ffffc4"><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help" name="administer_flag" size="2" value="0" title="administer: perform SETACL " /></td></tr>
        $user_mailboxes = $user_mailboxes || "none";
        $PUBLICuserID   = $PUBLICuserID   || "none";

        if ($user_mailboxes)
            print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td style="background:#ffffc4"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<span class="out">These are the shared folders for mail user \"$usernameDISPLAY\":</span><select style="font-size:11px" name="mailbox_idnr">$user_mailboxes</select><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="47" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" /><input type="hidden" name="PUBLICuserID" value="$PUBLICuserID" /><input type="image" value ="submit" src="images/delete.gif" onmouseover="self.status='Delete Shared Folder';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" style="width:37px;height:14px" title="Delete Folder" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Shared Folder: Are you sure?')" /><br /></form></td></tr>

    &auto_replies($userID, $usernameDISPLAY);
$dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub Create_User_Account_MODIFY_Window RQT11
sub Create_User_Account_MODIFY_Window ($)
    $GroupID = $FORM{'GroupID'} || $GroupID;
    my $deliver_to = "";
    if ($RESTRICTGroupID)
        $placethisforRESTRICTGroupID =
          "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$RESTRICTGroupID\" name=\"GroupID\" />$RESTRICTGroupID";
        $title =
          "<title>$RESTRICTGroupIDName - DBMA Update User $username</title>";
        $title = "<title>DBMA Update User $username</title>";
        $placethisforRESTRICTGroupID =
          "<input type=\"text\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'front\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'back\';\" size=\"3\" value=\"$GroupID\" name=\"GroupID\" />";
    my $userID = $newuserID;
    my $forwards;
    $sth =
        "SELECT user_idnr, userid, passwd, client_idnr, maxmail_size, encryption_type, last_login FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$newuserID'"
    while (
            $userID,      $username,    $password, $GroupID,
            $mailboxsize, $encrypttype, $last_login
           = $sth->fetchrow_array
        $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
        my $messagebody = "Dear $username:\n
Here is the updated information for your email account.
Your account name is $username 
Your mailbox capacity is $mailboxsize bytes.
Your password is everything between the brackets: ($password)\n\n
Yours truly,\n$admin_address";
    print $title; 
    print "	</head>\n";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table width="738px">
	<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:11px;color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF;width:738px">$version on $server $date</td></tr></table></center></div><div><center><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tbody>
	<tr><td class="c1" colspan="2"><h1>Modify User Account Window for $newuserID - $username</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="text-align:right;width:100%;float:right" colspan="2" >[ <b><a href="$mythisscript?$newuserID">$username\'s Account</a></b> | <a href="$mythisscript"><b>Main</b></a> |
	<a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm"  onclick="return confirm('_______________________Help_______________________\\n\\n\\nWith this tool:\\n\\nYou can modify the user name; change a password and encryption type;\\nadjust the mailbox size; add or remove aliases; add a new user to the group;\\nlist the entire group; and email a notification of any changes made to the user.\\n\\nCHANGE PASSWORD:\\n\\n1 - Type plain, md5sum, md5 or crypt for encryption type. \\n\\n2 - Enter the new password in the space provided, \\noverwriting the original and select the *Change Password* check box.\\n\\n3 - Press *Update...* to commit the changes to your database.\\n\\n Click *OK* for more help or *CANCEL* to close.')"><b> Help</b> ]</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" />
	<small>User</small> <input type="text" $mouseover $changecase title="Enter another user ID or name." value="$username" name="userID" size="12" /><input title="Search for another user" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="User Search" /></form></td><td>
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="21" /><input type="hidden" name="mailfrom" value="$admin_address" /><input type="hidden" name="mailto" value="$username" /><input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Your Email Account" />
	<input type="hidden" name="message" value="$messagebody" /><b>$message</b>
	<input style="margin-top:0px" class="c17" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='c18';" onmouseout="this.className='c17';" value="Email $username" /></form></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div>
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tbody>
	<tr><td ><small>User ID Number</small></td><td ><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="12" /><input type="hidden" value="$newuserID" name="newuserID" />$newuserID</td><td ><!--future use--></td></tr>
	<tr><td ><small>Name</small></td><td ><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="username" value="$username" size="20" /></td><td ><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID,password,username" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td ><small>Password</small></td><td ><input type="text" $mouseover name="password" size="64" value="$password" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Arial" /></td><td ><!--future use--></td></tr>
	<tr><td ><small>Group</small></td><td >$placethisforRESTRICTGroupID</td><td ><!--future use--></td></tr>
	<tr><td ><small>Encrypt Type</small></td><td ><input type="text" $mouseover size="6" value="$encrypttype" name="encrypttype" /><small>Type plain, md5sum, md5 or crypt.</small></td><td >Change Password<input type="checkbox" name="changepassword" value="pBq1XZ6StL9xpjFUrOlJ03cRws" />
	<a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm"  onclick="return confirm('_______________________Help_______________________\\n\\n\\nWith this tool:\\n\\nYou can modify the user name; change a password and encryption type;\\nadjust the mailbox size; add or remove aliases; add a new user to the group;\\nlist the entire group; and email a notification of any changes made to the user.\\n\\nCHANGE PASSWORD:\\n\\n1 - Type plain, md5sum, md5 or crypt for encryption type. \\n\\n2 - Enter the new password in the space provided, \\noverwriting the original and select the *Change Password* check box.\\n\\n3 - Press *Update...* to commit the changes to your database.\\n\\n Click *OK* for more help or *CANCEL* to close.')">Help</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td ><small>Change MailBox Quota</small></td><td ><input title="Enter zeroes or 10k, 10m, 1g etc." size="9" value="$mailboxsize" $mouseover type="text" name="mailboxsize" /></td><td ><!--future user--></td></tr>
	<tr><td >Add An Email Alias</td><td colspan="2"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="newalias" size="40" /><br /><input class="c7" type="submit" title="update email account" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" value="  Update $username ($newuserID)" name="submit" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="font-size:10px"colspan="3">To create open aliases for LAN accounts, like '\@domain.int' you must Force Bypass RFC-Compliant Alias Check <input onmouseover="this.className='caution';self.status='This will force bypass alias checking.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='c11';self.status='DBMA';return true" style="height:20px" type="radio" value="1" name="bypass" />on<input type="radio" value="0" name="bypass" />off
	<br />DBMA will display these with Group info in "My Groups" panel as '* \@domain'. <span style="color:black">Note: Possible risks. Know what you are doing.</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="color:#D6CFDE;height:2px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></form></center></div>
	<div><center><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px">
	<tr style="background:#FDF5E6"><td style="text-align: left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="3" />
	<input onmouseover="this.className='clearl';" onmouseout="this.className='grl';" class="grl" type="submit" value="Add Another User" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align: Left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$newuserID" name="userID" /><input onmouseover="this.className='clearl';" onmouseout="this.className='grl';" class="grl" type="submit" title="$username Account" value="Open $username\'s Account Window"/></form></td>
	<td style="text-align: Left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input onmouseover="this.className='clearl';" onmouseout="this.className='grl';" class="grl" title="All Users in Group" type="submit" value="List All Group $GroupID" /><input type="hidden" name="GroupID" value="$GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align: Left"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input onmouseover="this.className='clearl';" onmouseout="this.className='grl';" class="grl" type="submit" value="Main" /></form></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><table class="c5" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" width="738px"><tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="color:#D6CFDE;height:2px" />
	<tr><td colspan="4"><h3><br />Detailed Aliases &amp; Forwards For $username</h3></td></tr>

        $forwards =
            "SELECT alias_idnr, alias, userid, deliver_to FROM $dbmail_aliases_table LEFT JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr=$dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to WHERE alias LIKE '$username@%' OR alias LIKE '%@%' AND deliver_to = '$userID' OR alias = '$username@%' ORDER by alias"

        while (($alias_idnr, $alias, $username, $deliver_to) =
            $alias_idnr = $alias_idnr || "";
            $alias      = $alias      || "";
            $username   = $username   || $FORM{'username'} || "";
            $deliver_to = $deliver_to || "";
            our $deliver_from = $alias;
            $alias =~ s/ //         if $alias;
            $alias =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;
            $str .=
              "	<tr title=\"$alias\" style=\"background:#FDF5E6\"><td style=\"text-align:right\"><form action=\"$mythisscript\" method=\"post\">
		<input name=\"deliver_from\" value=\"$deliver_from\" type=\"hidden\" />
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\" />
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"13a\" />
		<input style=\"font-family:arial,sans-serif:font-size:9px\" type=\"submit\" title=\"Forward $deliver_from to another address\" value=\"Forward\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'clearl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'grl\';\" class=\"grl\" /></form></td>
		<td style=\"text-align:left\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"35\" name=\"alias\" value=\"$alias\" /><b>==></b> <a onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Open this account\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" title=\"Open this account\" href=\"$mythisscript?$deliver_to\">$deliver_to</a> <em>Owner</em>: $username</td>
		<td style=\"text-align:left\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"41\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\"$alias\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input style=\"font-family:arial,sans-serif:font-size:9px\" type=\"submit\" title=\"delete $alias by alias_idnr $alias_idnr\" value =\"Delete\" class=\"nowarn\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'warn\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'nowarn\';\" /></form></td><td  style=\"text-align:right\"></td></tr>\n";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    print $str     if ($str);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></form></center></div></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub get_mailbox_list
sub get_mailbox_list
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT userid, mailbox_idnr, name FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_mailboxes_table.owner_idnr = $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr
WHERE owner_idnr = '$userID'
OR $dbmail_users_table.userid = '$userID'
ORDER BY $dbmail_mailboxes_table.name"
    unless ($sth->execute())
          "<span class=\"er\">$DBI::errstr <br />Failed get_mailbox_list.</span>";
    $numrows = $sth->rows;
    while (($username, $mailbox_idnr, $mailbox_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
        $str5 .=
          "	<form title=\"Click one of the $numrows mailbox icons to list messages in box or search all mailboxes.\" method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_idnr\" name=\"mailbox_idnr\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name=\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" name=\"username\" />
		<input title=\"Open $mailbox_name Mailbox\" type=\"image\" src=\"images/mailbox.gif\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" /><small>$mailbox_name</small></form>\n";
        $user_ACL_avail_mailboxes .=
          "	<option value=\"$mailbox_idnr\">$usernameDISPLAY\/$mailbox_name</option>\n";
    print $str5    if ($str5);
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub get_mail_list
sub get_mail_list
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT message_idnr, $dbmail_physmessage_table.internal_date, $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id, unique_id, rfcsize, messagesize, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, status 
FROM $dbmail_messages_table
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_physmessage_table ON $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id = $dbmail_physmessage_table.id
WHERE $dbmail_messages_table.mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'
ORDER BY $dbmail_physmessage_table.internal_date desc"
    unless ($sth->execute())
          "<span class=\"er\">$DBI::errstr <br />Failed get_mail_list - This may not work in older versions.</span>";
    $numrows = $sth->rows;
    while (
            $messageID,    $internal_date, $physmessage_id, $unique_id,
            $rfcsize,      $messagesize,   $seen_flag,      $answered_flag,
            $deleted_flag, $status
           = $sth->fetchrow_array
        $seen_flag     =~ s/1/YES/g;
        $seen_flag     =~ s/0/NO/g;
        $answered_flag =~ s/1/YES/g;
        $answered_flag =~ s/0/NO/g;
        $deleted_flag  =~ s/1/YES/g;
        $deleted_flag  =~ s/0/NO/g;
        $str10 .=
          "	<tr style=\"font-size:11px\"><td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name=\"mailbox_name\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" name=\"username\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"physmessage_id\" value=\"$physmessage_id\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name=\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name=\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$deleted_flag\" name=\"deleted_flag\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$seen_flag\" name=\"seen_flag\" /><input title=\"Open physmessage_id $physmessage_id having message_idnr $messageID\" type=\"image\" src=\"images/read_mail.gif\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'letsgo\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'notseen\';\" class=\"notseen\"/></form></td>
		<td>$messageID</td><td><b style=\"color:#6a6a95\"> $internal_date</b></td><td>$mailbox_name</td><td>$unique_id</td><td>$rfcsize</td><td>$messagesize</td></tr>
		<tr style=\"font-size:11px\"><td>Seen=<b>$seen_flag</b></td><td>Answered=<b>$answered_flag</b></td><td>Marked Delete = <b>$deleted_flag</b></td><td>Status = <b>$status</b></td>
		<td title=\"Mark this message for deletion by next dbmail-util run.\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"31\" name =\"RQT\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name =\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name =\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\"  name=\"username\" /><input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete Mail\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td colspan=\"2\" title=\"UnDelete this message\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"32\" name =\"RQT\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name =\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name =\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\"  name=\"username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/undelete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'UnDelete this Message\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:49px;height:16px\" /></form></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr style=\"background-color:#D6CFDE; height:4px; color:#D6CFDE\" /></td></tr>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<title>DBMA Messages</title>
	<tr><td title="Mark all $numrows messages on this page ($username $mailbox_name $mailbox_idnr) for deletion by the next dbmail-util run.">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" value="34" name ="RQT" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_name" name ="mailbox_name" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_idnr" name ="mailbox_idnr" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$username"  name="username" />
	<input onclick="return confirm('DELETE ALL MAIL? Are you very sure?')" onmouseover="this.className='warndm';" onmouseout="this.className='dm';" type="submit" class="dm" value="Delete $numrows $mailbox_name messages " name="Submit"></form></td>
	<td title="Undelete all the mail on this page. ($username $mailbox_name $mailbox_idnr)">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" value="35" name ="RQT" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_name" name ="mailbox_name" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_idnr" name ="mailbox_idnr" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$username"  name="username" />
	<input onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to UNDELETE this mail?')" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='un';" onmouseout="this.className='undm';" class="undm" value="Undelete $numrows $mailbox_name messages " name="Submit"></form></td></tr></table></center></div><div><center><table>
	<tr><td colspan="7"><h3><span style="font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:105%;background-color:#FFFFc4;font-weight:bold">$numrows messages in $username\/$mailbox_name</span> <a href="$mythisscript?$userID">$username\'s Account</a> | <a href="$mythisscript">Main Menu</a></h3></td></tr>
	<tr><td title="Looking for a particular message? Enter a search string. DBMA will return the most recent message matching your string" colspan="4"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="33" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_name" name ="mailbox_name" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_idnr" name ="mailbox_idnr" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$username"  name="username" />
	<input type="hidden" name="required" value="searchterms" />
	<input type="text" $mouseover name="searchterms" size="20" style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: sans-serif" />
	<input type="submit" title="returns single best match" class="c7" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" value="Search $mailbox_name" name="Submit" /></form></td><td style="text-align:right" colspan="3">
    $searchterms =~ s/\</\&\#60\;/g;
    $searchterms =~ s/\>/\&\#62\;/g;
    $searchterms =~ s/\@/\&\#64\;/g;
    $searchterms =~ s/\^/\&\#136\;/g;
    print <<"DBMA";
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="33a" /><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" />
	<input type="hidden" name="username" value="$username" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="searchterms" />
	<input type="text" $mouseover name="searchterms" value="$searchterms" style="font-size:9pt;font-family: sans-serif" size="20" title="Enter your search terms. DBMA will search all mailboxes." /><!--&#67;&#111;&#112;&#121;&#114;&#105;&#103;&#104;&#116; &#77;&#105;&#107;&#101; &#97;&#116; &#109;&#111;&#98;&#114;&#105;&#101;&#110;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;-->
	<input title="Search mail in all $username\'s Mailboxes" class="c7" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" value="Search all folders" type="submit" />
	<br /><span style="font-size:12px;color:green">Search header fields only?</span><input title="Select to search headers only" type="radio" name="headers_only" value="1" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td><span class="gr">Read Message</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Message ID</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Date</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Mailbox</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Unique ID</span></td><td><span class="gr">RFCSize</span></td><td><span class="gr">Size</span></td></tr>
    print $str10       if ($str10);
    $sth->finish()     if ($sth);
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
    print "	</table></center></div>\n";
############################################################## - sub get_message
sub get_message
    print <<"DBMA";
<title>DBMA Message $messageID for $username</title>
    $sth =
        "SELECT messageblk, is_header from $dbmail_messageblks_table where physmessage_id = $physmessage_id $order"
    while (($messageblk, $is_header) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $messageblk =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
        $messageblk =~ s/=\?iso-8859-1\?q\?([^?]*)\?=/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
        $messageblk =~ s/\@/\&\#64\;/g;
        $messageblk =~ s/\</&#60\;/g;
        $messageblk =~ s/\>/&#62\;/g;
        $messageblk =~ s/=\n$//;
        $is_header  =~ s/1/Header/g;
        $is_header  =~ s/0/Message/g;

        if (grep(/Subject:/i, $messageblk) => 1)
            $messageblk =~ s/Subject:/\<br \/\>\<b\>Subject:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/Reply\-To:/\<br \/\>\<b\>Reply\-To :\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/To:/\<br \/\>\<b\>To:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/Received:/\<br \/\>\<b\>Received:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/From:/\<br \/\>\<b\>From:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/Date:/\<br \/\>\<b\>Date:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/Cc:/\<br \/\>\<b\>Cc:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/Content-Type:/\<br \/\>\<b\>Content-Type:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/thread-index:/\<br \/\>\<b\>thread-index:\<\/b\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/\n/\<br \/\>/g;
            $messageblk =~ s/=\<br \/\>/\<br \/\>/g;
        $messageblk = $str .=
          "<tr><td class=\"ad\"><h3>$is_header</h3></td></tr>
                    <tr><td style=\"width:738px;font-size:13px;font-family:san-serif\"><pre-wrap style=\"font-size:12px;font-family:arial,san-serif\">$messageblk</pre-wrap></td></tr>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="width:738px">
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="width:738px"><span style="font-weight:600;font-size:105%">$username Account ~ $mailbox_name Folder</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><h4>Message $messageID | <a href="$mythisscript?$userID">Back to $username Account</a> | <a href="$mythisscript">Main Menu</a></h4></td></tr><tr><td title="Delete this message."></td></tr>
	<tr><td><table style="width:738px;border-style:none;border-color:#D6CFDE;background-color:#D6CFDE">
	<tr><td class="dd c2 c15">Seen: <b>$seen_flag</b> Marked Delete: <b>$deleted_flag</b></td>
	<td class="dd c2"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" value="31" name ="RQT" /><input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_name" name ="mailbox_name" /><input type="hidden" value="$messageID" name ="messageID" /><input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$username"  name="username" /><input title="Delete $messageID" type="submit" value ="Delete $messageID" onclick="return confirm('Mark Message $messageID for immediate delete?')" onmouseover="this.className='warndm';" onmouseout="this.className='dm';" type="submit" class="dm" /></form></td>
	<td class="dd c2"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" value="32" name ="RQT" /><input type="hidden" value="$mailbox_name" name ="mailbox_name" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$messageID" name ="messageID" /><input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="userID" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$username"  name="username" /><input title="UnDelete $messageID." type="submit" value ="UnDelete $messageID" onmouseover="this.className='un';" onmouseout="this.className='undm';" class="undm" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align:left;background-color:#ffffc4">
    print <<"DBMA";
	</td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#6a6a95;background-color:#F8F8FF">(DBMA forced ASCII text format with filters. This tool disables links and scripts and is for admin purposes only.)</span></td></tr>
    print $str if ($str);
    print "</table></center></div>\n";
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub search_mail
sub search_mail
    $sth =
        "SELECT name FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table WHERE mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    while (($mailbox_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $str2 .= "$mailbox_name";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<title>DBMA Mail Search for $searchterms</title>
	<tr><td colspan="7" style="background-color:#ffffc4">
        print <<"DBMA";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare(
            "SELECT $dbmail_messageblks_table.physmessage_id FROM $dbmail_messageblks_table
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_messages_table ON $dbmail_messageblks_table.physmessage_id = $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id
WHERE messageblk LIKE '%$searchterms%' AND $dbmail_messages_table.mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'
ORDER BY physmessage_id desc LIMIT 1"
        while (($physmessage_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str3 .= "$physmessage_id";
            $sth =
                "SELECT messageblk, is_header from $dbmail_messageblks_table where physmessage_id = '$physmessage_id' $order"
            while (($messageblk, $is_header) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $messageblk =~
                  s/=\?iso-8859-1\?q\?([^?]*)\?=/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
                $messageblk =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
                $messageblk =~ s/\@/\&\#64\;/g;
                $messageblk =~ s/\</&#60\;/g;
                $messageblk =~ s/\>/&#62\;/g;
                $messageblk =~ s/=\n$//;
                $is_header  =~ s/1/Header/g;
                $is_header  =~ s/0/Message/g;
                $str1 .=
                  "	<tr><td><small>Block Type=$is_header</small></td></tr>\n
		<tr><td title=\"DBMA will block HTML, URI links, and IFRAMES from executing.\" style=\"width:738px\">\n
		<textarea cols=\"70\" rows=\"11\" style=\"border-style:solid;border-color:#F8F8FF;width:738px;font-size:11px;font-family:arial,verdana,san-serif;scrollbar-arrow-color:green;scrollbar-face-color:#f5f3f8;scrollbar-shadow-color:#BDB6CE; scrollbar-track-color:#F8F8FF\">\n$messageblk\n</textarea></td>\n</tr>\n";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare(
                "SELECT message_idnr, $dbmail_physmessage_table.internal_date, $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id, unique_id, rfcsize, messagesize, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, status 
FROM $dbmail_messages_table
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_physmessage_table ON $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id = $dbmail_physmessage_table.id
WHERE $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id = '$physmessage_id' LIMIT 1"
            unless ($sth->execute())
                  "<span class=\"er\">$DBI::errstr <br />Failed message search</span>";
            while (
                    $messageID, $internal_date, $physmessage_id,
                    $unique_id, $rfcsize,       $messagesize,
                    $seen_flag, $answered_flag, $deleted_flag,
                   = $sth->fetchrow_array
                $seen_flag     =~ s/1/\<b\>YES\<\/b\>/g;
                $seen_flag     =~ s/0/\<b\>NO\<\/b\>/g;
                $answered_flag =~ s/1/\<b\>YES\<\/b\>/g;
                $answered_flag =~ s/0/\<b\>NO\<\/b\>/g;
                $deleted_flag  =~ s/1/\<b\>YES\<\/b\>/g;
                $deleted_flag  =~ s/0/\<b\>NO\<\/b\>/g;
                $str .= "	<tr style=\"font-size:11px\">
		</table></center></div><div><center><table><tr style=\"font-size:11px\"><td class=\"ad\">Seen = $seen_flag</td><td class=\"ad\">Answered = $answered_flag</td><td class=\"ad\">Marked For Delete = $deleted_flag</td><td class=\"ad\">Status = <b>$status</b></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" colspan=\"2\" title=\"Mark this message for deletion by next dbmail-util run.\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"31\" name =\"RQT\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name =\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name =\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\"  name=\"username\" /><input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete Mail\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" colspan=\"2\" title=\"UnDelete this message\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"32\" name =\"RQT\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name =\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name =\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\"  name=\"username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/undelete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'UnDelete this Message\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:49px;height:16px\" /></form></td></tr>\n";
    if (defined $str3 > 0)
        print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="7"><h3><a href="$mythisscript?$userID">Back to $username Account</a> | <a href="$mythisscript">Main Menu</a></h3></td></tr>
	<tr><td>Delete or undelete this message, or do an extended search above if this is not what you seek.</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="6" style="color:#000090;border-style:solid;border-color:#D6CFDE;font-size:9pt">
	NOTE: DBMA has returned the raw content of the most recent message containing your search string in a safe environment wherein html links, images or malicious code will not execute. You searched for <i><b>$searchterms</b></i> in $username\'s
	$str2 ($mailbox_idnr). Message content displays in two text areas: Block Type=Header, and Block Type=Message. This relies on the "dbmail_messageblks.is_header" flag. Some DbMail versions do not insert the "is_header" flag.</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="6"><h2>Message $messageID</h2></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><table width="738px">
	<tr><td><span class="gr">Date</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Mailbox</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Unique ID</span></td><td><span class="gr">RFCSize</span></td><td><span class="gr">Size</span></td></tr>
        print $str if ($str);
        print <<"DBMA";
	</table></center></div><div><center><table width="738px">
        print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; height:4px; color:#D6CFDE" /></td></tr>
        print $str1 if ($str1);
    elsif (defined $str3 < 1)
        print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; height:4px; color:#D6CFDE" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td><b>Nothing found for $searchterms</b>. Please try again with different search terms.</td></tr>
    print "</table></center></div>\n";
    $sth->finish()     if ($sth);
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub search_mail_extended
sub search_mail_extended
    $headers_results  = "";
    $headers_only_sql = "";
    if ($headers_only == 1)
        $headers_results  = "<em>(in headers only)</em>";
        $headers_only_sql =
          " AND " . $dbmail_messageblks_table . ".is_header=1 ";
    $starttime = time();
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT message_idnr, $dbmail_physmessage_table.internal_date, $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id, unique_id, rfcsize, messagesize, $dbmail_messages_table.seen_flag, $dbmail_messages_table.answered_flag, $dbmail_messages_table.deleted_flag, $dbmail_messages_table.status, $dbmail_mailboxes_table.name
FROM $dbmail_messages_table
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_mailboxes_table ON $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr = $dbmail_messages_table.mailbox_idnr
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_physmessage_table ON $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id = $dbmail_physmessage_table.id
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_messageblks_table ON $dbmail_messages_table.physmessage_id = $dbmail_messageblks_table.physmessage_id
WHERE $dbmail_messageblks_table.messageblk LIKE '%$searchterms%' AND $dbmail_mailboxes_table.owner_idnr = '$userID' $headers_only_sql
ORDER BY $dbmail_physmessage_table.internal_date desc"
    unless ($sth->execute())
          "<span class=\"er\">$DBI::errstr <br />Sorry. Search failed for mail in this users mailboxes using your searchterms.</span>";
    $numrows = $sth->rows;
    while (
            $messageID,    $internal_date, $physmessage_id, $unique_id,
            $rfcsize,      $messagesize,   $seen_flag,      $answered_flag,
            $deleted_flag, $status,        $mailbox_name
           = $sth->fetchrow_array
        $seen_flag     =~ s/1/YES/g;
        $seen_flag     =~ s/0/NO/g;
        $answered_flag =~ s/1/YES/g;
        $answered_flag =~ s/0/NO/g;
        $deleted_flag  =~ s/1/YES/g;
        $deleted_flag  =~ s/0/NO/g;
        $str .=
          "	<tr><td title=\"$username\'s $mailbox_name\"><span style=\"background:#f5f3f8\"><b>$mailbox_name</b></span></td>
		<td><span class=\"gr\">Message ID</span></td>
		<td><span class=\"gr\">$mailbox_name Date</span></td>
		<td><span class=\"gr\">Unique ID</span></td><td><span class=\"gr\">RFCSize</span></td><td><span class=\"gr\">Size</span></td></tr>
		<tr style=\"font-size:11px\"><td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name=\"messageID\" /> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$searchterms\" name=\"searchterms\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name=\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$deleted_flag\" name=\"deleted_flag\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$seen_flag\" name=\"seen_flag\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name=\"messageID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" name=\"username\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"physmessage_id\" value=\"$physmessage_id\" /><input title=\"Open physmessage_id $physmessage_id having message_idnr $messageID\" type=\"image\" src=\"images/read_mail.gif\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'letsgo\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'notseen\';\" class=\"notseen\" /></form></td>
		<td>$messageID</td><td><b style=\"color:#6a6a95\"> $internal_date</b></td><td>$unique_id</td><td>$rfcsize</td><td>$messagesize</td></tr>
		<tr style=\"font-size:11px\"><td>Seen=<b>$seen_flag</b></td><td>Answered=<b>$answered_flag</b></td><td>Marked Delete = <b>$deleted_flag</b></td><td>Status = <b>$status</b></td>
		<td title=\"Mark this message for deletion by next dbmail-util run.\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"31\" name =\"RQT\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name =\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name =\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\"  name=\"username\" /><input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete Mail\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td title=\"UnDelete this message\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"32\" name =\"RQT\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$mailbox_name\" name =\"mailbox_name\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$messageID\" name =\"messageID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userID\" name=\"userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\"  name=\"username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/undelete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'UnDelete this Message\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:49px;height:16px\" /></form></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr style=\"background-color:#D6CFDE; height:4px; color:#D6CFDE\" /></td></tr>\n";
    $endtime      = time;
    $DBSearchTime = $endtime - $starttime;
    print <<"DBMA";
	<title>DBMA: Message Search in $username\'s Mailboxes</title>
	<tr><td colspan="7"><h2>Searching $username Mailboxes</h2</td></tr><tr><td style="background:#D6CFDE" colspan="7"><span style="font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:105%;font-weight:bold"><a href="$mythisscript?$userID">Open $username\'s Account Window</a> | <a href="$mythisscript">Main Menu</a></span></td></tr><tr><td colspan="7" style="background-color:#ffffc4">
    print <<"DBMA";
	</td></tr><tr><td colspan="7" style="background-color:#D0F4D2;font-size:90%"><b>$numrows Messages</b> have string matches to your search terms $headers_results order by date. <b>$DBSearchTime Secs</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan="7">Results:</td></tr>
    print $str         if ($str);
    $sth->finish()     if ($sth);
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
    print "</table></center></div>\n";
#############################  End User Account Window Section
############################################################## - sub List_Group_Users RQT29
sub List_Group_Users
    if (   ($FORM{'GroupID'} eq "0")
        || ($FORM{'GroupID'} eq " ")
        || ($FORM{'GroupID'} eq "00"))
        $GroupID =~ /\0/;
    if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "0")
        $sth =
            "SELECT * FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE client_idnr ='$GroupID' ORDER BY $orderby $LIMIT"
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.12 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed List_Group_Users function";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="user_idnr" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input type="image" src="images/id.gif" style="width:19px;height:14px" title="Sort by User ID Number" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="userid" /><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" /><input type="image" src="images/user.gif" style="width:32px;height:14px" title="Sort by User Name" /></form></td>
	<td><span style="color:#B5924A;font-weight:675">Modify</span></td><td><span style="color:red;font-weight:675">Delete</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:#009A31">Alias</span></td><td><span style="color:blue;font-weight:675">Notify</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:navy;font-weight:675">Password</span></td><td><span style="color:navy;font-weight:675">Group</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:navy;font-weight:675">Mail Quota</span></td><td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="curmail_size desc" /><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input type="image" src="images/curmail.gif" style="width:70px;height:14px" title="Sort by Volume of Current Mail" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="last_login desc" /><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input type="image" src="images/lastlogin.gif" style="width:63px;height:14px" title="Sort by date of last login" /></form></td></tr>
        while (
                $userID,       $username,     $passwd,          $GroupID,
                $maxmail_size, $curmail_size, $encryption_type, $last_login
               = $sth->fetchrow_array
            $username =~
            $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
            $passwd = "encrypted"
              if (   ($encryption_type =~ /md5sum/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /md5/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /crypt/));
            $passwd = "*plain*" if $encryption_type =~ / /;
            $str .= "	<tr>
		<td class=\"ad c0\">$userID</td>
		<td class=\"ad c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s Account Window\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Open this users account.\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" /><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon.gif\" style=\"width:12px;height:17px\" /> $username</a></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"MODIFY user $username\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"11\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"newuserID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" value=\"$username\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mailboxsize\" value=\"$maxmail_size\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$passwd\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"encrypttype\" value=\"$encryption_type\" /><input type=\"image\" src=\"images/modify.gif\" title=\"MODIFY $username Account\" width=\"33\" height=\"13\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"DELETE user $username\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"5\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"displayusername\" value=\"$username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Go to a Delete-User Window For This User\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"Add an Alias for user $username\">
		<form name=\"alias\" method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"7\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"displayusername\" value=\"$username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/add-alias.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Add an Alias\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:28px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"Notify someone when $username gets mail\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"16\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"displayusername\" value=\"$username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/notify.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Notify someone when this account gets mail.\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:33px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\">$passwd</td><td class=\"ad\">$GroupID</td><td class=\"ad\">$maxmail_size</td><td class=\"ad\">$curmail_size</td><td class=\"ad\">$last_login</td></tr>\n";
        print $str if ($str);
        print "	</table></center></div>\n";
        $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
    if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1")
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr,  userid,  passwd,  client_idnr,  maxmail_size, encryption_type, $cmailsize last_login  FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE client_idnr ='$GroupID' ORDER BY $orderby $LIMIT"
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.13 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed $sth";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="user_idnr" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input type="image" src="images/id.gif" style="width:19px;height:14px" title="Sort by User ID Number" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="userid" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input type="image" src="images/user.gif" style="width:32px;height:14px" title="Sort by User Name" /></form></td>
	<td><span style="color:red;font-weight:675">Delete</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Alias</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:blue;font-weight:675">Notify</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:navy;font-weight:675">Password</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:navy;font-weight:675">Group</span></td>
	<td><span style="color:navy;font-weight:675">Mail Quota</span></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="last_login desc" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="all_in_this_group" /><input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input type="image" src="images/lastlogin.gif" style="width:63px;height:14px" title="Sort by date of last login" />
        while (
                $userID,       $username,        $passwd,       $GroupID,
                $maxmail_size, $encryption_type, $curmail_size, $last_login
               = $sth->fetchrow_array
            $username =~
            $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
            $passwd = "encrypted"
              if (   ($encryption_type =~ /md5sum/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /md5/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /crypt/));
            $passwd = "*plain*"
              if (   ($encryption_type =~ /^md5sum/)
                  && ($encryption_type =~ /^md5/)
                  && ($encryption_type =~ /^crypt/)
                  || ($encryption_type eq " ")
                  || ($encryption_type eq "plain"));
            $str .= "	<tr>
		<td class=\"ad c0\">$userID</td>
		<td class=\"ad c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s Account Window\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Open this users account.\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" /><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon.gif\" style=\"width:12px;height:17px\" /> $username</a></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"DELETE user $username\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"5\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"displayusername\" value=\"$username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Go to a Delete-User Window For This User\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"Add an Alias for user $username\"><form name=\"alias\" method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"7\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"displayusername\" value=\"$username\" /><input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/add-alias.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Add an Alias\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:28px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\" title=\"Notify someone when $username gets mail\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"16\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"displayusername\" value=\"$username\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/notify.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Notify someone when this account gets mail.\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:33px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"ad\">$passwd</td><td class=\"ad\">$GroupID</td><td class=\"ad\">$maxmail_size</td><td class=\"ad\">$curmail_size</td>\n<td class=\"ad\">$last_login</td>\n</tr>\n";
        print $str if ($str);
        print "	</table></center></div>\n";
        $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub List_Global_Users RQTany
sub List_Global_Users
    if ((defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0) && (defined $FORM{'userID'} eq "any"))
    if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "0")
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="user_idnr" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" /><input type="image" src="images/id.gif" style="width:19px;height:14px" title="Sort by User ID Number" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="userid" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" /><input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" /><input type="image" src="images/user.gif" style="width:32px;height:14px" title="Sort by User Name" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="client_idnr desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" /><input type="image" src="images/groupID.gif" style="width:40px;height:14px" title="Sort by Group Number" /></form></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Password</span></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="maxmail_size desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" /><input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/mailquota.gif" style="width:63px;height:14px" title="Sort by Mail Quota Size" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="curmail_size desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" /><input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/curmail.gif" style="width:70px;height:14px" title="Sort by Volume of Current Mail" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="last_login desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" /><input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/lastlogin.gif" style="width:63px;height:14px" title="Sort by date of last login" /></form></td></tr>
        $sth =
                  "SELECT * FROM $dbmail_users_table ORDER BY $orderby $LIMIT");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "ErrorID: $version.err0.14 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT data FROM $dbmail_users_table.";
        while (
                $userID,       $username,     $passwd,          $GroupID,
                $maxmail_size, $curmail_size, $encryption_type, $last_login
               = $sth->fetchrow_array
            $username =~
            $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
            $passwd = "encrypted"
              if (   ($encryption_type =~ /md5sum/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /md5/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /crypt/));
            $passwd = "*plain*" if $encryption_type =~ / /;
            $str .=
              "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td>$userID</td><td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s Account Window\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $username</a></td>
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"all_in_this_group\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$GroupID\" name=\"GroupID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"required\" value=\"GroupID\" />$GroupID<input title=\"Open Group $GroupID\" type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" style=\"width:17px;height:7px\" src=\"images/gr.gif\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Open Group $GroupID\';return true\" /></form></td>
        print $str if ($str);
        print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="7"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></center></div>
        $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
    if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1")
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="user_idnr" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/id.gif" style="width:19px;height:14px" title="Sort by User ID Number" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="userid" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/user.gif" style="width:32px;height:14px" title="Sort by User Name" /></form></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Password	</span></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="client_idnr desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/groupID.gif" style="width:40px;height:14px" title="Sort by Group Number" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="maxmail_size desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/mailquota.gif" style="width:63px;height:14px" title="Sort by Mail Quota Size" /></form></td>
	<td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name ="orderby" value="last_login desc" /><input type="hidden" name="limit" value="$limit" />
	<input type="hidden" name ="userID" value="any" />
	<input type="image" src="images/lastlogin.gif" style="width:63px;height:14px" title="Sort by date of last login" /></form></td></tr>
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr,  userid,  passwd,  client_idnr,  maxmail_size, encryption_type, $cmailsize last_login FROM $dbmail_users_table ORDER BY $orderby $LIMIT"
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.15 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT data FROM $dbmail_users_table.";
        while (
                $userID,       $username,        $passwd,       $GroupID,
                $maxmail_size, $encryption_type, $curmail_size, $last_login
               = $sth->fetchrow_array
            $username =~
            $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
            $passwd = "encrypted"
              if (   ($encryption_type =~ /md5sum/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /md5/)
                  || ($encryption_type =~ /crypt/));
            $passwd = "*plain*" if $encryption_type =~ / /;
            $str .=
              "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s Account Window\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\">
		<img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $username</a></td>
        print $str if ($str);
        print <<"DBMA";
        $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub List_Group_Aliases
sub List_Group_Aliases ($)
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="font-size:13px;width:738px;text-align:left">
	<tr><td colspan="4"><h1>Regular Aliases</h1></td></tr>
	<td style="width:45px"><span class="gr">Group $GroupID</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Aliases in alpha sort</span></td>
	<td style="width:45px"><span class="gr">ID</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">User Name</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Current Mail</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Last Login</span></td>
    $sth =
        "SELECT $dbmail_users_table.client_idnr, alias_idnr, userid, alias, deliver_to, $cmailsize last_login FROM $dbmail_aliases_table  JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to=$dbmail_users_table.user_idnr WHERE $dbmail_users_table.client_idnr = $GroupID ORDER by alias"
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.16 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed To select data.";
    while (
            $GroupID, $alias_idnr,   $username, $alias,
            $userID,  $cur_mailsize, $last_login
           = $sth->fetchrow_array
        $alias =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;
        $str .=
          "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"all_in_this_group\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$GroupID\" name=\"GroupID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"required\" value=\"GroupID\" /><input title=\"Open Group $GroupID\" type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" style=\"width:17px;height:7px\" src=\"images/gr.gif\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Open Group $GroupID\';return true\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"Find this account\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" /><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $alias</a></td>
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s account\?\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\">$userID</a></td><td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s account\?\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $username</a></td><td>$cur_mailsize</td><td>$last_login</td>
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"41\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\"$alias\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\">
		<input type=\"image\" title=\"Delete by alias_idnr $alias_idnr : $alias\?\" value =\"submit\" onclick=\"return confirm(\'DELETE $alias : Are you sure?\')\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete alias_idnr $alias_idnr $alias\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td></tr>\n";
    print $str if ($str);
    print "</table></center></div>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub List_Global_Aliases
sub List_Global_Aliases
    $alias = "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td colspan="4"><h3>Current User Aliases Found in $dbmail_aliases_table</h3></td></tr>
	<tr><td><span class="gr">Aliases</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">ID</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">User Name</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Current Mail</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Last Login</span></td>
	<td style="width:37px">Delete<span class="gr"></span></td></tr>
    $sth =
        "SELECT userid, alias_idnr, alias, deliver_to, $cmailsize last_login FROM $dbmail_aliases_table JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to=$dbmail_users_table.user_idnr ORDER by alias $LIMIT"
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.18 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to find every alias.";
    while (
         ($username, $alias_idnr, $alias, $userID, $cur_mailsize, $last_login) =
        $alias =~ s/ //         if $alias;
        $alias =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;

        $str .=
          "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title = \"Open user account window for $username\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'DBMA: Open user account window for $username\';return true\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $alias</a></td>
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title = \"Open user account window for $username\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'DBMA: Open User Account Window for $username\';return true\">$userID</a></td>
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"Open $username\'s account\?\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$userID\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'DBMA: Open User Account Window for $username\';return true\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $username</a></td>
		<td>$cur_mailsize</td><td>$last_login</td><td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"42\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\"$alias\" />
		<input type=\"image\" title=\"Delete by alias_idnr $alias_idnr : $alias\?\" value =\"submit\" onclick=\"return confirm(\'DELETE $alias : Are you sure?\')\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete alias_idnr $alias_idnr $alias\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td></tr>\n";

    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    $username     = "";
    $alias_idnr   = "";
    $alias        = "";
    $userID       = "";
    $cur_mailsize = "";
    $last_login   = "";

    our $sth = $dbh->prepare("
SELECT DISTINCT $dbmail_aliases_table.alias_idnr, $dbmail_aliases_table.alias, $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to
FROM $dbmail_aliases_table
WHERE $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to like '%\@%'
ORDER by $dbmail_aliases_table.alias_idnr, $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to, $dbmail_aliases_table.alias, $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to find orphans.";

    while (($alias_idnr, $alias, $deliver_to) = $sth->fetchrow_array)

        $alias =~ s/ //         if $alias;
        $alias =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;
        $username = "forward" if ($deliver_to =~ m/\@/i);

        $str2 .=
          "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td class=\"c0\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $alias</td>
		<td class=\"c0\">$deliver_to</a></td>
		<td class=\"c0\">$username</a></td>
		<td>.</td><td>.</td><td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"42\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\"$alias\" />

		<input type=\"image\" title=\"Delete by alias_idnr $alias_idnr : $alias\?\" value =\"submit\" onclick=\"return confirm(\'DELETE $alias : Are you sure?\')\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete alias_idnr $alias_idnr $alias\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" /></form></td></tr>\n";

    print $str  if ($str);
    print $str2 if ($str2);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub List_all_Forwards RQT20
sub List_all_Forwards
    my $deliver_to;
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="font-size:13px;width:730px;text-align:left">
	<tr><td style="width:50px"><span class="gr">Group</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Forward From:</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">To: </span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">             </span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">             </span></td>
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT alias_idnr, alias, deliver_to, client_idnr FROM $dbmail_aliases_table
WHERE $dbmail_aliases_table.deliver_to LIKE '%@%'
ORDER BY deliver_to $LIMIT"
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.17 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to get forwards.";
    while (($alias_idnr, $alias, $deliver_to, $GroupID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $alias =~ s/ //         if $alias;
        $alias =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;
        $str2 .=
          "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"all_in_this_group\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$GroupID\" name=\"GroupID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"required\" value=\"GroupID\" />$GroupID
		<input title=\"Open Group $GroupID\" type=\"image\" name=\"submit\" style=\"width:17px;height:7px\" src=\"images/gr.gif\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Open Group $GroupID\';return true\" /></form></td>
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"$alias forwards to $deliver_to Click to open User $deliver_to\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$alias\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $alias</a></td>
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"$alias forwards to $deliver_to Click to open User $deliver_to\" href=\"$mythisscript\?$deliver_to\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" /> $deliver_to</a></td>
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"14\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"GroupID\" value=\"$GroupID\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deliver_to\" value=\"$deliver_to\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deliver_from\" value=\"$alias\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" alt=\"Edit and change this forward\" src=\"images/edit.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Edit Mail Forward\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:22px;height:14px\" /></form></td>
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"9\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias_idnr\" value=\"$alias_idnr\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"alias\" value=\"$alias\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete Mail Forward\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" alt=\"Delete This forward\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" onclick=\"return confirm(\'DELETE $alias : Are you sure?\')\" /></form></td></tr>\n";
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
    print $str2;
    print <<"DBMA";
        <tr><td colspan="5"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub LIST_auto_notifications  RQT22
sub LIST_auto_notifications
    $sth =
        "SELECT userid, $dbmail_auto_notifications_table.user_idnr, notify_address from $dbmail_auto_notifications_table LEFT JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr=$dbmail_auto_notifications_table.user_idnr where $dbmail_auto_notifications_table.notify_address LIKE '%@%' ORDER BY notify_address $LIMIT"
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage =
          "<span class=\"stats\">Is this an Older version of DBMail WITHOUT the Auto Notifications feature? If so, that explains why your database does not contain auto_notifications? If you need this feature, visit http://www.dbmail.org to upgrade to a more recent version.<br />You attempted to SELECT userid, user_idnr and notify_address from $dbmail_auto_notifications_table.</span><br />$DBI::errstr ";
    while (($userID, $userID, $notify_address) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $notify_address =~ s/ //         if $alias;
        $notify_address =~ s/\@/\&#64;/g if $alias;
        $str .=
          "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"User Account Window for $userID\" href=\"$mythisscript?$userID\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" />$userID    ($userID)</a></td>
		<td class=\"c0\">a notice is sent to:</td><td class=\"c0\"><a title=\"click here only if $notify_address is local\" href=\"$mythisscript?$notify_address\"><img alt=\"User\" src=\"images/usericon-small.jpg\" />$notify_address</a></td>
		<td><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userID\" value=\"$userID\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"56\" /><input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status='Delete Auto Notification';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status='DBMA';return true\" style=\"vertical-align:bottom;width:37px;height:14px\" title=\"Delete Auto Notification\" onclick=\"return confirm('DELETE Auto Notify')\" /></form></td></tr>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="font-size:90%;width:738px">
	<tr><td colspan="4"><h3>Auto Notifications</h3></td></tr>
	<tr><td><span class="gr">When User</span></td><td><span class="gr">Gets Mail</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Notify Address</span></td><td><span class="rd">Delete</span></td></tr>
    print $str if ($str);
    print "</table></center></div>\n";
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub showrecentlogins
sub showrecentlogins
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="font-size:13px;margin-right:150px;width:560px;text-align:left">
	<tr><td colspan="3"><b>Recent Logins Pop Before SMTP</b></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:150px"><span class="gr">ID Number	</span></td>
	<td style="width:150px"><span class="gr">IP Address 	</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Date</span></td></tr>
    my ($since, $ipnumber, $str, $idnr);
    if ($sqltype =~ /mysql/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT idnr, since, ipnumber from $dbmail_pbsp_table WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $loginterval HOUR) <= since ORDER BY  since"
        while (($idnr, $ipnumber, $since) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str1 .=
              "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\"><td style=\"width:150px\">$idnr</td><td style=\"width:150px\">$since</td><td>$ipnumber</td></tr>\n";
        print $str1 if ($str1);
        print "	</table></center></div>\n";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    elsif ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT idnr, since, ipnumber from $dbmail_pbsp_table WHERE since > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP -INTERVAL '$loginterval hours' ORDER BY since LIMIT 500"
        while (($idnr, $ipnumber, $since) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str1 .=
              "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\"><td style=\"width:150px\">$idnr</td><td style=\"width:150px\">$since</td><td>$ipnumber</td></tr>\n";
        print $str1 if ($str1);
        print "	</table></center></div>\n";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="font-size:13px;margin-right:150px;width:560px;text-align:left">
	<tr><td colspan="3"><b>Last $loginterval hrs Logins By User Name</b></td></tr>
	<td style="width:150px"><span class="gr">User  	</span></td>
	<td style="width:150px"><span class="gr">Current Mailbox</span></td>
	<td><span class="gr">Date</span></td>
    if ($sqltype =~ /mysql/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT userid, $cmailsize last_login from $dbmail_users_table WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL $loginterval HOUR) <= last_login ORDER BY last_login"
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.20 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT userid, $cmailsize last_login from $dbmail_users_table.";
        while (($username, $curmail_size, $last_login) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str .=
              "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\"><td style=\"width:150px\"><a href=\"$mythisscript?$username\">$username</a></td><td style=\"width:150px\">$curmail_size</td><td>$last_login</td></tr>\n";
        print $str     if ($str);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print <<"DBMA";
    elsif ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT userid, $cmailsize last_login from $dbmail_users_table WHERE last_login > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP -INTERVAL '$loginterval hours' ORDER BY last_login LIMIT 500"
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.21 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT userid, $cmailsize last_login from $dbmail_users_table.";
        while (($username, $curmail_size, $last_login) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str .=
              "	<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\"><td style=\"width:150px\"><a href=\"$mythisscript?$username\">$username</a></td><td style=\"width:150px\">$curmail_size</td><td>$last_login</td></tr>\n";
        print $str     if ($str);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print <<"DBMA";
    $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub numusers
sub numusers
    $addtext     = "";
    $andgroup    = "";
    $andmoretext = "";
    my $numusers = "";
    my $userstr  = "";
    if ($FORM{'GroupID'})
        $andgroup = "WHERE client_idnr = " . $GroupID;
        $addtext  = "in Group " . $GroupID;
        $andgroup = " ";
        $addtext  = "Total";
    if ($FORM{'limit'}) { $andmoretext = "(Display $LIMIT)" || ""; }
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_users_table $andgroup");
    while (($numusers) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $userstr .=
          "	<div><form action=\"$mythisscript\" method=\"post\"><center><table><tr><td style=\"background-color:#ffffc4; color:#4602A0\"><span style=\"font-family:sans-serif;font-size:95%\"><b>$numusers Email Accounts $addtext $andmoretext</b>.
		Click <img src=\"images/dn.gif\" alt=\"Click this below to sort list\" style=\"width:7px;height:9px\" /> to resort by category.</span>
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"2\" name=\"RQT\" /><input type=\"text\" title=\"Please enter the user ID or name.\" size=\"10\" style=\"font-family:arial;font-size:9px\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'back2\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'front\';\" class=\"front\" name=\"userID\" />
		<input title=\"Search for user\" type=\"image\" style=\"vertical-align:top;width:100px;height:18px;\" src=\"images/search_user.gif\" />
    print $userstr;
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub MODIFY_User_SQL
      if (($FORM{'newalias'}) || ($newalias =~ /0-9a-zA-Z/));
    $sql =
      "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET userid = '$username' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.22 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for user update";
    if (   ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "plain")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "clear")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "on")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "off")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "blank")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "ascii")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "cleartext")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "plaintext")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "none")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq " ")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "md5sum")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "crypt")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "md5")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "MD5"))
        $encrypttype = " ";
        $encrypttype = $FORM{'encrypttype'};
        $encrypttype =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g
          ;    # fixes an error in dbmail where md5-hash is interpreted as "md5"
    $sql =
      "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET encryption_type = '$encrypttype' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.23 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET encryption_type";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
########## - changepassword
    $FORM{'encrypttype'} =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g;
    $encrypttype         =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g;
    if (   ($FORM{'changepassword'})
        && ($changepassword =~ /pBq1XZ6StL9xpjFUrOlJ03cRws/))
        if (($sqltype =~ /mysql/) && ($encrypttype =~ /md5sum/))

            $password = &MD5_hash($FORM{'password'});
            $sql      =
              "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage =
                  "ErrorID: $version.err0.25 $DBI::errstr Failed SET new passwd.";

        elsif (   ($encrypttype eq "md5")
               || ($encrypttype eq "MD5")
               && ($encrypttype ne "md5sum")
               && ($encrypttype ne "plain")
               && ($encrypttype ne "clear")
               && ($encrypttype ne "crypt")
               && ($encrypttype ne "cleartext")
               && ($encrypttype ne " "))
            $results = &MD5_Encrypt($FORM{'password'});
            $sql     =
              "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$results' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.26 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to set password";
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        elsif (   ($encrypttype eq "crypt")
               && ($encrypttype ne "md5sum")
               && ($encrypttype ne "plain")
               && ($encrypttype ne "clear")
               && ($encrypttype ne "cleartext")
               && ($encrypttype ne " "))
            $results = &perl_crypt($FORM{'password'});
            $sql     =
              "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$results' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.27 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to set password";
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        elsif ($encrypttype eq (("md5sum") || ("md5-hash")))
            $password = &MD5_hash($FORM{'password'});
            $sql      =
              "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.28 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed operation";
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        elsif ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "plain")
            $password = $FORM{'password'};
            $sql      =
              "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.29 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed operation";
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        elsif ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq " ")
            $password = $FORM{'password'};
            $sql      =
              "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.30 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed operation";
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
########## - End condition and action changepassword
    $sql =
      "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET client_idnr = '$GroupID' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.31 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed operation";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    $sql =
      "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET maxmail_size = '$mailboxsize' where user_idnr = '$newuserID'";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.32 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed operation";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
## add the alias but first check if alias first_part is a user
    if ($auto_create_user eq "1")
        my $check_for_this_user;
        $newalias           = $FORM{'newalias'};
        @is_it_new_output   = &split($newalias);
        $is_it_new_username = $is_it_new_output[0];
        $sth                =
            "SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid = '$is_it_new_username' LIMIT 1"
        unless (($check_for_this_user) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $message =
              "You added alias $newalias but no account existed for $is_it_new_username. DBMA created account <a href=\"$mythisscript?$is_it_new_username\">$is_it_new_username</a>\n";
            my $it_is_new_pwd = &MD5_hash_salt_key("DBMANOACCESS");
            $insertnewuser =
              "INSERT INTO $dbmail_users_table (userid, passwd, client_idnr, maxmail_size, encryption_type, last_login)
    	    	VALUES ('$is_it_new_username', '$it_is_new_pwd', '$GroupID', '$mailboxsize', 'md5', CURRENT_DATE)";
            $sth = $dbh->prepare($insertnewuser);
            $sth =
                "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid = '$is_it_new_username' LIMIT 1"

            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage =
                  "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to get user_idnr for $is_it_new_username.";
            while (my $rv = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
                my $is_it_new_userID = $rv->{'user_idnr'};
            $sth = $dbh->prepare(
                "INSERT INTO $dbmail_mailboxes_table (owner_idnr, name, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, flagged_flag, recent_flag, draft_flag, no_inferiors, no_select, permission)
    	    	VALUES ('$is_it_new_userID', 'INBOX', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2')"
            unless ($dbh->commit)
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.40 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add mailbox for $is_it_new_userID";
    $newalias =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    $addnewaliases =
      "INSERT INTO $dbmail_aliases_table (alias, deliver_to, client_idnr) VALUES ('$newalias', '$newuserID', '$GroupID')"
      if ($FORM{'newalias'});
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($addnewaliases) if ($FORM{'newalias'});
    $sth->execute() if ($FORM{'newalias'});
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.33 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for $username update";
    $password = $FORM{'password'};
############################################################## - sub add_user_sql RQT1
sub add_user_sql ($)
    $FORM{'encrypttype'} =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g;
    $encrypttype         =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g;
    $GroupID     = $FORM{'GroupID'};
    $encrypttype = &char_filt($FORM{'encrypttype'});

    $sth =
        "SELECT user_idnr, client_idnr from $dbmail_users_table where userid = '$username'"
    unless ($sth->execute())
        push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
        &error('Failed check if User Exists', @ERROR);
    if (($userID, $GroupID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
             "User: " . $username,
             "User number: " . $userID,
             "Group: " . $GroupID);
            'This user exists already. Open the User Account Window for this user and select MODIFY to make changes.',
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);

    if ($CFP eq "1")
        $encrypttype = " ";
        $encrypttype = $FORM{'encrypttype'};
    if (   ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "plain")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "on")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "off")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "clear")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "ascii")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "cleartext")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "plaintext")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "none")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq "")
        || ($FORM{'encrypttype'} eq " ")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "md5sum")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "crypt")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "md5")
        && ($FORM{'encrypttype'} ne "MD5"))
        $encrypttype = " ";
        $encrypttype = $FORM{'encrypttype'};
        $encrypttype =~ s/md5-hash/md5sum/g;
    if ($create_first_alias eq "1")
        $newalias = "$FORM{'username'}\@$defaultdomain";
        $newalias = $FORM{'newalias'};
    $insertnewuser =
      "INSERT INTO $dbmail_users_table (userid, passwd, client_idnr, maxmail_size, encryption_type, last_login)
    	    	VALUES ('$username', '$password', '$GroupID', '$mailboxsize', '$encrypttype', CURRENT_DATE)";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($insertnewuser);
    if (   ($encrypttype eq "md5")
        || ($encrypttype eq "MD5")
        || ($encrypttype =~ /Md5/))
        $password = &MD5_Encrypt($FORM{'password'});
        $sql      =
          "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where userid = '$username'";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.34 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to set password encryption - is it installed?";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.35 <br />
		$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add user";
    elsif (   ($encrypttype eq "crypt")
           || ($encrypttype eq "CRYPT")
           || ($encrypttype =~ /unix/))
        $results = &perl_crypt($FORM{'password'});
        $sql     =
          "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$results' where userid = '$username'";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.36 <br />
		DBI::errstr <br />Failed to set password using PERL Crypt - is it installed?";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.37 <br />
		DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add user";
    elsif (($sqltype =~ /mysql/) && ($encrypttype =~ /md5sum/))

        $password = &MD5_hash($FORM{'password'});

        $sql =
          "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where userid = '$username'";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.38 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd.";

    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.39 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add user";
    elsif (($sqltype =~ /pgsql/) && ($encrypttype =~ /md5sum/))
        $password = &MD5_hash($FORM{'password'});
        $sql      =
          "UPDATE $dbmail_users_table SET passwd = '$password' where userid = '$username'";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to set password using PERL Digest::MD5 - is it installed?";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add user";
      if ($FORM{'newalias'})
      ;    # handled only in a subroutine in case not creating an alias

#                                                   ########## - sub add_alias_sql part of RQT1
sub add_alias_sql
{    # part of the add_user process but built as a sub to bypass a form NULL
    $newalias = $FORM{'newalias'} || $newalias || $alias;
    $newalias = lc($newalias);
    my $username = $FORM{'username'} || $username || $userID;
    &check_if_RFC_alias($newalias) unless ($FORM{'bypass'} eq "1");
    my $sth =
        "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid = '$username'");
    while ($rv = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
        my $myuserID = $rv->{'user_idnr'};
        $newuserID = $myuserID;
    $addnewaliases =
      "INSERT INTO $dbmail_aliases_table (alias, deliver_to, client_idnr) VALUES ('$newalias', '$newuserID', '$GroupID')";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($addnewaliases);
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed INSERT INTO $dbmail_aliases_table.";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "INSERT INTO $dbmail_mailboxes_table (owner_idnr, name, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, flagged_flag, recent_flag, draft_flag, no_inferiors, no_select, permission)
    	    	VALUES ('$newuserID', 'INBOX', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2')"
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add alias and mailbox";
    if ($create_first_alias eq "1")

#                                                   ########## - sub add_mailbox_sql part of RQT1
sub add_mailbox_sql
    $sth =
        "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid = '$username'");
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed to get user_idnr from $dbmail_users_table.";
    while (my $rv = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
        my $myuserID = $rv->{'user_idnr'};
        $newuserID = $myuserID;
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "INSERT INTO $dbmail_mailboxes_table (owner_idnr, name, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, flagged_flag, recent_flag, draft_flag, no_inferiors, no_select, permission)
    	    	VALUES ('$newuserID', 'INBOX', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2')"
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.40 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add mailbox";
    sleep 1;
############################################################## - sub create_alias_sql RQT6
sub create_alias_sql
    $newalias =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    $addnewaliases =
      "INSERT INTO $dbmail_aliases_table (alias, deliver_to, client_idnr) VALUES ('$newalias', '$userID', '$GroupID')";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($addnewaliases);
    $sth->execute() if ($FORM{'newalias'});
    $sth->finish()  if ($sth);

    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for create alias";

############################################################## - sub add_notify_sql RQT15
sub add_notify_sql ()
    our $userID = $FORM{'userID'} || $userID || "";
    $addnotify =
      "INSERT INTO $dbmail_auto_notifications_table (user_idnr, notify_address) VALUES ('$userID', '$notify_address')";
    unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($addnotify))
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to Execute Addition of auto notify for $userID $sth->errstr";
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to Execute Addition of auto notify for $userID";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.41 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add notify";
############################################################## - sub delete_notify_sql
sub delete_notify_sql
    $sth =
        "DELETE FROM $dbmail_auto_notifications_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to delete Auto Notify for $userID. Check that there is one. Did you enter the correct UserID number?";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete notify";
############################################################## - sub fix_deleted RQT36
sub fix_deleted

  # First we are going to set the status flag to 003 for messages the client has marked for deletion.
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET status = '003' where  deleted_flag = '1' OR status >0"
    unless ($sth->execute())
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed in updating deleted status on messages client has marked delete.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed in updating deleted status on messages client has marked delete. This is a strange thing. Check your configurations.";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);

    # Now we are going to search for messages which have no owner. Orphaned messages.
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT message_idnr from $dbmail_messages_table
JOIN $dbmail_mailboxes_table ON $dbmail_messages_table.mailbox_idnr = $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr = $dbmail_mailboxes_table.owner_idnr
WHERE $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr IS NULL"
    unless ($sth->execute())
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed in updating deleted status for non-existant users.";

    # And now if we found some orphaned messages we will set their status to 001.
    # If you hit the "Update Delete Status" any orphaned messages that we have found here will be escalated to 003
    # and deleted from the database on the next Utility/Maintenance run.
    # Look for changes in the MAIN MENU statistics column: "Number of deletes pending"
    while (($message_idnr) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $sth =
            "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET status = '001', deleted_flag = '1' where  message_idnr = '$message_idnr'"
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed in updating deleted status for non-existant users.";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);

    # Delete messages mailboxes owned by no user.
    unless ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/)
        $sth = $dbh->prepare(
            "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table
LEFT JOIN $dbmail_mailboxes_table ON $dbmail_messages_table.mailbox_idnr = $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr
SET $dbmail_messages_table.deleted_flag = '1', status = '001' WHERE $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr IS NULL"
        unless ($sth->execute())
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed in updating deleted status where mailboxes to messages relationship is broken.";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed in updating deleted status where mailboxes to messages relationship is broken.";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);

############################################################## - sub delete_mail
sub delete_mail
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET deleted_flag ='1' WHERE message_idnr = '$messageID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.42 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to delete mail for $userID.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: delete mail for $userID WHERE message_idnr  = '$messageID'";
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET status ='003' WHERE message_idnr = '$messageID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.43 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to delete mail for $userID.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: delete mail for $userID WHERE message_idnr  = '$messageID'";
############################################################## - sub delete_all_mail RQT34
sub delete_all_mail
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET deleted_flag ='1' WHERE mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.44 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to delete mail for $username.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: delete mail for $username WHERE mailbox_idnr  = '$mailbox_idnr'";
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET status ='003' WHERE mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.45 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to delete all mail for $userID.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: delete all mail for $username WHERE mailbox_idnr  = $mailbox_idnr";
############################################################## - sub undelete_mail RQT35
sub undelete_mail
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET deleted_flag ='0' WHERE message_idnr  = '$messageID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to UNDELETE mail (set deleted_flag = 0) for $username.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: FAILED to undelete mail for $username WHERE message_idnr = $messageID";
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET status ='000' WHERE message_idnr = '$messageID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.46 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to undelete mail for $username.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Failed reset delete status for $username 's Mail WHERE message_idnr = '$messageID'";
############################################################## - sub undelete_all_mail
sub undelete_all_mail
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET deleted_flag ='0' WHERE mailbox_idnr  = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.47 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to undelete mail for $userID.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: undelete mail for $userID WHERE mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'";
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_messages_table SET status ='000' WHERE mailbox_idnr  = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.48 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to undelete mail for $userID.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: undelete mail for $userID WHERE mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'";
############################################################## - sub delete_user RQT4
sub delete_user
    unless ($RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
        $deleteuser =
          "DELETE FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID'";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($deleteuser);
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to delete $userID Check that $userID exists.";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete user";
## - delete dbmail_acl.user_id
        $sth =
                     "DELETE FROM $dbmail_acl_table where user_id = '$userID'");
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr DELETE ACL Failed";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not delete Public ACL for $userID";
## - delete dbmail_auto_replies.user_idnr
        $sth =
            "DELETE from $dbmail_auto_replies_table WHERE user_idnr='$userID'");
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.49 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />DELETE AutoReply Failed for $userID";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.50 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error:  DELETE AutoReply Failed for $userID";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
## - go get aliases and forwards, mail should be deleted on cascade dbmail_users.user_idnr
############################################################## - sub delete_alias_sql
sub delete_alias_sql ($)

    # DBMA: Delete Multiple Aliases and Forwards By User
    $sth =
              "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE deliver_to = '$userID'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to delete aliases for $userID. Check that they exist.";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    $sth =
        "DELETE FROM $dbmail_auto_notifications_table where user_idnr = '$userID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to delete Auto Notification for $userID.";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for Delete Alias";

    push(@ERROR, "User number: " . $userID . $username . " is gone.");
    &error('Success! Deleted.', @ERROR);
############################################################## - sub delete_user_restricted
sub delete_user_restricted
## Extra security for RESTRICTGroupID
    $deleteuser =
      "DELETE FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID' AND client_idnr ='$RESTRICTGroupID'";
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($deleteuser);
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to delete $userID Check that $userID exists or that you are authorized to administer this group.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.51 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete user";
############################################################## - sub delete_group
sub delete_group
    if (($deletegroup > 0) && ($RESTRICTGroupID < 1))
        $deleteuser =
          "DELETE FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE client_idnr = '$deletegroup'";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($deleteuser);
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to delete Group $deletegroup Check that Group $deletegroup exists.";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete Group $deletegroup";
        $sth =
            "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE client_idnr = '$deletegroup'"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to delete aliases for $deletegroup. Check that they exist.";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        $sth =
            "DELETE FROM $dbmail_auto_notifications_table where client_idnr = '$deletegroup'"
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    elsif ($deletegroup > 0)
        $errormessage =
          "Group &quot;0&quot; is restricted to system use. Please contact your Supervisor.";
        $errormessage =
          "You are outside your administrative authority. Please contact your Supervisor.";
############################################################## - sub delete_specific_forwards_sql RQT9
sub delete_specific_forwards_sql
    unless ($FORM{'alias_idnr'})
        $sth =
            "SELECT alias_idnr, client_idnr FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias = '$alias'"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            &error('DBMA Cannot find alias $alias');
        while (($alias_idnr, $GroupID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            if (($RESTRICTGroupID > 0) && ($GroupID == $RESTRICTGroupID))
                      'Part of this operation is outside your assigned group.');
            $sth =
                "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias = '$alias' AND alias_idnr = '$alias_idnr'"
            unless ($sth->execute)
                $errormessage =
                  "ErrorID: $version.err0.52 <br />$DBI::errstr<br />Error: Unable to delete aliases $alias - Check that it exists.";
            unless ($dbh->commit)
                $errormessage =
                  "ErrorID: $version.err0.53 <br />$DBI::errstr<br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete specific alias";
        $sth =
            "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias = '$alias' AND alias_idnr = '$alias_idnr'"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to delete aliases $alias - Check that it exists.";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete specific alias";
############################################################## - sub delete_from_aliases_sql RQT41
sub delete_from_aliases_sql
    $sth =
        "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias = '$alias' AND alias_idnr = '$alias_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to delete aliases $alias - Check that it exists.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete specific alias";
    if (defined $GroupID > 0) { &List_Group_Aliases($GroupID); }
    elsif (defined $userID > 0) { &Create_User_Account_MODIFY_Window($userID); }
    else { &make_form($userID); }
############################################################## - sub delete_from_aliases_global_admin
sub delete_from_aliases_global_admin
    $sth =
        "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias = '$alias' AND alias_idnr = '$alias_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage =
          "Error: Unable to delete aliases $alias - Check that it exists.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete specific alias";
############################################################## - sub mydelete_specific_alias
sub mydelete_specific_alias
    $sth =
          "DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias_idnr = '$alias_idnr'");
    unless ($sth->execute())
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Failed DELETE FROM $dbmail_aliases_table.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete specific alias";
############################################################## - sub auto_replies
sub auto_replies ($)
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    $sth =
        "SELECT reply_body FROM $dbmail_auto_replies_table WHERE user_idnr='$userID'"
    if (($reply_body) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px">
	<td><input title="Update AutoReply" onclick="return confirm('Auto reply poses a serious risk of mail looping and exposes your system to DoS attacks. Problems are LIKELY. Be absolutely sure you know what you are doing. The safest approach is to use another application like VACATION. Click CANCEL unless you truly know what you are doing. Click CANCEL now.')" type="submit" value="AutoReply" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:100%"><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="53" /><a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#auto_replies"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="Auto Reply Warning and Help File" /></a>
	<textarea title="Update AutoReply" name="reply_body" class="stats" cols="110" rows="2">$reply_body</textarea></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table><tr><td><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="52" /><input type="image" value ="submit" src="images/delete.gif" onmouseover="self.status='Delete Auto Reply';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" style="vertical-align:bottom;width:37px;height:14px" title="Delete Auto Reply" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Auto Reply.')" /><span style="font-size:10px"> Auto Reply</span></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px">
        <table style="width:730px;background-color:#d6cfde"><tr>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:100%"><input title="EXPERIMENTAL Please read Help!" onclick="return confirm('Auto reply poses a serious risk of mail looping and exposes your system to DoS attacks. Problems are LIKELY. Be absolutely sure you know what you are doing. The safest approach is to use another application like VACATION. Click CANCEL unless you truly know what you are doing. Click CANCEL now.')" type="submit" value="AutoReply" onmouseover="this.className='warn';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" />
	<input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="51" />
	<a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#auto_replies"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="Auto Reply Warning and Help File" /></a>
	<textarea name="reply_body" class="stats" cols="110" rows="2">Auto Reply not set. Erase This text and type your message. Then press "AutoReply" at left \n WARNING: AutoReply has severe risks attached. Read HELP</textarea></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
############################################################## - sub add_AutoReply
sub add_AutoReply
    if ($reply_body =~ /Auto Reply not set/)
        push(@ERROR, $reply_body);
            'Please delete the help text and enter your own Auto Reply Message ',
        $sth =
            "INSERT INTO $dbmail_auto_replies_table (user_idnr, reply_body) VALUES ('$userID', '$reply_body')"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr ADD AutoReply Failed <br /> $userID";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: ADD AutoReply Failed for $userID";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub delete_AutoReply
sub delete_AutoReply
    $sth =
            "DELETE from $dbmail_auto_replies_table WHERE user_idnr='$userID'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.54 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />DELETE AutoReply Failed for $userID";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.55 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error:  DELETE AutoReply Failed for $userID";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub update_AutoReply
sub update_AutoReply ($)
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_auto_replies_table SET reply_body='$reply_body' WHERE user_idnr='$userID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.56 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />AutoReply Failed for $userID";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error:  AutoReply Failed for $userID";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub delete_auto_notify
sub delete_auto_notify ($)
    $sth =
        "DELETE from $dbmail_auto_notifications_table WHERE user_idnr='$userID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.57 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />DELETE AutoNotify Failed for $userID";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.58 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error:  DELETE AutoNotify Failed for $userID";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub update_auto_notify
sub update_auto_notify ($)
    $sth =
        "UPDATE $dbmail_auto_notifications_table SET notify_address ='$notify_address' WHERE user_idnr='$userID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.59 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Update AutoNotify Failed for $userID";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Update AutoNotify Failed for $userID";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub ACL_create
sub ACL_create
    $password = &MD5_hash_salt_key('MYdbma2005');
    unless ($FORM{'anyone'})
        $insertnewuser =
          "INSERT INTO $dbmail_users_table (userid, passwd, encryption_type)
    	    	VALUES ('anyone', '$password', 'md5')";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($insertnewuser);
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr ADD MISSING anyone ACCOUNT FAIL at 1";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: failed to add user anyone";
### Get anyone anyway
    $sth =
             "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='anyone'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.60 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account 1";
    while (($anyone) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
### Does PUBLIC Account Exist
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='__public__'"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.61 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account 1";
        while (($PUBLICuserID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
### make the shared folder
                $sth =
                    "INSERT INTO $dbmail_mailboxes_table (owner_idnr, name, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, flagged_flag, recent_flag, draft_flag, no_inferiors, no_select, permission) VALUES ('$PUBLICuserID', '$shared_mailbox', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2')"
                unless ($dbh->commit)
                    $errormessage =
                      "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account 5";
## Add anyone
            $sth =
                "SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table WHERE owner_idnr='$PUBLICuserID' AND name='$shared_mailbox'"
            unless ($sth->execute)
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.62 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account 6";
            while (($mailbox_idnr) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $sth =
                    "INSERT INTO $dbmail_acl_table VALUES ( '$anyone', '$mailbox_idnr', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0' )"
                unless ($sth->execute)
                    $errormessage =
                      "DbMail Older Versions need to be modified or upgradedto use ACLs"
                      if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
                    $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.63 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account";
                unless ($dbh->commit)
                    $errormessage =
                      "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub create_PUBLIC_Account_and_ACL
sub create_PUBLIC_Account_and_ACL
    $password = &MD5_hash_salt_key('MYdbma2005');
    unless ($FORM{'anyone'})
        $insertnewuser =
          "INSERT INTO $dbmail_users_table (userid, passwd, encryption_type)
    	    	VALUES ('anyone', '$password', 'md5')";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($insertnewuser);
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr ADD MISSING anyone ACCOUNT FAIL at 1";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: failed to add user anyone";
### Get anyone anyway anyhow anywhere
    $sth =
             "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='anyone'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr Error: Could not find anyone";
    while (($anyone) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
### Create __public__
        $insertnewuser =
          "INSERT INTO $dbmail_users_table (userid, passwd, encryption_type)
    	    	VALUES ('__public__', '$password', 'md5')";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($insertnewuser);
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.64 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />ADD MISSING PUBLIC ACCOUNT FAIL at 1";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "DbMail Older Versions need to be modified or upgraded to use ACLs"
              if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: $DBI::errstr commit FAIL for add PUBLIC user";
### Get PUBLIC Account ID
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='__public__'"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "DbMail Older Versions need to be modified or upgraded to use ACLs"
              if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
            $errormessage =
              "Error: $DBI::errstr Could not create Public Account 1";
        while (($PUBLICuserID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
### make the shared folder
                $sth = $dbh->prepare(
                    "INSERT INTO $dbmail_mailboxes_table (owner_idnr, name, seen_flag, answered_flag, deleted_flag, flagged_flag, recent_flag, draft_flag, no_inferiors, no_select, permission)
    	    	VALUES ('$PUBLICuserID', '$shared_mailbox', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2')"
                unless ($dbh->commit)
                    $errormessage =
                      "$DBI::errstr <br />$DBI::errstr Error: Could not create Public Account 5";
## Get the mailbox_idnr and Add anyone to share folder
            $sth =
                "SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table WHERE owner_idnr='$PUBLICuserID' AND name='$shared_mailbox'"
            unless ($sth->execute)
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.65 <br />$DBI::errstr<br />DbMail Older Versions need to be modified or upgraded to use ACLs"
                  if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.66 <br />$DBI::errstr<br />Error: $DBI::errstr Could not create Public Account 6";
            while (($mailbox_idnr) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $sth =
                    "INSERT INTO $dbmail_acl_table VALUES ( '$anyone', '$mailbox_idnr', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0' )"
                unless ($sth->execute)
                    $errormessage =
                      "DbMail Older Versions need to be modified or upgraded to use ACLs"
                      if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
                    $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.67 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account 7";
                unless ($dbh->commit)
                    $errormessage =
                      "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public Account 8";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub add_ACL_user
sub add_ACL_user
## We are not going to add it if it exists. Check first. Then if exist do update not insert.
## mysql and pgsql need different approaches for different versions. DBMA will embrace all with cute redundancy
    $sth =
        "select user_id, mailbox_id from $dbmail_acl_table where user_id ='$userID' AND mailbox_id = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    if (($user_id, $mailbox_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
          if (   ($user_id = $FORM{'userID'})
              && ($mailbox_id = $FORM{'mailbox_idnr'}));
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        $sth = $dbh->prepare(
            "INSERT INTO $dbmail_acl_table 
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr ADD ACL Failed <br /> $sth";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not create Public ACL for $userID";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub update_ACL_user
sub update_ACL_user
    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "1") || ($ACL_ctrl eq "0"))
        &error('This feature is not available in your version of DbMail')
          if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
        &error('This feature has been turned off in the main configuration.')
          if ($ACL_ctrl eq "0");
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "UPDATE $dbmail_acl_table 
SET lookup_flag='$lookup_flag', read_flag='$read_flag', seen_flag='$seen_flag', write_flag='$write_flag', insert_flag='$insert_flag', post_flag='$post_flag', create_flag='$create_flag', delete_flag='$delete_flag', administer_flag='$administer_flag'
WHERE user_id = '$userID'
AND mailbox_id = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr ERROR Public Account 7";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.68 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: ERROR Public Account 8";
############################################################## - sub delete_ACL_user
sub delete_ACL_user ($)
    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "1") || ($ACL_ctrl eq "0"))
        &error('This feature is not available in your version of DbMail')
          if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
        &error('This feature has been turned off in the main configuration.')
          if ($ACL_ctrl eq "0");
    $sth =
        "DELETE FROM $dbmail_acl_table where user_id = '$userID' AND mailbox_id = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr DELETE ACL Failed";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not delete Public ACL for $userID";
############################################################## - sub delete_ACL_folder
sub delete_ACL_folder ($)
    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "1") || ($ACL_ctrl eq "0"))
        &error('This feature is not available in your version of DbMail')
          if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
        &error('This feature has been turned off in the main configuration.')
          if ($ACL_ctrl eq "0");

    # delete the ACLs attached to this mailbox first
    $sth =
           "DELETE FROM $dbmail_acl_table where mailbox_id = '$mailbox_idnr')");
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not delete Public ACL for mailbox $mailbox_idnr";

    # now delete the mailbox
    $sth =
        "DELETE FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table WHERE owner_idnr = '$PUBLICuserID' AND mailbox_idnr = '$mailbox_idnr'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr DELETE ACL Failed <br />";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not delete Public ACL for $userID";

# - DBMA Tools
############################################################## - sub auto_notifications
sub auto_notifications ($)
    $sth =
        "SELECT notify_address FROM $dbmail_auto_notifications_table WHERE user_idnr='$userID'"
    if (($notify_address) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px">
        <table style="background-color:#d6cfde;width:730px"><tr>
	<td><input title="Update Auto Notification" onclick="return confirm('Have you checked your input carefully?')" type="submit" value="AutoNotify" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /></td>
	<td style="width:100%"><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="57" /><a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#add_auto_notify"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="Auto Notify Help" /></a>
	<input title="You can change the email address to which NEW MAIL NOTICES should be sent." type="text"  size="36" value="$notify_address" name="notify_address" $mouseover $changecase><span class="out">Type your change of email address to be notified.</span></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table><tr><td><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="56" /><input type="image" value ="submit" src="images/delete.gif" onmouseover="self.status='Delete Auto Notification';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" style="vertical-align:bottom;width:37px;height:14px" title="Delete Auto Notification" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Auto Notify')" /><span style="font-size:10px"> Auto Notify</span></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px"><table style="background-color:#d6cfde"><tr>
	<td><input title="Add Auto Notification" onclick="return confirm('Create Auto Notification?')" type="submit" value="AutoNotify" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /></td>
	<td style="width:100%;text-align:left"><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="15" /><a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#add_auto_notify"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="Auto Notify Help File" /></a><input title="Type email address to send auto notification." type="text" size="36" name="notify_address" $mouseover $changecase /><span class="out">Type address to be notified when $usernameDISPLAY gets mail.</span></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
############################################################## - sub ACL_LIST
    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "1") || ($ACL_ctrl eq "0"))
        &error('This feature is not available in your version of DbMail')
          if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
        &error('This feature has been turned off in the main configuration.')
          if ($ACL_ctrl eq "0");
    my ($owner_idnr);
    my $pubcheck =
        "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='__public__' LIMIT 1"
    if (($PUBLICuserID) = $pubcheck->fetchrow_array)
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("
SELECT $dbmail_users_table.userid, name, user_id, owner_idnr, mailbox_id, lookup_flag, read_flag, $dbmail_acl_table.seen_flag, write_flag, insert_flag, post_flag, create_flag, delete_flag, administer_flag 
FROM $dbmail_acl_table 
JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr=$dbmail_acl_table.user_id
JOIN $dbmail_mailboxes_table on $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr=$dbmail_acl_table.mailbox_id  
ORDER BY $dbmail_users_table.userid");
        while (
                $username,    $name,        $user_id,   $owner_idnr,
                $mailbox_id,  $lookup_flag, $read_flag, $seen_flag,
                $write_flag,  $insert_flag, $post_flag, $create_flag,
                $delete_flag, $administer_flag
               = $sth->fetchrow_array
            $owner_idnr =~ s/$PUBLICuserID/\#Public/g;
            $owner_idnr =~ s/$user_id/$username/g;
            $str .=
              "<tr onmouseover=\"this.className=\'hl\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'dl\';\">
		<td title=\"User ID $user_id\">$username</td>
		<td title=\"Mailbox $mailbox_id\">$owner_idnr\/$name</td><td>$lookup_flag</td><td>$read_flag</td><td>$seen_flag</td><td>$write_flag</td><td>$insert_flag</td><td>$post_flag</td><td>$create_flag</td><td>$delete_flag</td><td>$administer_flag</td></tr>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="width:740px;color:#000090;font-size:70%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="11"><h1><b>DBMA: Access Control List</b><a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='ACL Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#acl"><img style="vertical-align:top;width:18;height:18" src="images/menu_help.jpg" alt="ACL Help" /></a></h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="11">IMAP4 Access Control Lists (ACL's) provide the option to share IMAP folders. The following shows each of the shared folders on your system, to which users have access rights, and what those access rights are. The user 'anyone' applies to everyone on the system. You may see a folder beside 'anyone' and also beside another user's name. This could be done in order to assign a different set of Access Rights (i.e.: Admin SETACL rights allowing remote rights management of the folder) to the single user. You may also see a user name and unique folder which indicates that one of the user's own folders has been shared. That user will need SETACL rights in order to share access rights with other users. Please see "help"</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="11"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:5px" /></td></tr>
	<tr style="background:#ffffc4"><td>User</td><td>Shared Mailbox</td>
	<td title="lookup: mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands ">lookup</td>
	<td title="read: SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL SEARCH, COPY from mailbox ">read</td>
	<td title="seen: keep seen/unseen information across session ">seen</td>
	<td title="write: STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED ">write</td>
	<td title="insert: perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox ">insert</td>
	<td title="post: send mail to submission address for mailbox ">post</td>
	<td title="create: CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation defined hierarchy ">create</td>
	<td title="delete: STORE DELETED flag perform EXPUNGE ">delete</td>
	<td title="administer: perform SETACL ">administer</td></tr>
    print $str if ($str);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="11"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub fetch_shared_folders
sub fetch_shared_folders
    $sth =
        "SELECT mailbox_idnr, name FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table WHERE owner_idnr='$PUBLICuserID'"
    while (($mailbox_idnr, $mailbox_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $public_mailboxes .=
          "	<option value=\"$mailbox_idnr\">\#Public\/$mailbox_name</option>\n";
############################################################## - sub fetch_usr_acl_folders
sub fetch_usr_acl_folders ($)
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT userid, mailbox_id, name FROM $dbmail_acl_table 
JOIN $dbmail_mailboxes_table ON $dbmail_acl_table.mailbox_id = $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr 
JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_mailboxes_table.owner_idnr = $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr 
WHERE user_id ='$userID'"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.69 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not get Public mailboxes";
    while (($username, $mailbox_idnr, $mailbox_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $username     = $username     || "DNA";
        $mailbox_idnr = $mailbox_idnr || "none";
        $mailbox_name = $mailbox_name || "none";
        $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
        $user_mailboxes .=
          "<option value=\"$mailbox_idnr\">$username\/$mailbox_name</option>\n";
        $user_mailboxes =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g;
############################################################## - sub fetch_all_usr_acl_folders
sub fetch_all_usr_acl_folders
    $sth = $dbh->prepare(
        "SELECT userid, mailbox_id, name FROM $dbmail_acl_table 
JOIN $dbmail_mailboxes_table ON $dbmail_acl_table.mailbox_id = $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr 
JOIN $dbmail_users_table ON $dbmail_mailboxes_table.owner_idnr = $dbmail_users_table.user_idnr
GROUP BY $dbmail_users_table.userid, $dbmail_acl_table.mailbox_id, $dbmail_mailboxes_table.mailbox_idnr, $dbmail_mailboxes_table.name"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.69 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Could not get Public mailboxes";
    while (($username, $mailbox_idnr, $mailbox_name) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $username =~ s/__public__/\#Public/;
        $user_mailboxes .=
          "	<option value=\"$mailbox_idnr\">$username\/$mailbox_name</option>\n";
############################################################## - sub prepare_input
sub prepare_input ($)
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    &LIST_Global if ($userID eq "any");
    if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
        $GroupControl = " AND client_idnr = \'$RESTRICTGroupID\'";
        $GroupControl = "";
    if ($userID =~ /^[^@]+@([-\w]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid ='$userID'$GroupControl"
        while (($user_idnr) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $userID       = $user_idnr;
            $myUserIDdata = $userID;
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    elsif ($userID =~ /[A-Za-z0-9\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\_\`\{\|\+\~]/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid LIKE '$userID'$GroupControl"
        while (($user_idnr) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $userID       = $user_idnr;
            $myUserIDdata = $userID;
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        $userID = $FORM{'userID'};
    my (@output, $thename);
    @output = &split($userID);
    my $myUserIDdata = $output[0];
    $myUserIDdata =~ s/[^\w]//g;    #security
    if ($myUserIDdata =~ /([^0-9])/)
        $sth =
            "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid like '$myUserIDdata'"
        while (($user_idnr) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $userID       = $user_idnr;
            $myUserIDdata = $userID;
    $userID =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
    $sth =
        "SELECT client_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID'"
    while (my $rv = $sth->fetchrow_hashref())
        $myClientID = $rv->{'client_idnr'};
        $myGroupID = $myClientID;
        $GroupID   = $myGroupID;
    if ((defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0) && (defined $myClientID > 0))
        unless (defined $RESTRICTGroupID == $myGroupID)
            $errormessage = "Please select another user name.";
############################################################## - sub DBI_drivers
sub DBI_drivers
    my ($driver, @drivers, $perlVersionString);
    print "	<h4>PERL DBI drivers on $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}</h4><ul>";
    @drivers = DBI->available_drivers('quiet');
    foreach $driver (@drivers)
        print "	<li>$driver</li>";
    $perlVersionString = `perl -v`;
      "	</ul><strong>Perl Version</strong>:<small>$perlVersionString</small>";
############################################################## - sub checkrequired
sub checkrequired
    unless ($FORM{'required'})
        return 0;
    $GroupID = $FORM{'GroupID' || $GroupID};
    if ($GroupID =~ /[^0-9]/)
        &error('A group ID may not be an alpha character');
    if (defined $FORM{'GroupID'} eq 0)
        &error('Group 0 (zero) is intended for internal system use only');
    @required = split(/,/, $FORM{'required'});
    foreach $require (@required)
        if (!($FORM{$require}) || $FORM{$require} eq ' ')
            push(@ERROR, $require);
    if (@ERROR)
        &error('Please enter additional information to proceed: ', @ERROR);
############################################################## - sub make_sixty_four
sub make_sixty_four
    my $salt_range =
    my ($v, $n) = @_;
    my $ret = '';
    while (--$n >= 0)
        $ret .= substr($salt_range, $v & 0x3f, 1);
        $v >>= 6;
############################################################## - sub split
sub split
    my ($emailstring) = shift(@_);
    @components = split('@', $emailstring);
    return @components;
############################################################## - sub check_if_RFC_alias
sub check_if_RFC_alias ($)
    if ($bypass eq "1")
        return 1;
    $text         = qr/[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f]/;
    $notwsctlchar = qr/[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]/;
    my ($string) = @_;
    my $dtext = qr/[\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]/;
    $quotedpair = qr/\\$text/;
    my $dcontent              = qr/($dtext|$quotedpair)/;
    my $domain_literal        = qr/\[(${dcontent})*\]/;
    my $myalpha_plus_RFC_char =
    my $myquerytext_char = qr/([\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7e]|$notwsctlchar)/;
    my $myquerytext      = qr/($myquerytext_char|\\$text)*/;
    my $partition     = qr/$myalpha_plus_RFC_char+(\.$myalpha_plus_RFC_char+)*/;
    my $quoted_string = qr/"$myquerytext"/;

    if ($string =~
        return 1;
        push(@ERROR, $string);
        &error('RFC-Illegal email address for: ', @ERROR);
############################################################## - sub perl_crypt
sub perl_crypt
    my ($string) = @_;
    my $salt = join "", (0 .. 9, "A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z")[rand 63, rand 63];
    return crypt($string, $salt);
############################################################## - sub MD5_hash
sub MD5_hash
    my ($string) = @_;
    require Digest::MD5;
    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
    $digest = $md5->hexdigest;
    return $digest;
############################################################## - sub MD5_Encrypt
sub MD5_Encrypt
    my ($pl);
    use Digest::MD5;
    my ($string) = @_;
    my $salt = join "", (0 .. 9, "A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", ".", "/")
      [rand 64, rand 64, rand 64, rand 64, rand 64, rand 64, rand 64, rand 64];
    my $salt_delineate = q/$1$/;
    my $password;
    my $ctx = new Digest::MD5;
    my ($crypt_result) = new Digest::MD5;
    $crypt_result = $crypt_result->digest;

    for ($pl = length($string) ; $pl > 0 ; $pl -= 16)
        $ctx->add(substr($crypt_result, 0, $pl > 16 ? 16 : $pl));
    for ($i = length($string) ; $i ; $i >>= 1)
        if ($i & 1) { $ctx->add(pack("C", 0)); }
        else { $ctx->add(substr($string, 0, 1)); }
    $crypt_result = $ctx->digest;
    for ($i = 0 ; $i < 1000 ; $i++)
        my $ctx1 = new Digest::MD5;
        if ($i & 1) { $ctx1->add($string); }
        else { $ctx1->add(substr($crypt_result, 0, 16)); }
        if ($i % 3) { $ctx1->add($salt); }
        if ($i % 7) { $ctx1->add($string); }
        if ($i & 1) { $ctx1->add(substr($crypt_result, 0, 16)); }
        else { $ctx1->add($string); }
        $crypt_result = $ctx1->digest;
    $password = '';
    $password .=
                      int(unpack("C",   (substr($crypt_result, 0,  1))) << 16) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 6,  1))) << 8) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 12, 1)))),
    $password .=
                      int(unpack("C",   (substr($crypt_result, 1,  1))) << 16) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 7,  1))) << 8) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 13, 1)))),
    $password .=
                      int(unpack("C",   (substr($crypt_result, 2,  1))) << 16) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 8,  1))) << 8) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 14, 1)))),
    $password .=
                      int(unpack("C",   (substr($crypt_result, 3,  1))) << 16) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 9,  1))) << 8) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 15, 1)))),
    $password .=
                      int(unpack("C",   (substr($crypt_result, 4,  1))) << 16) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 10, 1))) << 8) |
                        int(unpack("C", (substr($crypt_result, 5,  1)))),
    $password .=
      make_sixty_four(int(unpack("C", substr($crypt_result, 11, 1))), 2);
    $crypt_result = '';
    $digest       = ($salt_delineate . $salt . q/$/ . $password);
    return $digest;
############################################################## - sub MD5_hash_salt_key
sub MD5_hash_salt_key
    my ($string) = @_;
    use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
    my $key = "$string";
    my $DBMA_RAND_SALT = join "", (0 .. 9, "A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", ".", "/")
      [rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62];
    my $digest = '$1$'
      . $DBMA_RAND_SALT . '/'
      . md5_base64("$DBMA_RAND_SALT/$string/$key");
    return "$digest";
############################################################## - sub compare
sub compare(\$\$)
    my ($a, $b) = @_;
    return 0 unless @$a == @$b;
    for (my $i = 0 ; $i < @$a ; $i++)
        return 0 if $a->[$i] != $b->[$i];
    return 1;
############################################################## - sub char_filt
sub char_filt
    $_[0] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
    $_[0] =~ s/[^\w]//g;
    $_[0] =~ s/ //g;
    return $_[0];
############################################################## - sub filt
sub filt
    $_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
    $_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
    return $_[0];
############################################################## - sub password_tools
sub password_tools
    my $operator = $operator || "";
    my $results  = $results  || "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table width="738px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6">
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="font-size: 12px">The effect of this test tool is visual. It shows what various encrypt methods <em>should look like</em>. You choose your default encryption method not here but from the options &quot;configurations&quot;. Examples:
	<br /><br /> &#149; <b>MD5</b> = <span style="color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF">\&#36;1\&#36;s0yfoqOn\&#36;i6Nr5nPSAhuqxbk.h.EJn/</span> In this MD5 password string, the characters between the 2nd and 3rd &quot;\$&quot; are the 8-chars (maximum) of 'Salt' used to create the RSA password which follows the 3rd &quot;\$&quot;.
	<br /> &#149; <b>md5sum</b> = <span style="color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF">9cd234f150c500d196fbad63d2877bb2</span> or <b>md5 hash</b> is a one-way hash algorithm defined by RFC1321. On the command line type &quot;md5 -s encrypthelp&quot; for identical 128 bit digital signature of the password string.
	<br /> &#149; <b>crypt</b> = <span style="color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF">MBQF2l2BTiTbM</span> or UNIX crypt is based on a DES algorithm with a standard 2-char &quot;salt&quot;. The first two chars define the salt which perturbs the algorithm in one of 4096 different ways.<p>DbMail uses "crypt", "md5" and "md5sum" in addition to clear text (plain). Hopefully this helps you decide your password policies. (For future admin use, SHA1 and MD5hash_key (using salt/string/key) are shown here.)</p></td></tr>
	<tr><td>Password</td><td style="font-size: 10px"><input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="crypt" />crypt<input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="md5" />md5<input type="radio" value="md5sum" name="encrypttype" />md5sum<br /><input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="SHA1" />*<span class="notseen">SHA1</span><input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="MD5_hash_salt_key" />*<span class="notseen">MD5hash_key</span></td>
	<td>$message Results $operator</td></tr><tr><td><p><input type="text" $mouseover value="$password" name="password" size="12" /></p><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="27" /></td><td><input class="c7" type="submit" value="Encrypt" name="submit" /></td><td><input type="text" $mouseover value="$results" size="42" style="bgcolor:#f0f0f0" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3"><br />* <small>DBMA internal admin future use</small></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr>
############################################################## - sub password_encrypt
sub password_encrypt
    my $password = ((&char_filt($FORM{'password'})) || ("encrypthelp"));
    $encrypttype = $encrypttype || "md5sum";
    my $results  = $results || "NULL";
    my $operator = "";
    my $message  = "";
    if (defined $encrypttype =~ /md5sum/)
        $results = &MD5_hash($FORM{'password'});
        $message = "MD5 hash";
    elsif (defined $encrypttype =~ /MD5_hash_salt_key/)
        $results = &MD5_hash_salt_key($FORM{'password'});
        $message = "md5_base64:salt/pass/key";
    elsif (defined $encrypttype =~ /md5/)
        $results = &MD5_Encrypt($FORM{'password'});
        $message = "MD5 8Chars salt";
    elsif (defined $encrypttype =~ /crypt/)
        $results = &perl_crypt($FORM{'password'});
        $message = "crypt";
    elsif (defined $encrypttype =~ /SHA1/)
        $operator = "SHA1";
        $sth      = $dbh->prepare("SELECT $operator('$password');");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.70 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />SHA1 Is unavailable";
        while (($output) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $results = $output;
    elsif (($sqltype =~ /mysql/) && ($encrypttype =~ /md5sum/))
        $operator    = "MD5";
        $message     = "MySQL";
        $encrypttype = "md5sum";
        $sth         = $dbh->prepare("SELECT $operator('$password');");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.71 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed SELECT password.";
        while (($output) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $results = $output;
        $results = &MD5_hash($FORM{'password'});
        $message = "MD5 hash";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table width="738px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6">
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="font-size: 12px">The effect of this test tool is visual. It shows what various encrypt methods <em>should look like</em>. Choose a default encryption method from the options &quot;configurations&quot;. Look at the encrypted string "encrypthelp".
	<br /><br /> &#149; <b>MD5</b> = <span style="color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF">\&#36;1\&#36;s0yfoqOn\&#36;i6Nr5nPSAhuqxbk.h.EJn/</span> In this MD5 password string, the characters between the 2nd and 3rd &quot;\&#36;&quot; are the 8-chars (maximum) of 'Salt' used to create the RSA password which follows the 3rd &quot;\&#36;&quot;.
	<br /> &#149; <b>md5sum</b> = <span style="color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF">9cd234f150c500d196fbad63d2877bb2</span> or <b>md5 hash</b> is a one-way hash algorithm defined by RFC1321. On the command line type &quot;md5 -s encrypthelp&quot; for identical 128 bit digital signature of the password string.
	<br /> &#149; <b>crypt</b> = <span style="color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF">MBQF2l2BTiTbM</span> or UNIX crypt is based on a DES algorithm with a standard 2-char &quot;salt&quot;. The first two chars define the salt which perturbs the algorithm in one of 4096 different ways.<p>DbMail uses "crypt", "md5" and "md5sum" in addition to clear text (plain). Hopefully this helps you decide your password policies. (For future admin use, SHA1 and MD5hash_key (using salt/string/key) are shown here.)</p></td></tr>
	<tr><td>Password</td><td style="font-size: 10px"><input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="crypt" />crypt<input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="md5" />md5<input type="radio" value="md5sum" name="encrypttype" />md5sum<br /><input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="SHA1" />*<span class="notseen">SHA1</span><input type="radio" name="encrypttype" value="MD5_hash_salt_key" />*<span class="notseen">MD5hash_key</span></td>
	<td>$message Results $operator</td></tr><tr><td><p><input type="text" $mouseover value="$password" name="password" size="12" /></p><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="27" /></td><td><input class="c7" type="submit" value="Encrypt" name="submit" /></td><td><input type="text" $mouseover value="
    print $results if $results;
    print <<"DBMA";
" size="42" style="bgcolor:#f0f0f0" /></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3"><br />* <small>DBMA internal admin future use</small></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr>
############################################################## - sub password_generator
sub password_generator
    for ($i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++)
        $list = int(rand 3) + 1;
        if ($list == 1)
            $char = int(rand 7) + 50;
        if ($list == 2)
            $char = int(rand 25) + 65;
        if ($list == 3)
            $char = int(rand 25) + 97;
        $char = chr($char);
        $password .= $char;
    return $password;

# - Forms Errors Warnings and Reports
############################################################## - sub minisearchform
sub minisearchform
    $searchterms =~ s/\</\&\#60\;/g;
    $searchterms =~ s/\>/\&\#62\;/g;
    $searchterms =~ s/\@/\&\#64\;/g;
    $searchterms =~ s/\^/\&\#136\;/g;
    print <<"DBMA";
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="33a" /><input type="hidden" name="userID" value="$userID" /><input type="hidden" name="username" value="$username" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="searchterms" />
	<span style="font-size:10px;color:green">Search header fields only?</span><input type="radio" name="headers_only" value="1" />
	<input type="text" $mouseover name="searchterms" value="$searchterms" style="font-size:11px;background-color:#ffffc4" size="30" title="Enter your search terms. DBMA will search all mailboxes." />
	<input title="Search mail in all $username\'s Mailboxes" type="image" style="vertical-align:top;width:85px;height:18px;vertical-align:top;" src="images/search.gif" />
############################################################## - sub DBMA_Advisor
sub DBMA_Advisor
    my ($noinput, $my_insert);
    my ($message, @message_fields) = @_;
    my $missing_field;
    print <<"DBMA";
    foreach $missing_field (@message_fields)
          "<span style=\"font-weight:600;background:#F8F8FF;color:#800000\">$missing_field</span><br />\n";
    if (   ($message eq "Success! Deleted.")
        || ($message =~ /Congratulations. This step completed successfully/))
        $my_insert = "<small>$version $date</small>\n";
        $my_insert =
          "<span style=\"color:#6a6a95\"><<< </span><a title=\"return to form\" href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Back to form\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" />Back</a>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<br />$my_insert</blockquote></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub error
sub error
    my ($noinput, $my_insert);
    my ($error, @error_fields) = @_;
    my $missing_field;
    print <<"DBMA";
    foreach $missing_field (@error_fields)
          "<span style=\"font-weight:600;background:#F8F8FF;color:#800000\">$missing_field</span><br />\n";
    if (   ($error eq "Success! Deleted.")
        || ($error =~ /Congratulations. This step completed successfully/))
        $my_insert = "<small>$version $date</small>\n";
        $my_insert =
          "<span style=\"color:#6a6a95\"><<< </span><a title=\"return to form\" href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Back to form\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" />Back</a>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<br />$my_insert</blockquote></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub fail
sub fail
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td colspan="6" ><h1 style="color:red">User: $FORM{'userID'} does not exist.</h1><br />$errormessage<h3>Press the button below to add an account for $FORM{'userID'}.</h3></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table><tr><td><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="3" /><input type="hidden" name ="username" value="$FORM{'userID'}" /><input style="background-color: #D6CFDE; color: #5204A5;" type="submit" value="Add User $FORM{'userID'}" name="submit" />
############################################################## - sub exist_in_another_Group
sub exist_in_another_Group
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td colspan="6" ><h1 style="color:red">User: $FORM{'userID'} exists in another Group.</h1><br />$errormessage<h3>&nbsp;</h3></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub protect_sys_accounts
sub protect_sys_accounts
        "SELECT userid, client_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE user_idnr = '$userID'"
    while (($username, $GroupID) = $PROTECTED_SYS_ACCOUNTS->fetchrow_array)
        if (   $username eq "LocalDeliveryAgent"
            || $GroupID == 0
            || $username eq "__\@!internal_delivery_user!\@__"
            || $username eq "_PROTECTED_")
            $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
                '<span style="font-size:120%;color:red">You may not delete a system account.</span>'
            $username =~ s/__\@\!internal_delivery_user\!\@__/_PROTECTED_/;
            $username =~ s/LocalDeliveryAgent/_PROTECTED_/;
############################################################## - sub protect_group_Zero
sub protect_group_Zero
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td colspan="6" ><h1 style="color:red">Administrative limits exceeded.</h1><br />$errormessage<h3>&nbsp;</h3></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub ACL_FORM
    if (($DbMailOldVersion eq "1") || ($ACL_ctrl eq "0"))
        &error('This feature is not available in your version of DbMail')
          if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1");
        &error('This feature has been turned off in the main configuration.')
          if ($ACL_ctrl eq "0");
    $sth =
        "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='anyone' LIMIT 1"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.72 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed PUBLIC Query";
    if (($anyone) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $str1 .=
          "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"anyone\" value=\"$anyone\" />\n";
        $message2 =
          "<span class=\"gr\">the user \"anyone\" does exist. Good.</span>";
        $message2 =
          "<span class=\"rd\">DBMA must create the user \"anyone\".</span>";
    $sth =
        "SELECT user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='__public__' LIMIT 1"
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.73 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Failed __public__ Query";
    if (($PUBLICuserID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $newRQT  = "45";
        $message =
          "<span class=\"gr\">#Public already exists. That's good.</span>";
        $str3 .=
          "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"PUBLICuserID\" value=\"$PUBLICuserID\" />\n";
        $newRQT  = "46";
        $message = "<span class=\"rd\">No \#Public. DBMA will fix that.</span>";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0">
    print $str if ($str);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Access Control List Tools <a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='ACL Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#acl"><img style="vertical-align:top;width:18;height:18" src="images/menu_help.jpg" alt="Auto Notify Help File"></a></h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3">IMAP4 ACLs provide the option to share IMAP
	folders. If you have no shared folders, this is your tool to create them.<br /><i>System check:</i>
	$message and $message2<br />DBMA assigns
	limited user access rights to &quot;anyone&quot;
	(userID $anyone). User access rights are controlled from the User Account Window. You can
	permit users to have higher priviledged access rights or even administration rights.
	Users can share their own folders with one another or share common #Public/folders.
	Read <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#acl">help.</a>
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="$newRQT" />
    print $str1 if ($str1);
    print $str3 if ($str3);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td><h2><b>Create a Shared Folder:</b><input type="text" name="shared_mailbox" value="$shared_mailbox" size="20" /><input type="submit" value="Create Shared Folder" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" onclick="return confirm('CREATE Shared IMAP Folders?')" /></h2></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:8px" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
	<div><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table style="font-size:70%"><tr>
	<td colspan="11">Update user<input type="radio" name="RQT" value="49" checked="checked" />  New<input type="radio" name="RQT" value="50" />Manually update or add user access rights to any shared folders. Enter UserID or User Name. The "$anyone: is "anyone".</td></tr><tr style="background: #ffffc4">
	<td><input type="submit" value="Commit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /></td>
	<td>All Shared Folders<br />#Users & #Public</td>
	<td title="lookup: mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands ">lookup</td>
	<td title="read: SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL SEARCH, COPY from mailbox ">read</td>
	<td title="seen: keep seen/unseen information across session ">seen</td>
	<td title="write: STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED ">write</td>
	<td title="insert: perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox ">insert</td>
	<td title="post: send mail to submission address for mailbox ">post</td>
	<td title="create: CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation defined hierarchy ">create</td>
	<td title="delete: STORE DELETED flag perform EXPUNGE ">delete</td>
	<td title="administer: perform SETACL ">administer</td></tr>
	<tr class="dl"><td title="User ID"><input type="text" value="$anyone" name="userID" size="4" /></td>
	<td title="Shared Public Folders"><select size="1" name="mailbox_idnr">$user_mailboxes</select></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="lookup" size="2" value="1" title="lookup: mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="read" size="2" value="1" title="read: SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL SEARCH, COPY from mailbox " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="seen" size="2" value="1" title="seen: keep seen/unseen information across session " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="write" size="2" value="1" title="write: STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="insert" size="2" value="1" title="insert: perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="post" size="2" value="1" title="post: send mail to submission address for mailbox " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="create" size="2" value="0" title="create: CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation defined hierarchy " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="delete" size="2" value="0" title="delete: STORE DELETED flag perform EXPUNGE " /></td>
	<td><input type="text" style="font-size:9px;cursor:help;" name="administer" size="2" value="0" title="administer: perform SETACL " /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="11"><hr style="color: #d6cfde; HEIGHT: 8px; background: #d6cfde" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
	<div><center><table><tr><td><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><span class="out">Available Public shared folders.</span>
	<select style="font-size:10px" name="mailbox_idnr">$public_mailboxes</select><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="48" />
	<input type="image" value ="submit" src="images/delete.gif" onmouseover="self.status='Delete Shared Folder';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" style="vertical-align:bottom;width:37px;height:14px" title="Delete Folder" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Shared Folder: Are you sure?')" /><span class="out"> If you must delete a #Users/folder, go to the User's Account Window</span></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub mymailform
sub mymailform
    if ($FORM{'mailto'})
        $mymessage =
          "	<b>Go back to account window for <a title=\"Open an account window for $mailto\" href=\"$mythisscript?$mailto\">$mailto</a></b\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
<title>DBMA - DbMail Administrator Sending Email Message</title>
<script type="text/JavaScript">
	<!-- //Copyright 2005 Mike O'Brien Mouse House Creative Technologies
    					function verify() {
    	var subject = document.mail1.subject.value;
    	var mailto = document.mail1.mailto.value;
    	var mailfrom = document.mail1.mailfrom.value;
    	var message = document.mail1.message.value;
    	if (subject.length < 2)
    	alert('Your message should have a subject.');
    	else if (mailfrom.length < 2)
    	alert('To who? A username is fine if your MTA will pass it to DbMail. A full address is better.');
    	else if (mailfrom.length < 3)
    	alert('Who is the message from?');	
    	else if (message.length < 2)
    	alert('Your message is blank. If you wanted that, just enter three characters to avoid this nag.');	
    	else	document.mail1.submit();
// -->
	<div align="center"><form name="mail1" method="post" action="$mythisscript"><center><table>
	<tr><td class="c1" style="width:738px" colspan="2" >Location of the MTA for your DbMail is configured as <b> $SMTP_ServerName </b>. Is that correct?</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2" style="width:738px"><b><a href="$mythisscript">DbMail Administrator (DBMA)</a></b></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c1" style="width:100%" align="right" colspan="2"><small>NOTE: A 'mail to' username alone is fine if your MTA will pass it to DbMail. Otherwise please enter a domain name.</small></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="width:100%">$mymessage</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:100" align="right">Mail to:<input type="hidden" value="28" name="RQT" /> </td><td style="width:600px;text-align:left" align="left">
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase size="45" name="mailto" value="$mailto" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td width="100px" align="right">Mail from:</td><td style="width:600px;text-align:left" align="left">
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase size="45" name="mailfrom" value ="$mailfrom" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:100" align="right">Subject:</td><td style="width:600;text-align:left" align="left">
	<input type="text" $mouseover size="45" name="subject" value="$subject" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:100px" align="right">Message:</td><td style="width:100px;text-align:left"><textarea class="list" cols="60" rows="14" name="message">$message</textarea><a onmouseover="self.status='Sending out an email';return true" onmouseout="self.status='Typing and checking an email';return true" href="javascript:verify();">
	<img alt="Send" border="0" src="images/dbma_send.jpg" width="44px" height="23px" /></a></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><small>You can edit this message in any manner you wish.<br />Caution: Check that you are not sending an unusable encrypted password in this message.<br />Do you have an alternate 'mail-to' address for this user? Important if you have changed a password.</small></td></tr></table></center></form></div>
############################################################## - sub send_mail
sub send_mail
    use Net::SMTP;
    $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($SMTP_ServerName);
    die "Couldn't connect to server" unless $smtp;
    $smtp->datasend("To: $mailto\n");
    $smtp->datasend("From: $mailfrom\n");
    $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
    $smtp->datasend("$onlytime - $version\n\n$message\n");
    print <<"DBMA";
<title>DbMail Administrator (DBMA) Sending Email Message </title>
<script type="text/JavaScript">
<!-- //Copyright 2005 Mike O'Brien
    					function verify() {
    	var subject = document.mail1.subject.value;
    	var mailto = document.mail1.mailto.value;
    	var mailfrom = document.mail1.mailfrom.value;
    	var message = document.mail1.message.value;
	if (subject.length < 2)
    	alert('Your message should have a subject.');
    	else if (mailfrom.length < 2)
    	alert('To who? A username is fine if your MTA will pass it to DbMail. A full address is better.');
    	else if (mailfrom.length < 3)
    	alert('Who is the message from?');	
    	else if (message.length < 2)
    	alert('Your message is blank. If you wanted that, just enter three characters to avoid this nag.');	
    	else	document.mail1.submit();
// -->
	<body><div align="center"><form name="mail1" method="post" action="$mythisscript"><center>
	<table border="0" style="font-family: Trebuchet MS,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; text-align: Center; margin-left: 5px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px"><tr><td class="c1" style="width:738px" colspan="2" >Message Sent</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c1" style="text-align: left;" colspan="2" width="738px"><a title="Go Back to DBMA" href="$mythisscript"><h4>Back to DbMail Administrator (DBMA)</h4></a></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="text-align: left;" colspan="2" width="738px"> <span style="color:#008000;font-weight:bold">OK Your Mail to <a title="Open an account window for $mailto" href="$mythisscript?$mailto">$mailto</a> was sent</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="text-align: left" colspan="2" width="738px"><br />$date</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="text-align: left" colspan="2" width="738px"><b>Send Another Email | Go to account window for <a title="Open an account window for $mailto" href="$mythisscript?$mailto">$mailto</a></b></td></tr>
	<tr><td width="100px" align="right">Mail to:</td><td width="600px" style="text-align:left" align="left">
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="mailto" size="45" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td width="100px" align="right">Mail from:</td><td width="600px" style="text-align:left" align="left">
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="mailfrom" size="45" value="$mailfrom" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td width="100px" align="right">Subject:</td><td width="600px" style="text-align:left" align="left">
	<input type="text" $mouseover name="subject" size="45" value="$subject" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td width="100px" align="right" valign="top">Message:</td><td width="600px" style="text-align:left" align="left"><textarea rows="4" name="message" cols="44">$message</textarea><a onmouseover="self.status='Sending out an email';return true" onmouseout="self.status='Typing and checking an email';return true" href="javascript:verify();">
	<img alt="Send" border="0" src="images/dbma_send.jpg" width="44" height="23" /></td></tr></table></center></form></div>
############################################################## - sub add_user_form_sql RQT3
sub add_user_form_sql
    $password = "";
    for ($i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++)
        $list = int(rand 3) + 1;
        if ($list == 1)
            $char = int(rand 7) + 50;
        if ($list == 2)
            $char = int(rand 25) + 65;
        if ($list == 3)
            $char = int(rand 25) + 97;
        $char = chr($char);
        if ($CFP eq "1")
            $password .= $char;
            $onoffplain = "checked=\"checked\"";
    if (($CFP eq "0") && ($DBMAencrypt =~ /md5sum/))
        $onoffmd5sum = "checked=\"checked\"";
        $encrypttype = "md5sum";
    elsif (($CFP eq "0") && ($DBMAencrypt =~ /crypt/))
        $onoffcrypt  = "checked=\"checked\"";
        $encrypttype = "crypt";
    elsif (($CFP eq "0") && ($DBMAencrypt =~ /md5hash/))
        $onoffhash   = "checked=\"checked\"";
        $encrypttype = "md5";
    elsif ($DBMAencrypt =~ /plain/)
        $onoffplain  = "checked=\"checked\"";
        $encrypttype = " ";
        $onoffplain  = "checked=\"checked\"";
        $encrypttype = " ";
    $| = 1;
    if ($create_first_alias eq "1")
        $newalias   = "$FORM{'username'}\@$defaultdomain";
        $firstalias =
          "	<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$newalias\" name=\"newalias\" size=\"40\" \/>First alias is (above name)\@$defaultdomain\n";
        $firstalias =
          "	<input type=\"text\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'front\';\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'back\';\" name=\"newalias\" size=\"40\" \/>";
    $message =
      "Note:<small>DBMA will automatically encrypt ('md5sum', 'md5', 'crypt') passwords.</small>";
    if ($create_first_alias eq "1")
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0">
	<tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Create (Add) User</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">User Name</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="1" /><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="username" value="" size="20" /></td>
	<td class="c2 c2" rowspan="3">$message</td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Password</td><td class="c2 c2"><input name="password" size="20" value="$password" type="text" $mouseover/><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID,password,username,mailboxsize" /></td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Client (Group) ID</td><td class="c2 c2"><input size="4" value="$defaultGroup_ID" name="GroupID" type="text" $mouseover /></td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Encryption Type</td>
	<td class="c2" colspan="2"><input type="radio" value="md5sum" name="encrypttype" $onoffmd5sum />md5sum<input type="radio" name="encrypttype" $onoffplain />Plain<input type="radio" $onoffcrypt value="crypt" name="encrypttype" />crypt<input type="radio" value="md5" name="encrypttype" $onoffhash />md5</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">MailBox Size</td><td class="c2 c2" colspan="2"><input type="text" size="9" $mouseover name="mailboxsize" value="$defaultmailboxsize"  /></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">Email Address</td><td class="c2 c2" colspan="2">
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0">
	<tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Create (Add) User</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">User Name</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="1" /><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="username" value="$username" size="20" /></td>
	<td class="c2 c2" rowspan="3">$message</td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Password</td><td class="c2 c2"><input name="password" size="20" value="$password" type="text" $mouseover/><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID,password,username,mailboxsize" /></td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Client (Group) ID</td><td class="c2 c2"><input size="4" value="$defaultGroup_ID" name="GroupID" type="text" $mouseover /></td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Encryption Type</td>
	<td class="c2" colspan="2"><input type="radio" value="md5sum" name="encrypttype" $onoffmd5sum />md5sum<input type="radio" name="encrypttype" $onoffplain />Plain<input type="radio" $onoffcrypt value="crypt" name="encrypttype" />crypt<input type="radio" value="md5" name="encrypttype" $onoffhash />md5</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">MailBox Size</td><td class="c2 c2" colspan="2"><input type="text" $mouseover size="9" name="mailboxsize" value="$defaultmailboxsize"  /></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">Email Address</td><td class="c2 c2" colspan="2">
    print $firstalias;
    print <<"DBMA";
	<input title="Create" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo"  type="submit" value="Add New User" name="submit" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr>
    if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID == 0)
        print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td style="font-size:10px"colspan="3">To create open aliases for LAN accounts, like '\@domain.int' you must Force Bypass RFC-Compliant Alias Check <input onmouseover="this.className='caution';self.status='This will force bypass alias checking.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='c11';self.status='DBMA';return true" style="height:20px" type="radio" value="1" name="bypass" />on<input type="radio" value="0" name="bypass" />off
<br />DBMA will display these with Group info in "My Groups" panel as '* \@domain'. <span style="color:black">Note: Possible risks. Know what you are doing.</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:1px" /></td></tr>
    print <<"DBMA";
    if (($stats_on eq "1") && (defined $RESTRICTGroupID == 0))
        print <<"DBMA";
        print <<"DBMA";
	</td><td><small><b>System Domains: </b>To the left is a list of all the domains in this system. In the 'Configurations' windows the Administrator may have asked DBMA to auto-create the alias above using a preset default domain. In the alternative you can cut and paste from here to reduce key presses.</small></td></tr></table></center></div>

#                                               ############# - sub user_form_helper
sub user_form_helper
    print "	<textarea class=\"list\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"40\">";
    @data = <DOMAINDATA>;
    foreach $add_user_form_helper (sort @data)
        print $add_user_form_helper;
    print "</textarea>";
############################################################## - sub create_alias_form_sql
sub create_alias_form_sql
    my $displayusername = $FORM{'displayusername'} || $username || "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post">
	<table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0">
	<tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Insert (Add) Alias</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">User Number or Name</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="6" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="userID,newalias" /><input name="userID" value="$userID" size="20" type="text" $mouseover $changecase />$displayusername</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">Alias</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="newalias" size="40" /></td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input class="c7" type="submit" value="Add Alias" name="submit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
############################################################## - sub add_forward_form_sql RQT14
sub add_forward_form_sql

    my $alias_idnr = $FORM{'alias_idnr'} || "";
    $deliver_to = $FORM{'deliver_to'} || "";
    my $userID = $FORM{'userID'} || "";
    $deliver_from = $FORM{'deliver_from'} || "";
    @output = split('@', $deliver_from);

    $username = $FORM{'username'} || $output[0];
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center>
	<table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738" border="0">
	<tbody><tr><td colspan="3" style="width:728px"><h1>DBMA: Mail Forward</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:113px" colspan="2"><h3>Forward From:</h3></td><td style="width:613px"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="13a" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="deliver_to" /><input type="hidden" name="GroupID" value="$GroupID" /><input type="hidden" name="alias_idnr" value="$alias_idnr" />
	<input name="deliver_from" value="$deliver_from" type="text" $mouseover $changecase size="40" />&nbsp;</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:57px"><h3>To:</h3></td><td style="width:56px"></td><td style=" width:613px" colspan="2"><input name="deliver_to" value="$deliver_to" size="40" type="text" $mouseover $changecase /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="width:728px">Enter an email address, a User ID number or a user name as a "To:" destination. Press "Verify" and DBMA will check if the user name or number exists on the system.</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:113px" colspan="2"><td style="width:613px"><input class="c7" type="submit" value="Verify" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="width:728px"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></form></body></html>

############################################################## - sub edit_forward_form_sql RQT13a
sub edit_forward_form_sql
    my $alias_idnr = $FORM{'alias_idnr'};
    my $userID     = $FORM{'userID'}     || $userID;
    my $username   = $FORM{'username'}   || "";
    $deliver_to = $FORM{'deliver_to'} || "";
    my $deliver_from = $FORM{'deliver_from'} || $deliver_from || "";
    my @is_it_new_output1   = &split($deliver_from);
    my $is_it_new_username1 = $is_it_new_output1[0];

    if ($deliver_from eq "$deliver_to")
            'LOOP!<br />Both "From:" and "To:" email addresses are the same or blank. If you wish to redirect the alias to its user name, simply type the destination user name or number as a "To:" destination.'
    unless (($deliver_from) && ($deliver_to))
    &check_if_RFC_alias($deliver_to) if $deliver_to =~ m/\@/i;
    if ($deliver_from)
        my $sth =
            "SELECT alias_idnr, alias, deliver_to, client_idnr from $dbmail_aliases_table WHERE alias = '$deliver_from'"
        unless ($sth->execute()) { print $DBI::errstr; }
        unless (($alias_idnr, $alias, $deliver_from, $GroupID) = $sth->fetchrow_array())
            push(@MESSAGE, "This alias does not currently exist.");
                'No such alias exists or you have a misspelled mail address. Please enter a valid, existing email address to forward. Or perhaps you intended to create an alias. In that case go to the User Account WIndow and select "MODIFY..."',
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("
SELECT alias_idnr, alias, client_idnr
FROM $dbmail_aliases_table
WHERE $dbmail_aliases_table.alias_idnr = '$alias_idnr'");
        $sth->execute() if ($alias_idnr);
        while (($alias_idnr, $deliver_from, $GroupID) =

            print <<"DBMA";
	<div><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center>
	<table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738" border="0"><tbody><tr><td colspan="4" style="width:728px"><h1>DBMA: Confirm <b>$deliver_from</b> Mail Forward</h1></td></tr>
        <tr><td colspan="4">Press "Commit" and $deliver_from\'s mail will go to the new destination below replacing the current destination.<p><br /></p></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:126"><h3>From</h3> </td><td title="alias_idnr: $alias_idnr" style="width:226"><h3>$deliver_from</h3> </td><td></td><td></td></tr>

            if ($deliver_to =~ m/\@/i)
                print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td style="width:126"><h3>To Address:</h3></td><td style="width:226"><h3>$deliver_to</h3></td>
                  "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\">If this is not what you intended you can go <a title=\"return to form\" href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Back to form\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" /><b>Back</b></a> and edit your addresses.</td></tr>\n";
                print <<"DBMA";
	<td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146"></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:126"><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146">
	<input class="c7" type="submit" value="Commit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$deliver_from" name="deliver_from">
	<input type="hidden" value="$deliver_to" name="deliver_to">
	<input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID">
	<input type="hidden" value="$alias_idnr" name="alias_idnr">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="13b" />
	</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" style="width:728px"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></form></div></body></html>

            elsif ($FORM{'deliver_to'})
                my $deliver_to = $FORM{'deliver_to'};

                $sth =
                    "SELECT userid, user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='$deliver_to' OR user_idnr='$deliver_to' LIMIT 1"

                unless ($sth->execute()) { print $DBI::errstr; }
                if (($username, $userID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                    if ($deliver_to eq $username)
                          "	<tr><td style=\"width:126\"><h3>To</h3> </td><td style=\"width:226\"><h3>$username</h3></td>\n";
                          "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><p><br /><span class=\"nowarn\">You used a user name instead of a \"Deliver To\" email address.</span></td></tr>\n";
                          "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><span class=\"nowarn\">If you continue, this \'forward\' will become an \'alias\' of user: <b>$username</b></p></span></td></tr>\n";
                          "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\">If this is not what you intended you can go <a title=\"return to form\" href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Back to form\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" /><b>Back</b></a> and edit your addresses.</td></tr>\n";

                        print <<"DBMA";
	<td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146"></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:126"><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146">
	<input class="c7" type="submit" value="Commit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$deliver_from" name="deliver_from">
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="deliver_to">
	<input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID">
	<input type="hidden" value="$alias_idnr" name="alias_idnr">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="13b" />
	</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" style="width:728px"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></form></div></body></html>

                    elsif ($deliver_to eq $userID)
                          "	<tr><td style=\"width:126\"><h3>To</h3> </td><td style=\"width:226\"><h3>$username</h3></td>\n";
                          "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><p><br /><span class=\"nowarn\">You used a user number instead of a \"Deliver To\" email address.</span></td></tr>\n";
                          "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><span class=\"nowarn\">If you continue, this \'forward\' will become an \'alias\' of user: <b>$username</b></p></span></td></tr>\n";
                          "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\">If this is not what you intended you can go <a title=\"return to form\" href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Back to form\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" /><b>Back</b></a> and edit your addresses.</td></tr>\n";
                        print <<"DBMA";
	<td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146"></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:126"><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146">
	<input class="c7" type="submit" value="Commit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$deliver_from" name="deliver_from">
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="deliver_to">
	<input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID">
	<input type="hidden" value="$alias_idnr" name="alias_idnr">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="13b" />
	</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" style="width:728px"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></form></div></body></html>

                    $sth->finish if ($sth);

                elsif ($deliver_to)
                    $sth =
                        "SELECT userid, user_idnr FROM $dbmail_users_table WHERE userid='$is_it_new_username1' LIMIT 1"

                    unless ($sth->execute())
                        $errormessage = "$DBI::errstr";
                    if (($username, $userID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                        if ($is_it_new_username1 eq $username)
                              "	<tr><td style=\"width:126\"><h3>To INBOX of</h3> </td><td style=\"width:226\"><h3>$username</h3></td>\n";
                              "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><p><br /><span class=\"nowarn\"><p>You did not enter a \"Deliver To\" email address.</span></td></tr>\n";
                              "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\">If you continue, this \'forward\' will now revert to being an \'alias\' of user: <b>$username</b> and mail addressed to $deliver_from will be stored in $username\'s INBOX</p></td></tr>\n";
                              "	<tr><td colspan=\"4\">If this is not what you intended you can go <a title=\"return to form\" href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Back to form\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" />Back</a> and edit your addresses.</td></tr>\n";

                            print <<"DBMA";
	<td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146"></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:126"><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:226"></td><td style="width:146">
	<input class="c7" type="submit" value="Commit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='clear';" />
	<input type="hidden" value="$deliver_from" name="deliver_from">
	<input type="hidden" value="$userID" name="deliver_to">
	<input type="hidden" value="$GroupID" name="GroupID">
	<input type="hidden" value="$alias_idnr" name="alias_idnr">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="13b" />
	</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" style="width:728px"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></tbody></table></center></form></div></body></html>



        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    @is_it_new_output1   = "";
    $is_it_new_username1 = "";
    undef $deliver_to;
    undef $alias_idnr;
    undef $deliver_from;

############################################################## - sub Forwards_SQL RQT13 and RQT13b (replaces prev)
sub Forwards_SQL ($)
    my $deliver_to   = $FORM{'deliver_to'};
    my $deliver_from = $FORM{'deliver_from'};
    my $alias_idnr   = $FORM{'alias_idnr'};
    if ((defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0) && ($GroupID = $RESTRICTGroupID))
    &check_if_RFC_alias($deliver_to) if $deliver_to =~ m/\@/i;

    # if edit requested do UPDATE
    if ($alias_idnr > 0)
        $sql =
          "UPDATE $dbmail_aliases_table SET deliver_to='$deliver_to', client_idnr='$GroupID' WHERE alias_idnr='$alias_idnr' AND alias='$deliver_from'";
        unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($sql))
            push(@ERROR, $sql);
            &error('Prepare failed for', @ERROR);
        unless ($sth->execute())
            push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
            &error('Execute failed', @ERROR);
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.77 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for FORWARD update";
        $addnewaliases =
          "INSERT INTO $dbmail_aliases_table (alias, deliver_to, client_idnr) VALUES ('$deliver_from', '$deliver_to', '$GroupID')";
        unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($addnewaliases))
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to Execute Addition of forwards for $deliver_from $sth->errstr";
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to Execute Addition of forwards for $deliver_from";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for add $deliver_from forward";
############################################################## - sub add_notify_form_sql RQT16
sub add_notify_form_sql ()
    $notify_address = $notify_address || "";
    my $displayusername = $FORM{'displayusername'} || "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center>
	<table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Insert Auto Notify</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">When UserID <small>(name or number)</small></td><td colspan="2">
	<input type="text" $mouseover $changecase
        name="userID" value="$FORM{'userID'}" size="25" />$displayusername gets a message</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">Notify</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="required" value="userID,notify_address" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="15" /><input name="notify_address" value="$notify_address" size="40" type="text" $mouseover $changecase /></td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input class="c7" type="submit" value="Insert AutoNotify" name="submit" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></center></form></div>
############################################################## - sub delete_notify_form_sql
sub delete_notify_form_sql ($)
    $view_userID = $userID || $FORM{'userID'} || "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0">
	<tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Delete Auto Notify</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c2 c2">User ID Name or Number</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="17" /><input name="userID" value="$view_userID" size="20" type="text" $mouseover $changecase /></td><td class="c2 c2"><input class="c7" type="submit" value="Delete Auto Notification" name="submit" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Notification : Are you sure?')" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="userID" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
############################################################## - sub delete_alias_form_sql
sub delete_alias_form_sql
    $view_userID = $userID || $FORM{'userID'} || "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<body><div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post">
	<table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0">
	<tr><td class="c1" colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Delete Single Alias or Forward</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Enter the full, exact alias.</td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="9" /><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="alias" size="40" /></td><td class="c2 c2"><input onclick="return confirm('DELETE : Are you sure?')" type="submit" value="Delete" name="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><br /><br /><b>Important:</b><br />Best method for deleting FORWARDS or ALIASES is "List All..." (Forwards or Aliases) and use the delete button.</td></tr></tbody></table></form></center></div><br /><br />
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="c1" colspan="3">
	<h1>DBMA: Delete All of a User's Aliases</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="c2 c2">Enter the User Name or ID.</td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="userID" value="$view_userID" size="4" /><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="10" /></td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input type="submit" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Every alias for this user: Are you sure?')" value="Delete All Aliases" name="submit" onmouseover="this.className='warn';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" title="Delete every alias for this user"/>
	</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3"><br /><br /><b>Important:</b> By typing the User's ID number or Name above and
    	pressing "Delete All Aliases" you do a brute force deletion of every "Regular" alias assigned to that account.
    	A more conservative way of deleting ALIASES is to open the User Account Window and select "Modify". From the "Modify User" window, aliases are deleted very specifically by "alias_idnr". In some cases an alias may be owned by the account that created the alias. For example, webmaster\@domain.com may receive all the mail for webmail\@domain.com and own the alias. Going to the "webmail" account will not give you the opportunity to delete the alias. It must be deleted from the "webmaster" account.
    	House accounts like "dns", "privacy", "noc" etc. that forward or 'alias' to a single user
	account may all be owned by the account they are forwarded to. In which case you will need to open theaccount the address <span style="font-family:serif">==></span> points to.
	<tr><td colspan="4"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></td></tr></tbody></table></form></center></div>
############################################################## - sub delete_user_form_sql RQT5
sub delete_user_form_sql
    if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
        my $displayusername = $FORM{'displayusername'} || "";
        $view_userID = $userID || $FORM{'userID'} || "";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Delete User</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td>User ID Number or Name</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="39" /><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase name="userID" value="$view_userID" size="20" />$displayusername</td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input class="c7" onclick="return confirm('DELETE User : Are you sure?')" type="submit" value="Delete User $displayusername" name="submit" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
        my $displayusername = $FORM{'displayusername'} || "";
        $view_userID = $userID  || $FORM{'userID'}  || "";
        $deletegroup = $GroupID || $FORM{'GroupID'} || "";
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Delete User</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td>User ID Number or Name</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="4" /><input type="text" onmouseover="this.className='front';self.status='Delete User';return true" onmouseout="this.className='back';self.status='DBMA';return true" name="userID" value="$view_userID" size="20" />$displayusername</td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input class="c7" onmouseover="this.className='nowarn';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" title="Delete User $displayusername - $view_userID " onclick="return confirm('DELETE User : Are you sure?')" type="submit" value="Delete User $displayusername" name="submit" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
	<div><center><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><table class="c5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px" border="0"><tr><td colspan="3"><h1>DBMA: Delete Entire Group of Users</h1></td></tr>
	<tr><td title="Delete Entire Group of users. Be careful.">Enter Group Number</td><td class="c2 c2"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="40" /><input type="text" onmouseover="this.className='ohoh';self.status='Delete Entire Group Of Users';return true" onmouseout="this.className='back';self.status='DBMA';return true" name="deletegroup" value="$deletegroup" size="20" /></td>
	<td class="c2 c2"><input title="Delete entire group." class="c7" onmouseover="this.className='warn';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" onclick="return confirm('DELETE The Entire Group of Users? : Are you sure? This is permanent.')" type="submit" value="Delete Entire Group" name="submit" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr></table></form></center></div>
############################################################## - sub stats
sub stats
    if ($stats_on eq "1")
        print <<"DBMA";
    <table width="738px" style="font-size:85%; width:738px;border-style:solid;border-color:#d6cfde" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <tr><td style="width:30%"><small>$sqldb on $sqlhost</small><br /><span class="stats" style="font-size:80%;line-height:130%">
        my (
            $db,          $table,  $status_line, $strV,
            $str1,        $str2,   $str2a,       $str2b1,
            $str2b2,      $str2b,  $str2c,       $str2d,
            $str2e,       $str2e2, $str2f,       $str3,
            $table_count, $table_list
        print "Version: ";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT VERSION()");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats1";
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $strV .= "$table\n";
        print $strV    if ($strV);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Table Details
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_users_table");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats2";
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str2a .= "Users:  $table\n";
        print $str2a   if ($str2a);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  How Many Deletes Pending?
        $sth =
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_messages_table WHERE deleted_flag='1' OR status >0"
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error. I looked for the number of deletes pending. Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats2";
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str .= "Deletes pending:  $table\n";
        print $str     if ($str);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Number of aliases
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_aliases_table");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats3";
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str2b .= "Aliases =  $table\n";
        print $str2b   if ($str2b);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Auto Replies
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_auto_replies_table");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats4";
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str2b1 .= "Auto Replies =  $table\n";
        print $str2b1  if ($str2b1);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:   Auto Notifications
        $sth =
                       "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_auto_notifications_table");
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str2b2 .= "Auto Notifications =  $table\n";
        print $str2b2  if ($str2b2);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Recent logins
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_pbsp_table");
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str2f .= "Recent logins =  $table\n";
        print $str2f   if ($str2f);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
        if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "0")
## -STATS:  Mailboxes
            $sth =
              $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_mailboxes_table");
            while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $str2d .= "Mailboxes =  $table\n";
            print $str2d   if ($str2d);
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
            print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Messages
            $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_messages_table");
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.74 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />
$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats5";
            while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $str2c .= "Messages =  $table\n";
            print $str2c   if ($str2c);
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Physical Messages
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_physmessage_table");
        while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str2e2 .= "Physical Messages =  $table\n";
        print $str2e2  if ($str2e2);
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        print "	<br />\n";
## -STATS:  Message Blocks
        if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "0")
            $sth =
              $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $dbmail_messageblks_table");
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $errormessage = "
		ErrorID: $version.err0.75 <br />$DBI::errstr <br />
		$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats6";
            while (($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $str2e .= "Message Blocks =  $table\n";
            print $str2e   if ($str2e);
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
            print "	</span></td>\n";
            print "	</td>";
        print "	</tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><span style=\"font-size:10px\">\n";
        print $errormessage if $errormessage;
        if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "0")
            $check_secs = (stat($DBMA_DATA))[9];
            $write_secs = (stat($DBMA_TIMESTAMP))[9];
            print " DbMail V2.x or newer.";
            print " Data last updated "        if ($sqltype =~ /mysql/);
            print " Domain data last updated " if ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/);
            $value = ($write_secs - $check_secs);
            print " seconds ago.";
            print "\n	</span></td></tr></table></center></div>\n";
        if ($DbMailOldVersion eq "1")
            $check_secs = (stat($DBMA_DATA))[9];
            $write_secs = (stat($DBMA_TIMESTAMP))[9];
            print " Note: DbMail V1.2.11 or older. Consider upgrade to 2.x";
            print " Data last updated "
              if ($sqltype =~ /mysql/);
            print " Domain data last updated " if ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/);
            $value = ($write_secs - $check_secs);
            print " seconds ago.";
            print "\n	</span></td></tr></table></center></div>\n";
        $sth->finish()     if ($sth);
        $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
        print "	</span></td></tr>\n";
        $dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
############################################################## - sub Groups_and_Domains
sub Groups_and_Domains
## -Fetch domains
    $str = "";
    if (($fetch_domains == "1") || ($use_DBMA_MTA_Domains eq "1"))
        $check_secs = (stat($DBMA_DATA))[9];
        $write_secs = (stat($DBMA_TIMESTAMP))[9];
          or die("Can't create DBMA_TIMESTAMP file");
        print TIMESTAMP "$date\n";
        if (($write_secs - $check_secs) > $refresh_rate)
            $sth =
                "SELECT alias from $dbmail_aliases_table ORDER by client_idnr");
            unless ($sth->execute()) { print "Configuration Problem."; }
            while (($alias) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $alias =~ s/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\/\=\?\^]+\@//g;
                $alias =~ s/\@//g;
                $str7 .= "$alias\n";
                open(DOMAINDATA, "> $DBMA_DATA")
                  or die("Can't create DBMA_DATA.DB file?");
                print DOMAINDATA "$str7";
        unlink $DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP;
        open(DOMAINDATA, "$DBMA_DATA");
        @data = <DOMAINDATA>;
        foreach $line (sort @data)
            foreach ($line)
                $count++ unless $seen{$_}++;
        $value = $count + 0;
## - Start building My Domains panel
          "	<td style=\"flush:right\"><small>My Domains:</small><br /><textarea onmouseover=\"this.className=\'statsover\';self.status=\'Total $value Domains\';return true\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'stats\';self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" title=\"$sqlhost has aliases for $value domains\" class=\"stats\" rows=\"12\" cols=\"25\">\n";
        print "Alias Domains:$value\n";
        foreach $line (sort @data)
            foreach ($line)
                next if /^(\s)*$/;
                my $uniquedomain .= $line unless ($line{$_}++);
                print $uniquedomain if $uniquedomain;
                open(TEMPDATA, ">>$DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP")
                  or die("Can't open DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP file");
                print TEMPDATA "$uniquedomain" if $uniquedomain;
## - MTA Domains only
        if ($use_DBMA_MTA_Domains eq "1")
            open(UPDATEDATA, "$Missing_In_SQL_MTA")
              or die("Can't open SQL_MTA Update file");
            @sqldata = <UPDATEDATA>;
            foreach $line (@sqldata)
                my $sqldata .= &filt($line);
                $sth =
                    "INSERT INTO DBMA_MTA (mydestination, transport) VALUES ('$sqldata', '$transport')");
                unless ($dbh->commit())
                    print "Configuration error.";
## - MTA Domains only
        if ($use_DBMA_MTA_Domains eq "1")
            $sth =
                "SELECT mydestination FROM DBMA_MTA ORDER BY DBMA_MTA.mydestination"
            unless ($sth->execute())
                print "You are not fully configured yet\n";
            $numrows = $sth->rows;
            while ((my $mydestination) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $str8 .= "$mydestination\n";
            print "\nMTA Domains:$numrows\n";
            print $str8    if ($str8);
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
            open(SQLDATA, "> $DBMA_SQL_MTA");
            print SQLDATA "$str8" if ($str8);
## - to here
        print "</textarea></td>\n";
## - GroupGet
        my $GroupID_data;
        $sth =
            "SELECT DISTINCT client_idnr from $dbmail_users_table ORDER by client_idnr"
        unless ($sth->execute()) { print $DBI::errstr; }
        $numrows = $sth->rows;
          "	<td style=\"flush:right\"><small>My Groups:</small><br /><textarea onmouseover=\"this.className=\'statsover\';self.status=\'Total $numrows User Groups\';return true\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'stats\';self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" title=\"$sqlhost has $numrows User Groups\" class=\"stats\" rows=\"12\" cols=\"26\">\n";
        print "Total Groups:$numrows\n\n";

        while (($GroupID_data) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            if ($GroupID_data == 0) { $GroupID_data =~ s/0/0 Internal Use/g; }
            $GroupID_data =~ s/$GroupID_data/Group $GroupID_data/g;
            print "$GroupID_data\n";
        print "\n--------------------\nDOMAIN [Group]\n--------------------\n";
        if (($write_secs - $check_secs) > $refresh_rate)
            my $sth =
                "SELECT DISTINCT alias, client_idnr from $dbmail_aliases_table ORDER by client_idnr"
            unless ($sth->execute())
                print $DBI::errstr;
            while (($alias, $GroupID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
                $alias =~ s/^&+//;
                $alias =~ s/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\/\=\?\^]+\@//g;
                $str9 .= "$alias\[$GroupID]\n";
                open(DATA, "> $DBMA_GROUP_DATA")
                  or die("Can't create DBMA_GROUP_DATA.DB file?");
                print DATA "$str9\n";
        open(DATA, "$DBMA_GROUP_DATA");
        @data = <DATA>;
        foreach $line (@data)
            foreach ($line)
                my $uniquedomain .= $line unless ($line{$_}++);
                $uniquedomain =~ s/^\s+//    if $uniquedomain;
                $uniquedomain =~ s/ //g      if $uniquedomain;
                $uniquedomain =~ s/\n\n/\n/g if $uniquedomain;
                $uniquedomain =~ s/\@/WARN:fallback alias\n  *\@/g
                  if $uniquedomain;
                print $uniquedomain if $uniquedomain;
        print "</textarea></td>\n";
############################################################## - sub showstatus
sub showstatus
    $str3 = "";
    $str4 = "";
    undef @row;
    $check_secs = (stat($DBMA_STATS))[9];
    $write_secs = (stat($DBMA_TIMESTAMP))[9];
## -STATS:  Status and connections
    if ($sqltype eq "pgsql")
        print "	<td style=\"width:33%\">";
    elsif (   ($sqltype eq "mysql")
           && (($write_secs - $check_secs) > $refresh_rate))
        print <<"DBMA";
	<td style="flush:right"><small>My DBMS</small><br /><textarea title="My DBMS tables and connections" cols="28" rows="12" class="stats" onmouseover="this.className='statsover';self.status='$sqlhost DBMS Statistics and Processlist';return true" onmouseout="this.className='stats';self.status='DBMA';return true" />

        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLES");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats7";
        while ((@row) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str3 .= "@row\n";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ SHOW PROCESSLIST })
          or die $errormessage =
          "couldn't prepare show process list: " . $dbh->errstr;
        unless ($sth->execute())
            $errormessage =
              "ErrorID: $version.err0.76 <br />$DBI::errstr Failed on a configuration error.  Have you entered the correct DbMail version? -stats8";
        while (my $process = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
            $str4 .= $process->{Host} . "\n";
        open(STATS, "> $DBMA_STATS")
          or die("Can't create DBMA_STATS file");
        print STATS "$str3";
        print STATS "\nCONNECTIONS\n";
        print STATS "$str4" if ($str4);
        print $str3 if ($str3);
        print "\nCONNECTIONS\n";
        print $str4 if ($str4);
        $value = ($write_secs - $check_secs);
        print 'Updated ' . $value . ' secs ago';
        print "</textarea></td>\n";
    elsif (   ($sqltype eq "mysql")
           && (($write_secs - $check_secs) <= $refresh_rate))
          "<td style=\"flush:right\"><small>My DBMS</small><br /><textarea cols=\"30\" rows=\"12\" class=\"stats\" onmouseover=\"this.className=\'statsover\';self.status=\'$sqlhost DBMS Statistics and Processlist\';return true\" onmouseout=\"this.className=\'stats\';self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" />\n";
            local *INPUT;
            open(INPUT, "$DBMA_STATS")
              or warn "$DBMA_STATS not found" && return;
            +print while (<INPUT>);
            close INPUT;
        $value = ($write_secs - $check_secs);
        print 'Updated ' . $value . ' secs ago';
        print "</textarea></td>\n";
############################################################## - sub MTA_Compare_Alias_and_SQL
sub MTA_Compare_Alias_and_SQL
        no warnings 'redefine';
        my $filehash1             = "";
        my $filehash2             = "";
        my $key                   = "";
        my $Not_In_Aliases        = "";
        my $Not_In_SQL            = "";
        my $SQL_and_Aliases_Match = "";
        my %filehash1             = &make_a_hash($DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP);
        my %filehash2             = &make_a_hash($DBMA_SQL_MTA);
          || die "Could not open file $ALIAS_AND_SQL_MATCH : $!";
        open(UPDATEDATA, "> $Missing_In_SQL_MTA")
          || die "Could not open file $Missing_In_SQL_MTA : $!";
        open(NOTINALIASES, "> $Not_Found_In_Aliases")
          || die "Could not open file $Not_Found_In_Aliases : $!";

        for my $key (keys %filehash1)
            if ($filehash2{$key} == 1)
                print ALIASANDSQL "$key\n" if $key;
                print UPDATEDATA "$key\n" if $key;
        for $key (keys %filehash2)
            unless ($filehash1{$key} == 1)
                print NOTINALIASES "$key\n" if $key;
############################################################## - sub make_a_hash
sub make_a_hash
        no warnings 'redefine';
    my $counter;
    my $dir = shift;
    my %filehash;
    open(FILE, "<$dir");
    while (<FILE>)
        chomp $_;
        s/^ *//;
        s/ *$//;
        $filehash{$_} = 1;
    return %filehash;
############################################################## - sub create_DBMA_MTA_Table
sub create_DBMA_MTA_Table
        no warnings 'redefine';
        &connect unless ($dbh);

        if ($sqltype =~ /mysql/)
            $sth =
                "CREATE TABLE DBMA_MTA (mydestination varchar(35) NOT NULL default '', transport varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY mydestination (mydestination)) TYPE=MyISAM"
            unless ($sth->execute())
                push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                    'Unable to create DBMA_MTA table. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            unless ($dbh->commit())
                push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                    'Unable to create DBMA_MTA table. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);

            $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT sender FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS LIMIT 1");
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $sth->finish() if ($sth);
                $sth =
                    "CREATE TABLE DBMA_MTA_ACCESS (myid int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, sender  varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', action  varchar(25) NOT NULL default 'REJECT', PRIMARY KEY  ( myid ),  UNIQUE KEY  sender  ( sender )) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='DBMA MTA access table for white or blacklisting senders' AUTO_INCREMENT=1"
                unless ($sth->execute())
                    push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                        'Unable to create DBMA_MTA_ACCESS You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
                unless ($dbh->commit())
                    push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                        'Unable to create DBMA_MTA_ACCESS You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        if ($sqltype =~ /pgsql/)
            $sth =
                "CREATE TABLE DBMA_MTA (mydestination varchar (35) NOT NULL, transport varchar(128) NOT NULL)"
            unless ($sth->execute())
                push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                    'ERROR 4321-6 Unable to create PgSQL DBMA_MTA table. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            unless ($dbh->commit())
                push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                    'ERROR 4321-7 Unable to create PgSQL DBMA_MTA table. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);
            $sth =
                "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mydestination_DBMA_MTA_ukey ON DBMA_MTA(mydestination)"
            unless ($sth->execute())
                push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                    'ERROR 4321-8 Unable to create PgSQL DBMA_MTA Unique Index. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            unless ($dbh->commit())
                push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                    'ERROR 4321-9 Unable to create PgSQL  DBMA_MTA Unique Index. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
            $sth->finish() if ($sth);

            $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT sender FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS LIMIT 1");
            unless ($sth->execute())
                $sth->finish() if ($sth);

                $sth =
                    "CREATE TABLE DBMA_MTA_ACCESS (sender varchar(128) NOT NULL, action varchar(25) NOT NULL)"
                unless ($sth->execute())
                    push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                        'ERROR 4321-10 Unable to execute PgSQL DBMA_MTA_ACCESS. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
                unless ($dbh->commit())
                    push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                        'Unable to commit PgSQL DBMA_MTA_ACCESS. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
                $sth->finish() if ($sth);
                $sth =
                    "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sender_DBMA_MTA_ACCESS_ukey ON DBMA_MTA_ACCESS(sender)"
                unless ($sth->execute())
                    push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                        'ERROR 4321-11 Unable to create PgSQL DBMA_MTA_ACCESS Unique Index. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
                unless ($dbh->commit())
                    push(@ERROR, $DBI::errstr);
                        'ERROR 4321-12 Unable to create PgSQL DBMA_MTA_ACCESS Unique Index. You cannot use this feature unless this is fixed.',
                $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        open(TIMESTAMP, "> $DBMA_TIMESTAMP")
          or die("Can't create DBMA_TIMESTAMP file");
        print TIMESTAMP "$date";
        $sth =
                "SELECT alias from $dbmail_aliases_table ORDER by client_idnr");
        unless ($sth->execute())
            print $DBI::errstr;
        while (($alias) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $alias =~ s/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\/\=\?\^]+\@//g;
            $alias =~ s/\@//g;
            $str7 .= "$alias\n";
            open(DOMAINDATA, "> $DBMA_DATA")
              or die("Can't create DBMA_DATA.DB file?");
            print DOMAINDATA "$str7";
        unlink $DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP;
        open(DOMAINDATA, "$DBMA_DATA");
        @data = <DOMAINDATA>;
        foreach $line (@data)
            foreach ($line)
                $count++ unless $seen{$_}++;
        $value = $count - 1;
        foreach $line (sort @data)
            foreach ($line)
                my $uniquedomain .= $line unless ($line{$_}++);
                open(TEMPDATA, ">>$DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP")
                  or die("Can't open DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP file");
                print TEMPDATA "$uniquedomain" if $uniquedomain;
        open(TEMPDATA, "$DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP");
        @newdata = <TEMPDATA>;
        foreach $line (sort @newdata)
            my $uniquedomain = &filt($line) if $line;
            $sth =
                "INSERT INTO DBMA_MTA (mydestination, transport) VALUES ('$uniquedomain', '$transport')"
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
             "DBMA has succcessfully created database tables and inserted your MTA domains plus default DBMail LMTPD transports. You may add transport configurations or edit the DbMail LMTPD defaults on a per domain basis if you desire. Please read \"help\" Press GO or the \"MTA\" icon which should now appear at the top right, and check your MTA domains in the My Domains panel before switching over your MTA. You can add more domains from the Configurations window."
        &DBMA_Advisor('Congratulations. This step completed successfully.',
############################################################## - sub edit_MTA_Domains
sub edit_MTA_Domains
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    my $newline      = "";
    my $ifline       = "";
    my $printdomains = "";
    my $fetch_mtas   = "";
    $colortellsastory = $colortellsastory || "#E7FAE8";
    open(NOTINALIASES, "$Not_Found_In_Aliases")
      or die("Can't yet open DB file?");
    @data = <NOTINALIASES>;

    foreach $newline (sort @data)
        $printdomains .= " $newline <span class=\"gr\">|</span>";
        $ifline = ("<i>(Domains not among aliases.)</i></br>\n")
          if ($newline =~ /[a-z0-9]/);
    $fetch_mtas =
        "SELECT DISTINCT mydestination, transport FROM DBMA_MTA ORDER BY DBMA_MTA.mydestination"
    while (($_dom, $_transport) = $fetch_mtas->fetchrow_array)
        $mtas          .= "	<option value=\"$_dom\">$_dom</option>";
        $dom_transport .= "
        <div><form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\"><center><table style=\"width:96%\">
		<tr><td style=\"text-align:left;width:35%\">$_dom</td>
		<td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"add_MTA\" value=\"$_dom\">
		<input type=\"text\" title=\"$_dom\" $mouseover value=\"$_transport\" name=\"transport\" size=\"45\">
		<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"RQT\" value=\"59\"><input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\"
		alt=\"Type your changes and press Edit\" src=\"images/edit.gif\"
		onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Edit Mail Transport\';return true\"
		onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:22px;height:14px\" /></td></tr></table></center></form></div>";

    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory">
	<span style="color:#005A9C;font-size:110%;font-weight:600">MTA Domains and Transports</span></td>
	<td style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" value="55" name ="RQT" />
	<input title="Create MTA Domains Table." type="submit" value="Create DBMA_MTA Tables" style="float:right;border-style:solid;background-color:#FFd9d9; color:#6C0000; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal" onclick="return confirm('This will immediately create MTA database tables for your MTA destination domains, mail transports, and MTA Access. If you have already created MTA_Domains and have entered custom transports and domains for your MTA, they will all be returned to default values after this process has completed. This can be easily edited. The default domains are those within your alias fields. The default transport is the DbMail LMTPD on port 24. Do you wish to proceed?')" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2" style="width:738px">
	<span class="stats"><b>Destination Domains and per-domain Transports:</b> Your MTA should be compiled *--with-XXsql* and configured to use MySQL or PostgreSQL for this to work. The domains stored in the 'DBMA_MTA' table are automatically derived from your aliases. You can manually enter others. If your Mail Transfer Agent is configured to use this DBMA SQL feature (see 'how-to' in <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#use_DBMA_MTA_Domains">MTA HELP</a>), these are the domains for which your MTA accepts mail. 
	<br /><b>Add or Delete Domains:</b> Should a domain continually reappear after deletion, that is your warning that user(s) still have alias(es) on the deprecated domain and apparently expect mail. Remove or update the old alias.
	<br /><b>Mailbox Transport:</b> Each DBMA_MTA destination domain has a transport configuration. The default auto-created is dbmail-lmtpd on port 24. Change it at your discretion to enable the DbMail SMTP daemon or any anti-virus/SPAM/whatever daemon. Edit the transport field displayed beside each domain below. Type what you want and press "edit". If you feel your MTA_Domain list is in error, you may recreate the table as often as needed by pressing the "Create.." button. This will remove custom settings and re-set defaults.
	Please read <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#use_DBMA_MTA_Domains">MTA HELP</a></span></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type ="hidden" name ="RQT" value="54" />
	<select name="delete_MTA" size="1"><option> -- Your MTA Domains -- </option>
    print $mtas if ($mtas);
    print <<"DBMA";
	<input title="Delete MTA Domain" type="image" value ="submit" src="images/delete.gif" onmouseover="self.status=\'Select MTA Domain to delete.\';return true" onmouseout="self.status=\'DBMA\';return true" style="width:37px;height:14px;vertical-align:bottom" /><span class="gr">Domain</span></form></td>
	<td style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type ="hidden" name ="RQT" value="59" /><input type="text" $mouseover name="add_MTA" size="20" $changecase /><input title="ADD MTA Domain" type="submit" value ="Add MTA Domain" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory;text-align:left"><b>Pipe Delimited List: MTA Domains at a Glance</b><br />$ifline $printdomains</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory;text-align:left"><i>(Domains common to aliases and MTA)</i><br />
    @data = <MATCHED>;

    foreach $line (sort @data)
        print " $line  <span class=\"gr\">|</span>";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="2"><span class="gr">Edit MTA Domains / Transports</span>
	<span class="gr" style="color:black">  Note:
	If NOT enabled in your MTA, this has NO EFFECT.</span>

    print $dom_transport if ($dom_transport);
    print "</td></tr>";
    $dom_transport = "";
    undef $dom_transport;
    undef $mtas;
############################################################## - sub GUI_MTA_Domains RQT60
sub GUI_MTA_Domains
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    $colortellsastory = $colortellsastory || "#E7FAE8";
    print <<"DBMA";
<title>DBMA MTA Domains and per-Domain Transports Admin :: Connected to $sqlhost</title>
	<div><center><table style="width:738px"><tbody>
        <tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:11px;color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF;width:738px"> $version ($sqltype) on $server $date.  Please read <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#use_DBMA_MTA_Domains">DBMA MTA HELP</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="font-size: 11px; color: #000090; text-align: right" colspan="3">
	<div><center><table style="font-size: 11px; color: #000090; font-family: sans-serif, arial, helvetica; cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
	<tr><td colspan="2"><h1>DBMA MTA Admin :: Domains and Transports</h1></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><table style="background-color: #d6cfde;font-size: 11px; color: #000090; cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
	<tr><td style="background-color: #d6cfde; text-align: left"><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="61"> <input onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" title="Client Access Table for OKs and REJECTS" type="submit" value="Go to MTA Access"></form></td>
	<td style="background-color: #d6cfde; text-align: right"><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><input onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" title="Return to Main Menu" type="submit" value="Main"></form></td>

      "	<div><center><table style=\"border-style:none;background:#E7FAE8\" >\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr>
    $dom_transport = "";
    undef $dom_transport;
    undef $mtas;

############################################################## - sub delete_MTA_Domains
sub delete_MTA_Domains
    $sth =
      $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM DBMA_MTA WHERE mydestination = '$delete_MTA'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "Error: Unable to delete MTA Domain $delete_MTA.";
    unless ($dbh->commit)
        $errormessage =
          "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: commit FAIL for delete MTA Domain";
    undef $delete_MTA;
############################################################## - sub add_MTA_Domains RQT59
sub add_MTA_Domains
    my $_update;
    $add_MTA =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    if ($add_MTA eq "")

    $sth =
         "SELECT mydestination FROM DBMA_MTA WHERE mydestination = '$add_MTA'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "Could not check if domain exists $DBI::errstr";

    if (   (($mydestination) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        && ($mydestination = $add_MTA))
        $_update =
            "UPDATE DBMA_MTA SET transport = '$transport' WHERE mydestination='$add_MTA'"
        unless ($_update->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to UPDATE MTA Domain $add_MTA. $DBI::errstr";
        $sth->finish()     if ($sth);
        $_update->finish() if ($_update);
        $sth =
            "INSERT INTO DBMA_MTA (mydestination, transport) VALUES ('$add_MTA', '$transport')"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to ADD MTA Domain $add_MTA. $DBI::errstr";
    undef $transport;
    undef $add_MTA;
############################################################## - sub drop_MTA_Table
sub drop_MTA_Table
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("DROP TABLE DBMA_MTA");
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
############################################################## - sub update_MTA_data
sub update_MTA_data
    $sth =
                "SELECT alias from $dbmail_aliases_table ORDER by client_idnr");
    unless ($sth->execute()) { print "Configuration Problem."; }
    while (($alias) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $alias =~ s/[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\/\=\?\^]+\@//g;
        $alias =~ s/\@//g;
        $str7 .= "$alias\n";
        open(DOMAINDATA, "> $DBMA_DATA")
          or die("Can't create DBMA_DATA.DB file?");
        print DOMAINDATA "$str7";
    unlink $DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP;
    @data = <DOMAINDATA>;
    foreach $line (sort @data)
        foreach ($line)
            next if /^(\s)*$/;
            my $uniquedomain .= $line unless ($line{$_}++);
            open(TEMPDATA, ">>$DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP")
              or die("Can't open DBMA_DATA_MTA_TEMP file");
            print TEMPDATA "$uniquedomain" if $uniquedomain;
    $sth =
          "SELECT mydestination FROM DBMA_MTA ORDER BY DBMA_MTA.mydestination");
    unless ($sth->execute())
        print "You are not fully configured yet\n";
    while ((my $mydestination) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        $str6 .= "$mydestination\n";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    open(SQLDATA, "> $DBMA_SQL_MTA");
    print SQLDATA "$str6";
    undef $str6;
    undef $mydestination;

############################################################## - sub GUI_MTA_Access RQT61
sub GUI_MTA_Access ()
    $RQT   = 63               || 0;
    $limit = $FORM{limit}     || 200;
    $LIMIT = ("LIMIT $limit") || 200;
    my $access_search = $FORM{'access_search'} || "";
    my $_sender       = $_sender               || "";
    my $_action       = $_action               || "";

    if (   ($FORM{'access_search'})
        && ($access_search =~ m/[a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]/i))
        $sth =
            "SELECT sender, action FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS WHERE sender = '$access_search' LIMIT 1"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "Failed DBMA_MTA_ACCESS Search $DBI::errstr";
        if (($_sender, $_action) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            my $_sender = $_sender;
            my $_action = $_action;
            my $_sender = "Not found";
            my $_action = "Not found";
    my $show_list = $FORM{'show_list'} || 0;
    my $myid      = $FORM{'myid'}      || "";
    my $listall   = $listall           || "";
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    print <<"DBMA";
<title>DBMA MTA Access Administration :: Connected to $sqlhost</title>
        <tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:11px;color:#6a6a95;background:#F8F8FF;width:738px"> $version ($sqltype) on $server $date. Please read <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#use_DBMA_MTA_Domains">DBMA MTA HELP</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="font-size: 11px; color: #000090; text-align: right" colspan="3">
	<div><center><table style="font-size: 11px; color: #000090; font-family: sans-serif, arial, helvetica; cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
	<tr><td colspan="2"><h1>DBMA MTA Admin :: Access</h1></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><table style="background-color: #d6cfde;font-size: 11px; color: #000090; cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
	<tr><td style="background-color: #d6cfde; text-align: left"><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="60"><input onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" title="Domains and Transports" type="submit" value="Go to MTA Domains"></form></td>
	<td style="background-color: #d6cfde; text-align: right"><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><input onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" title="Return to Main Menu" type="submit" value="Main"></form></td>
    $colortellsastory = $colortellsastory || "#E7FAE8";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8">
	<tr><td><span style="color:#005A9C;font-size:110%;font-weight:600">MTA </span>
	<span style="color: #005A9C; font-size: 110%; font-weight: 600">Access</span><br />
	<span class="stats"><b>A 'Whitelist / Blacklist tool':</b> This is an
	excellent method for fine-grain tuning your MTA access *or* you can rely completely
	on this method for access control in most MTAs, certainly in Postfix and Sendmail.
	Your MTA must be compiled *--with-XXsql* and configured to use MySQL or PostgreSQL.
	If you already use MTA Domains for your destination addresses and or mail transport,
	the appropriate tables for this feature exist.
	If not, please read help and learn how to do this from the configuration window.
	With this tool, you create the 'sender' / 'action' directive for the MTA.
	<br />Please read <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#DBMA_MTA_Access">MTA HELP</a></span></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><table style="font-size:14px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8">
	<tr><td style="background-color: #FFFFC4">Current transports:</td>	

    my ($OKs, $rejects, $other);
    $sth =
      $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS WHERE action = 'Ok'");

    while (($OKs) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        print "
		<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFC4\">Ok = $OKs</td>";

    $sth =
                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS WHERE action = 'REJECT'");
    while (($rejects) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        print "
		<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFC4\">Rejects = $rejects</td>";

    $sth =
        "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS WHERE action = 'reject_unverified'"
    while (($other) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        print "
		<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFC4\">reject_unverified = $other</td>";
    $sth->finish() if ($sth);
    undef $OKs;
    undef $rejects;
    undef $other;

    unless ($_sender =~ m/Not found/i)
        $_sender_ = $_sender || "";
    if ($_sender =~ m/Not found/i)
        $_sender_ = "";

    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center><table style="font-size:10px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8">
	<tr><td><input type="radio" name="action" value="REJECT" /><small>Reject</small></td>	
	<td colspan="2"><input type="text" style="font-face=arial,sans-serif;font-size:9px;background-color:#E7FAE8" name="action" size="20" />Other  <input type="reset" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" value="Clear"></td></td>
	<td colspan="3"> <input type="text" $mouseover name="sender" value="$_sender_" size="35" $changecase />Host or IP</td></tr>
	<tr><td><input type="radio" name="action" value="OK" /><small>OK</small>	
	<td colspan="2"><input type="radio" name="action" value="reject_unverified" /><small>reject_unverified</small></td>
	<td colspan="3"><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="62">
	<input type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" value="Add / Update" name="dbma_mta_access" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr>
	<div><center><table style="font-size:10px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8">		
	<tr><td colspan="3"><form action="$mythisscript" method="post">Search for:<input type ="text" $mouseover size="25" name ="access_search" value="$access_search" $changecase />
	<input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="61" />
	<input type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" value="Search" name="Search" /></form></td>
	<td colspan="2"><form action="$mythisscript" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="61" /><input type="hidden" name ="show_list" value="1" />
	<input type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" class="c7" value="Show List" /> Limit<input type="text" size="4" $mouseover name="limit" value="$limit" /></form></td>

    if ($_sender =~ m/Not Found/i)
        print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="6">Not Found</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:20px" /></td></tr>
        $_sender = "";
        $_action = "";

    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:1px" /></td></tr>

    if (   ($show_list == 0)
        && ($_sender =~ m/[a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]/i)
        && ($_action =~ m/[a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]/i))
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><form action="$mythisscript" method="post"><center><table style="font-size:10px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8">
	<td colspan="1">Sender: $_sender<input type="hidden" value="$_sender" name="sender" /><input type="hidden" name ="RQT" value="63" /><input type="hidden" name ="bypass" value="3" /></td><td colspan="1">$_action</td>
	<td colspan="3"><input type="image" value ="submit" src="images/delete.gif" onmouseover="self.status='Delete Access Entry';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" style="width:37px;height:14px" title="Delete Access" onclick="return confirm('DELETE Access entry?')" />
    if ($show_list == 1)
        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS $LIMIT");
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "Show List failed $DBI::errstr";
        while (($myid, $_sender, $_action) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $listall .= "
		<div><form action=\"$mythisscript\" method=\"post\"><center><table style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8\">
		<td style=\"width:30px\">$myid</td><td style=\"width:250px\">$_sender</td>
		<td style=\"width:250px\">$_action</td>
		<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$myid\" name=\"myid\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$_sender\" name=\"sender\" />
		<input type=\"hidden\" name =\"RQT\" value=\"63\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name =\"bypass\" value=\"3\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name =\"show_list\" value=\"1\" />
		<input type=\"image\" value =\"submit\" src=\"images/delete.gif\" onmouseover=\"self.status=\'Delete Access Entry\';return true\" onmouseout=\"self.status=\'DBMA\';return true\" style=\"width:37px;height:14px\" title=\"Delete Access\" onclick=\"return confirm(\'DELETE Access entry?\')\" />
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="font-size:10px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;width:738px;background-color: #E7FAE8">
	<tr><td style="width:30px">ID</td><td style="width:250px">Sender</td><td style="width:250px">Action</td><td colspan="2">Options</tr>
	<tr><td colspan="6"><hr style="background-color:#D6CFDE; color:#D6CFDE;height:1px" /></td></tr>
        print $listall;

    $_sender = "";
    $_action = "";
    $listall = "";
############################################################## - sub MTA_Access_SQL RQT62
sub MTA_Access_SQL
    my $access_search = $FORM{'access_search'};
    my $_sender       = "";
    my $_action       = "";
    my $sender        = $FORM{'sender'} || "evilhackers.com";
    my $action        = $FORM{'action'} || "reject";
    my $show_list     = $FORM{'show_list'} || 0;
    $sender =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
    $action =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
    $output = $output || "";

    if ($sender eq " ")

    $sth =
                 "SELECT sender FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS WHERE sender = '$sender'");
    unless ($sth->execute)
        $errormessage = "Failed check sender exists $DBI::errstr";

    if (   (($output) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
        && ($output = $sender))
        my $_update =
            "UPDATE DBMA_MTA_ACCESS SET action = '$action' WHERE sender='$sender'"
        unless ($_update->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to UPDATE MTA Domain $sender $DBI::errstr";
        $sth->finish()     if ($sth);
        $_update->finish() if ($_update);
        $sth =
            "INSERT INTO DBMA_MTA_ACCESS (sender, action) VALUES ('$sender', '$action')"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage =
              "Error: Unable to ADD MTA Access $sender. $DBI::errstr";
    undef $action;
    undef $sender;

    if ($show_list == 1)
############################################################## - sub delete_MTA_Access RQT63
sub delete_MTA_Access

    my $myid   = $FORM{'myid'};
    my $sender = $FORM{'sender'};
    my $bypass = $FORM{'bypass'};
    if (($FORM{'sender'}) && ($RQT eq "63") && ($bypass eq "3"))
        $sth =
            "DELETE FROM DBMA_MTA_ACCESS WHERE sender = '$sender' OR myid = '$myid'"
        unless ($sth->execute)
            $errormessage = "Error: Unable to delete MTA Access $sender.";
        unless ($dbh->commit)
            $errormessage =
              "$DBI::errstr <br />Error: Unable to delete MTA Access $sender.";
        undef $sender;
        $sender = "";
        $bypass = "";
    undef $sender;
    $sender = "";
    $bypass = "";
############################################################## - sub DBMA_ConnectStatus
sub DBMA_ConnectStatus ($)
{    # (does some troubleshooting)
    my ($color, $title);
    if ($FORM{'RQT'} eq "24")
        $errormessage =
          "DBMA configuration, options &amp; system info: scroll page to check all. ";
        $color            = "#008000";
        $colortellsastory = "#E7FAE8";
        $title            =
          "<title>CONFIGURATION DETAILS -  (DBMA) DbMail Administrator Connected to $sqlhost from $server</title>";
    elsif ($FORM{'RQT'} eq "29")
        $errormessage =
          "Primary Configuration Changes Made <form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">\n<input class=\"c7\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Try the Database Connection Now?\" /></form>\n";
        $title            = "<title>DBMA Configuration Changes Made</title>";
        $colortellsastory = "#E7FAE8";
        $color            = "#008000";
    elsif ($FORM{'RQT'} eq "30")
        $title        = "<title>DBMA OPTIONS Changes Made</title>";
        $errormessage =
          "OPTIONS changes completed.\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"$mythisscript\">\n<input class=\"c7\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Go to the Main Menu now?\" /></form>";
        $colortellsastory = "#E7FAE8";
        $color            = "#008000";
        $title =
          "<title>CONNECTION ERROR (DBMA) DbMail Administrator Connected to $sqlhost from $server</title>";
        $colortellsastory = "#F0F0F0";
        $color            = "#ff0000";
    print "$title";
    print <<"DBMA";
	</head><body><div><center><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px"><tr><td class="c2" colspan="2">$version on $server [<a  rel="external" href="DBMA_sql_help.htm"><b>Help</b></a>] <span class="c6" style="font-weight:bold">DBMA  ($sqltype) <a href="$mythisscript">Menu </a></span></td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div><center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="color:$color;line-height:120%;font-size:110%;font-weight:bold">$errormessage</td></tr></table></center></div>
	<div class="c6"><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table width="700" style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory">
	<tr><td class="c14"><h3>Primary Configuration</h3></td><td><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="29" /><input type="submit" title="check your configuration" value="Commit DBMA Reconfiguration" name="submit" style="float:right;border-style:solid;background-color:#FFd9d9; color:#6C0000; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$DbMailOldVersion" name="DbMailOldVersion" size="3" />DbMail Version 1.x?</td><td>0=NO 1=YES - DbMail Old Version prior to dbmail_ column prefixes?</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase value="$sqltype" name="sqltype" size="12" />mysql or pgsql</td><td>Database type, mysql or pgsql in lower case.</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$sqluser" name="sqluser" size="12" />Database User</td><td>Name of database user able to log into your DbMail database</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$DBMAcode" name="DBMAcode" size="12" />Database Password</td><td>Database login password</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$sqldb" name="sqldb" size="12" />Name of Database</td><td>The name of your DbMail database</td></tr><tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$sqlhost" name="sqlhost" size="19" />Host Name</td><td>IP address or resolveable host name of database server</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$sql_odd_port" name="sql_odd_port" size="5" /> Port? Blank for default.</td><td>Leave port number blank if standard. Change for non-standard or proxy.</td></tr></table></form></center></div>	
	<div class="c6"><center><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table border="0" width="738px" style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080; background-color: $colortellsastory">
	<tr><td class="c14"><h3>Preset Options</h3></td><td><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="30" /> <input type="submit" title="check your OPTIONS configuration before submitting" value="Commit DBMA OPTIONS" name="submit" style="float:right;border-style:solid;background-color:#FFd9d9; color:#6C0000; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase value="$SMTP_ServerName" name="SMTP_ServerName" size="15" />SMTP Server</td><td>Your DbMail MTA SMTP IP or resolveable host name.</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase value="$admin_address" name="admin_address" size="30" /></td><td>The administrator's email address for user notification mail.</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$defaultmailboxsize" name="defaultmailboxsize" size="12" />Default Mailbox Size</td><td>Default mailbox size for new users.</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$defaultGroup_ID" name="defaultGroup_ID" size="4" />Default Group ID</td><td>Default GroupID where you work most. A starting point. (client_idnr)</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$CFP" name="CFP" size="3" />Generate Password? 1=YES 0=NO</td><td>Do you want DBMA to auto-generate alphanumeric passwords?</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$stats_on" name="stats_on" size="3" />Stats On? 1=YES 0=NO</td><td>DBMA Statistics on or off? (On recommended.)</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$fetch_domains" name="fetch_domains" size="3" />Fetch Domains? 1=YES 0=NO</td><td>Off for systems &#62; 10,000 users or very slow CPUs.</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$refresh_rate" name="refresh_rate" size="3" />Statistics refresh rate in seconds</td><td>Minimize database hits if stats on. Enter seconds (i.e.: 0,300,600)</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$DBMAencrypt" name="DBMAencrypt" size="9" />Default encryption</td><td>Options: 'md5sum', 'crypt', 'md5' or 'plain text.</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover $changecase value="$defaultdomain" name="defaultdomain" size="16" />Default Domain</td><td>Default domain for new accounts. (Recommended. Please enter.)</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$create_first_alias" name="create_first_alias" size="3" />Create First Alias? 1=YES, 0=NO</td><td>Do you want DBMA to create the first alias using the above domain?</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$ACL_ctrl" name="ACL_ctrl" size="3" />Allow ACLs 1=YES, 0=NO</td><td>Provide Administration of ACLs</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$allow_read_mail" name="allow_read_mail" size="3" />Allow Read Mail 1=YES, 0=NO</td><td>Allow Administrator to Read Mail</td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$auto_create_user" name="auto_create_user" size="3" />Auto Create User for New Alias</td><td>If added alias has no user, DBMA creates user with No Access passwd.<a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#auto_create_user">Help</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"><input type="text" $mouseover value="$use_DBMA_MTA_Domains" name="use_DBMA_MTA_Domains" size="3" />Use DBMA MTA Domains 1=YES, 0=NO</td><td>Store MTA domains in MySQL. Do not turn on before reading <a rel="external" href="DBMA_help.htm#use_DBMA_MTA_Domains">Help</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c14"></td><td><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="30" /> <input type="submit" title="check your OPTIONS configuration before submitting" value="Commit DBMA OPTIONS" name="submit" style="float:right;border-style:solid;background-color:#FFd9d9; color:#6C0000; font-family:arial, sans-serif; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal" /></td></tr>
	<div><center><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="738px">
    if ($use_DBMA_MTA_Domains eq "1")
    print "	<tr><td colspan=\"2\">\n";
    if (   ($FORM{'RQT'} ne "24")
        && ($FORM{'RQT'} ne "29")
        && ($FORM{'RQT'} ne "30"))
        print <<"DBMA";
	The following is what, if anything, you submitted.<br />
	<textarea class=\"list\" rows="4" cols="50">
$userID$username $username $password $GroupID $mailboxsize $encrypttype $userID $PUBLICuserID $shared_mailbox $newalias</textarea>
    my $d1 = $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'};
    my $d2 = $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'};
    my $d3 = `whoami`;
    print "	</td></tr>\n";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<tr><td colspan="2"><h4>Server Environment</h4></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="2"><ul><li>Host: $server</li><li>$d1</li>
	<li>Port: $d2</li><li>HTTPD User: $d3</li></ul></td></tr>
    print <<"DBMA";
<tr><td><h3>Is this a new installation? Do you wish to make some Test users?</h3></td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="extra/DBMA_maketestuser.cgi">If DBMA is running on a DbMail host, make some test users (beta).</a><p><br /></p></td></tr></table></center></div>
    if ($FORM{'RQT'} eq "24")
          "	<div class=\"c6\"><center><table><tr><td class=\"gr\"><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><small>&#67;&#111;&#112;&#121;&#114;&#105;&#103;&#104;&#116; &#77;&#105;&#107;&#101; &#97;&#116; &#109;&#111;&#98;&#114;&#105;&#101;&#110;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</small></td></tr></table></center></div>\n";
          "	<div class=\"c6\"><center><table><tr><td class=\"gr\"><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><small>&#67;&#111;&#112;&#121;&#114;&#105;&#103;&#104;&#116; &#77;&#105;&#107;&#101; &#97;&#116; &#109;&#111;&#98;&#114;&#105;&#101;&#110;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;</small></td></tr></table></center></div>\n";
############################################################## - sub create_myDBMA_CONFIG
sub create_myDBMA_CONFIG
    $DbMailOldVersion = $FORM{'DbMailOldVersion'};
    $sqltype          = $FORM{'sqltype'};
    $sqluser          = $FORM{'sqluser'};
    $DBMAcode         = $FORM{'DBMAcode'};
    $sqldb            = $FORM{'sqldb'};
    $sqlhost          = $FORM{'sqlhost'};
    $sql_odd_port     = $FORM{'sql_odd_port'};
    open(CONFIG, "> $myDBMA_CONFIG")
      || die "DBMA can't create $myDBMA_CONFIG\n";
    print CONFIG
############################################################## - sub create_myDBMA_OPTIONS
sub create_myDBMA_OPTIONS
    $create_first_alias   = $FORM{'create_first_alias'};
    $CFP                  = $FORM{'CFP'};
    $defaultdomain        = $FORM{'defaultdomain'};
    $defaultmailboxsize   = $FORM{'defaultmailboxsize'};
    $defaultGroup_ID      = $FORM{'defaultGroup_ID'};
    $DBMAencrypt          = $FORM{'DBMAencrypt'};
    $SMTP_ServerName      = $FORM{'SMTP_ServerName'};
    $admin_address        = $FORM{'admin_address'};
    $DBMAencrypt          = $FORM{'DBMAencrypt'};
    $stats_on             = $FORM{'stats_on'};
    $fetch_domains        = $FORM{'fetch_domains'};
    $refresh_rate         = $FORM{'refresh_rate'};
    $ACL_ctrl             = $FORM{'ACL_ctrl'};
    $allow_read_mail      = $FORM{'allow_read_mail'};
    $auto_create_user     = $FORM{'auto_create_user'};
    $use_DBMA_MTA_Domains = $FORM{'use_DBMA_MTA_Domains'};
    open(OPTIONS, "> $myDBMA_OPTIONS")
      || die "DBMA can't creat $myDBMA_OPTIONS\n";
    print OPTIONS
############################################################## - sub meta
sub meta
    print <<"DBMA";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Last-Modified" content="$date" />
<meta name="author" content="micheal j. o'brien" />
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="DBMA.css" />
<script type ="text/javascript"> <!-- 
		function externalLinks() {
	if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
		var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
		for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++) {
		var anchor = anchors[i];
	if (anchor.getAttribute("href") &&
		anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "external")
		anchor.target = "_blank";
	}	}	window.onload = externalLinks; // --> </script>
############################################################## - sub header
sub header
    $userID =~ s/any//g if $userID;
    print <<"DBMA";
<title>RESULTS:DbMail Administrator (DBMA) connected to $sqlhost from $server</title>
<style type="text/css">
td.c0 a:hover{display: block; margin 0;color:black;text-decoration:underline;background: lime}
td.c0 a{display:block;margin 0}	
td.ad {color:#000090;vertical-align:middle;height:15px;border-radius:4px}	
############################################################## - sub menu
sub menu
    $userID =~ s/any//g if $userID;
    if (   ($use_DBMA_MTA_Domains eq "1")
        && (defined $RESTRICTGroupID < 1))
        $MTA_GUI =
          "	<a href=\"$mythisscript?MTA\"><img src=\"images/MTA.gif\" style=\"border-style:none;width24px;height:17px\" alt=\"MTA Domains GUI\" /></a>\n";
    if (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
          "	<title>$RESTRICTGroupIDName - DbMail Administrator (DBMA) Connected to $sqlhost from $server</title>\n";
          "	<title>DbMail Administrator (DBMA) Connected to $sqlhost from $server</title>\n";
    $MTA_GUI = $MTA_GUI || "";
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color:#F8F8FF;width:738px;font-family:arial;sans-serif;color:#6a6a95;background-color:#F8F8FF;font-size:70%">
	<tr><td style="width:640px">$version ($sqltype) on $server $date</td><td style="float:right;width:130px">
	$MTA_GUI<a href="DBMA_sql_help.htm" rel="external"><img src="images/menu_help.jpg" style="border-style:none;width18px;height:18px" alt="General Help, Installation and Setup." /></a>
	<a rel="external" href="DBMA_logsearch.cgi"><img src="images/log_search.jpg" style="border-style:none;width18px;height:18px" alt="Log Search" /></a> <a rel="external" href="/"><img src="images/DBMA_ico.jpg" style="border-style:none;width18px;height:18px" alt="Updates" /></a>
	<a href="DBMA_help.htm" rel="external"><img src="images/helpico.jpg" style="border-style:none;width18px;height:18px" alt="Menu Help" /></a></td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - sub radio_bar
sub radio_bar ($)
    $userID = $userID || "";
    &connect unless ($dbh);
    undef $str11;
    unless (defined $RESTRICTGroupID > 0)
        $sth =
            "SELECT DISTINCT client_idnr from $dbmail_users_table WHERE client_idnr > '0' ORDER BY client_idnr"
        while (($myGroupID) = $sth->fetchrow_array)
            $str11 .= "	<option value=\"$myGroupID\">$myGroupID</option>\n";
        $sth->finish() if ($sth);
        $str11 =~
          s/\<option value\=\"$GroupID\">/\<option selected value\=\"$GroupID\">/g;
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="background-color:#F8F8FF;"><tr><td style="text-align:left;width:40%"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" />
	<small>User</small> <input onmouseover="this.className='front';self.status='Search for a user and open their Account';return true" onmouseout="this.className='back';self.status='DBMA';return true" type="text" title="Please enter the user ID or name." name="userID" $value="$userID" size="10" $changecase />
	<input title="Search for user" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';self.status='Search for a user and open their Account';return true" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';self.status='DBMA';return true" class="letsgo" value="User Search" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:30%"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" value="all_in_this_group" name="RQT" />
	<select  class="front" onmouseover="this.className='back';self.status='List all the Users for this group.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';self.status='DBMA';return true" title="Select the group to display." name ="GroupID">$str11</select>
	<input  class="letsgo" onmouseover="this.className='clear';self.status='List users in this group.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';self.status='DBMA';return true" title="List All Users in Group" type="submit" value="List Group Users" class="letsgo" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:30%"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript">
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="aliases_in_this_group" />
	<select class="front" onmouseover="this.className='back';self.status='List all the Aliases for this group.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';self.status='DBMA';return true" title="Select the group to display" name ="GroupID">$str11</select>
	<input title="List aliases in Group $GroupID" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';self.status='List the aliases for this group.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';self.status='DBMA';return true" class="letsgo" value="List Group Aliases" />
	<input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" width="738px" style="font-family:sans-serif, arial, helvetica;font-size:11px;background-color:#d6cfde;color:#000090;text-align:right;">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:738px; font-family: sans-serif, arial, helvetica; font-size: 11px; background-color: #d6cfde; color: #000090">
	<tr><td style="color: #FFFFc4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Users <a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#add_user"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="help" /></a></td>
	<td style="color: #FFFFc4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Alias <a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#add_aliases"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="help" /></a></td>
	<td style="color: #FFFFc4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Forward <a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#add_forward"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="help" /></a></td>
	<td style="color: #FFFFc4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Special <a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#add_auto_notify"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="help" /></a></td>
	<td style="color: #FFFFc4; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Global <a rel="external" onmouseover="self.status='Help';return true" onmouseout="self.status='DBMA';return true" href="DBMA_help.htm#list_all_usrs_all_groups"><img class="q" src="images/q.gif" alt="help" /></a></td></tr>
	<tr><td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="3" />Add User</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="7" />Add Aliases</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="14" />Add Forward</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="16" />Add Auto Notify</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="any" />All users all groups</td></tr>
	<tr><td title="Delete Users individually or entire Groups of Users."><input onmouseover="this.className='caution';self.status='This will open a window for deleting users or entire groups.';return true" onmouseout="this.className='c7';self.status='DBMA';return true" type="radio" name="RQT" value="5" />Delete User/Group</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="8" />Delete Aliases</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="8" />Delete Forward</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="18" />Delete Auto Notify</td>
	<td title="Set status 003 for all mail marked for deletion. Delete unattached mailboxes. Mark for deletion orphaned messages."><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="36" />Database Cleanup</td></tr>
	<tr><td><input onmouseover="this.className='go';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" type="radio" name="RQT" value="21" />Email a User</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="19" />List All Aliases</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="20" />List All Forwards</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="22" />List Auto Notifications</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="23" />Logins Last<input type="text" name="loginterval" value="$loginterval" size="1" onmouseover="this.className='sm2';" onmouseout="this.className='sm1';" class="sm1" />hrs</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="5" style="text-align:center"><hr style="background-color:#BDB3CA; color:#BDB3CA;height:4px;width:95%" /></td></tr><tr>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="24" />Configuration<!--<input type="radio" name="RQT" value="60" />MTA--></td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="26" />Encrypt Help </td><!--DBMA Copyright Mike at mobrien.com-->
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="44" />ACL<input type="radio" name="RQT" value="43" />ACList</td>
	<td style="text-align:right">Show <input title="Display how many lines&#63; For thousands use &#34;k&#34;" type="text" value="$limit" name="limit" size="3" onmouseover="this.className='sm2';" onmouseout="this.className='sm1';" class="sm1" /> lines. <input type="submit" title="Press to initiate selected tool." class="c7" value="Go!" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" /></td>
	<td style="text-align:center"><a title="Clear All" href="$mythisscript?makeshortform"><img onmouseover="this.className='clear';self.status='DBMA';return true" onmouseout="this.className='clear';self.status='DBMA';return true" src="images/clear.jpg" alt="Clear all selects and stats. &#40;Clear everything&#41;" style="width:47px;height:22px;border-style:none;vertical-align:top" /></a></td></tr></table></form></td></tr></table></center></div>
        print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table><tr><td style="text-align:left;width:37%"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="2" />
	<small>User</small> <input type="text" $mouseover title="Please enter the user ID or name." name="userID" size="12" $changecase />
	<input title="Search for user" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="User Search" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:31%"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><input type="hidden" value="all_in_this_group" name="RQT" /><small>Group $RESTRICTGroupID</small><input type="hidden" value="$RESTRICTGroupID" name="GroupID" />
	<input title="All Users in Group $RESTRICTGroupID" type="submit" value="List Users" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td>
	<td style="text-align:left;width:31%"><form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><small>Group $RESTRICTGroupID</small><input type="hidden" value="$RESTRICTGroupID" name="GroupID" size="3" />
	<input type="hidden" name="RQT" value="aliases_in_this_group" /><input title="List aliases in Group $RESTRICTGroupID" type="submit" onmouseover="this.className='clear';" onmouseout="this.className='letsgo';" class="letsgo" value="List Aliases" /><input type="hidden" name="required" value="GroupID" /></form></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" width="738px" style="font-family:sans-serif, arial, helvetica;font-size:11px;background-color:#d6cfde;color:#000090;text-align:right;">
	<form method="post" action="$mythisscript"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:738px; font-family: sans-serif, arial, helvetica; font-size: 11px; background-color: #d6cfde; color: #000090">
	<tr><td style="color: #FFFF99; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Users</td>
	<td style="color: #FFFF99; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Aliases</td>
	<td style="color: #FFFF99; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Forwards</td>
	<td style="color: #FFFF99; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Special</td>
	<td style="color: #FFFF99; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold">Admin</td></tr>
	<tr><td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="3" />Add User</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="7" />Add Aliases </td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="14" />Add Forward</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="16" />Add Auto Notify</td>
	<td><input type="radio" name="RQT" value="21" />Email a User</td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="5" style="text-align:center">
	<hr style="background-color:#BDB3CA; color:#BDB3CA;height:4px;width:95%" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c16" colspan="5"><big>$RESTRICTGroupIDName Administration </big></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="c16" colspan="5"><a rel="external" href=\"DBMA_sql_help.htm\" onclick=\"return confirm(\'________________$RESTRICTGroupIDName Help_______________________\\n\\nUSER ADMINISTRATION\\nis done from the user account window.\\nDelete, modify, add aliases, change password and more.\\n\\nTO FIND A USER:\\n\\n1 - Type user name at top left and press *Search*.\\n\\n or \\n\\n2 - Select the user name from a list using *List Users* button\\n\\n\\n Click *OK* for more help or *CANCEL* to close.\')\">Help</a></td></tr>
	<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align:right"></td>
	<td style="text-align:right"><input type="submit" title="Press to initiate selected tool." class="c7" value="Go!" onmouseover="this.className='letsgo';" onmouseout="this.className='c7';" /></td>
	<td style="text-align:center"><a title="Clear All" href="$mythisscript"><img src="images/clear.jpg" alt="Clear. Refresh stats" style="width:47px;height:22px;border-style:none;vertical-align:top" /></a></td></tr></table></form></td></tr></table></center></div>
    undef $userID;
############################################################## - sub restrict_group_help
sub restrict_group_help
    print <<"DBMA";
	<div><center><table style="background-position: top right;background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat;background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);font-size:80%"><tr><td style="width:737px;background:#ffffc4" colspan="2">General Functions for $RESTRICTGroupIDName</td></tr>
	<tr><td width="455"><b>User Search</b></td>
	<td style="width:278px"></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:737px" colspan="2">Enter a user ID number, a user name or an email address and search for that specific user to fetch the account window for that user. This function appears throughout the various GUI windows.</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:455px"><b>List $RESTRICTGroupIDName Users</b></td><td style="width:278px"></td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:737px" colspan="2">This is the primary tool for listing users in the RestrictGroup configuration. Enter the group number to list all users in that group. This function appears throughout the various GUI windows in all versions.</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:455px"><b>List $RESTRICTGroupIDName Aliases</b></td><td style="width:278px"></td></tr>
	<tr><td width="737" colspan="2">Enter the group number to list all aliases in that group (hard-coded in the Restrict Group configuration. This function appears throughout the various GUI windows.</td></tr>
	<tr><td style="width:737px;background:#ffffc4" colspan="2">Users</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:455px"><b>Add User</b></td><td style="width:278px"></td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:737px" colspan="2">Open a user interface for adding users.&nbsp;This function has a number of administratively-set default options which can be configured by your Administrator or service provider. Default presets include auto-generate password, auto-generate alias, group, and password encryption method. FEATURE NOTE: When auto-create alias has been set to &quot;1&quot; in the 'Configuration Options', the 'Add User' interface recycles after typing the user name and pressing &quot;Add New User&quot;. In this manner even a large group of users can be populated into the database in minutes. Otherwise, the Add User function causes a proof-reading and modification window to open with the new data set out.</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:455px"><b>Email A User</b></td><td style="width:278px"></td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:737px" colspan="2">Send an email to any user. Be careful not to send the user an encrypted password. It won't do them any good. This feature allows a notice to be sent to the user when a mail quota has been reset, a password changed, or any administrative function you may wish to advise the user about.</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:737px;background:#ffffc4" colspan="2">Aliases</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:733px" colspan="2"><b>Add Aliases</b><b><br /></b>Opens a user interface to add an alias for a user. This can also be performed from the Modify User Account Window  or from the Group List.</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:737px;background:#ffffc4" colspan="2">Forwards</td></tr>
	<tr><td width="733" colspan="2"><b>Add Forward</b><b><br /></b>Open user interface to add a mail forward. Type the email address to be forwarded and the email address it is to be forwarded to.</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:737px;background:#ffffc4" colspan="2">Mail Notifications</td></tr> 
	<tr><td style="width:733px" colspan="2"><b>Add Auto Notify</b><b><br /></b>Open user interface to add a mail notification for a user.</td></tr></table></center></div>
############################################################## - end
# Copyright 2004-2005 and supported by Mike O'Brien http://library.mobrien.com/e-me.html